Toms Mummy
Hi, Most of what I have read or heard from friends about home birthing tends to involve a pool. Like it's a necessity for a home birth.
I couldn't home birth with my LO as he was 4 weeks early and they were worried that he might not be mature enough... which he wasn't. But I'd really like to try again next time but without a pool. Is this allowed? Do the midwives frown upon it?
If you didn't use a pool was it messy? Where did you have your baby? I like the idea of puting matress down stairs in front of the log burner (if it's winter)
I couldn't home birth with my LO as he was 4 weeks early and they were worried that he might not be mature enough... which he wasn't. But I'd really like to try again next time but without a pool. Is this allowed? Do the midwives frown upon it?
If you didn't use a pool was it messy? Where did you have your baby? I like the idea of puting matress down stairs in front of the log burner (if it's winter)