Well I'm going to have to disagree with most of the ladies at this point. I combo feed my DD with BF and my own home made formula, AGAINST my DD pediatrician wishes. He and I had it out a little, however he got tired of me shutting down his arguments.
First off, I know I am no medical professional, but I would like to share my experience.
At about 3 months, I started giving my DD raw goat milk ( if raw scares you purchase powdered) with added organic coconut oil (which is honestly NOT that expensive) and molasses or agave (organic) to sweeten. Goat Milk is high in protein and sodium, so I waters it down half and half then added my coconut and molasses (or agave, the molasses is only in one or two a day to keep constipation away). I hated pumping, and also I'm not to comfortable with public BF. We attempted store bought formula, and she refused, or would waste most of the bottle, or spit up like crazy, so I just became fed up. She LOVES her goat milk, I have never had her refuse it, even from day one. I purchase all of my milk from state certified farms, so the milk is tested (as per law) for human consumption. I could go on and on about why I love it, but I will highlight a couple of MY beliefs and reasons. Feel free to message me or ask more specific questions if you would like. I do add a dropper of infant vitamins with iron, from Wal-Mart, once a day.
- it's cost effective
- it's fast, grab a frozen milk (put into 'mothers milk' bags) thaw and warm.
- it fules my LOCAL economy
- the first ingredient isn't corn syrup (no joke, read a label on formula one day and saw that, about tossed the can down)
- the baby LOVES it, as I stated before
- no chances of getting recalled formula, as they test the milk at each milking
- Goat Milk is more digestible, and the thought of giving my baby a soy based formula makes my stomach churn.
There are many more reasons, but it's 3am and my eyes are getting heavy and mind blurry. Good luck in whatever you choose, and like I said before, ask me if you have any questions, and I will answer what I can based on our experience
Also, no disrespect or anything to mom's who are FF, it just wasn't going to work for us, so we found something that did.