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Homemade Formula?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2012
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Please don't attack me if this is a horrible idea. My baby is not even hear yet, and I'm planning to try breastfeedig first, so this is not something that would come up right away, but I have found several websites and books that have recipes for homemade formula. Some of them seem to have a lot of success stories. I know at some point I'm going to have to switch to formula becuase of circumstances (around 6 months if not earlier) and I was wondering if it's safe to use these recipes? I generally prefer to make things myself rather than buy them as I like to know what's going into everything, but obviously I don't want to jeapordize my baby's health. Does anyone have any experience with this or any of these recipes? Thanks!!
I've never heard of this before, I would speak to a doctor or something though I think? Assuming it was nutritious enough, and safe enough in terms of bacteria etc my only other concern would be the sheer amount to make, it can be bad enough just making up bottles from pre bought formula :haha: but I think I would try and find a professional to speak to it's not a decision I would make solely on internet research, it's an interesting concept though? :flower:
I have watched alot of videos on YouTube where people have made their own formula. I can't speak on the safety aspect, as I'm not a doctor, and they would be the only person who could make a judgement on that. What I can say though is it looks time consuming and expensive to make. Most of the formulas requiring 15-20 ingredients and a daily batch to be made up. Lots of different powdered vitamin s, minerals, probiotics to be added aswell as expensive fats and oils such as extra virgin coconut oil and the purest olive oil, and also raw milk, which can be pricey and difficult to get hold of.
If you do have to supplement/switch to formula feeding, then maybe an organic shop bought formula would be a good compromise? Xxxx
I'd not attack you but sorry I think it's a horrible idea. I think to take a chance to throw something together in your kitchen is irresponsible at best. There's on going research into baby formula, it's massively monitored and regulated. I'd trust that over some mamma blog that recommends you mix a bit of goats milk with wheatgrass. How are you ever going to be confident that it's nutritionally complete? You can't possibly.

If you believe formula is poison then by all means breastfeed and when you're done breastfeeding try hard to make pumping a success but don't don't give a baby an inferior home concocted milk.
Just remembered someone asking this before so looked back ...

Well it's not from a "mamma blog" the guy is a nutritionist and I never said I believed formula is poison. I just in general prefer to make stuff at home over store bought, which is why I was asking...
Is he a nutritionist that specifically studied the very specific nutritional needs of infants?

Have you seen the ingredient list of homemade formula? It would cost about 10 times the price of store bought. Would you trust yourself to make it in a sterile enough environment? Do you have the money and time to invest in this?

What would the benefit be to your baby making it yourself?

Apologies you didn't say formula is poison.

Eta - https://www.foodinsight.org/Good_Intentions_that_May_Lead_to_Bad_Outcomes_Home_Made_Infant_Formula
Definitely speak to your doctor first, I'd say.

I've never heard of home made formula before, but as PPs have said it sounds quite time consuming and expensive. I'm Not sure what the recipe is that you're looking at but I've done a very quick google search of some of these recipes and some of the ingredients sound a bit scary to me, like raw milk - I really wouldn't want to be giving that to my baby. I think commercial formulas are fine, they're regulated to within an inch of their life so are, in my opinion, perfectly safe.

I know where you're coming from when you say you like to make everything yourself as you know what's going in it. I make all my baby's food from scratch and he has only had jarred baby food a couple of times when I've been unexpectedly caught short at the shops or something. I do that because I think jarred baby food is expensive, tastes bland and is far too smooth (even the stuff for older babies) and I prefer him to eat food with exciting flavours and different textures. But when it comes to formula, I just can't see that there are any benefits to making it at home.
Just sounds like a LOT of work to me tbh. As a PP said you would probably have to make up a new batch quite regularly and I honestly think it's cost a lot more than shop bought formula. It is very closely regulated and well researched. I'd be suggesting just going with regular formula tbh. If you want more info a doctor/paediatrician would be your best bet but I imagine they'll suggest breastfeeding, pumping or regular formula x

ETA- best wishes for the rest of your pregnancy and birth x
I think it sounds like a terrible idea personally, if you won't be able to continue to bf/express then before you look at making formula could you look at donor/buying breastmilk?
Well I'm going to have to disagree with most of the ladies at this point. I combo feed my DD with BF and my own home made formula, AGAINST my DD pediatrician wishes. He and I had it out a little, however he got tired of me shutting down his arguments.

First off, I know I am no medical professional, but I would like to share my experience.

At about 3 months, I started giving my DD raw goat milk ( if raw scares you purchase powdered) with added organic coconut oil (which is honestly NOT that expensive) and molasses or agave (organic) to sweeten. Goat Milk is high in protein and sodium, so I waters it down half and half then added my coconut and molasses (or agave, the molasses is only in one or two a day to keep constipation away). I hated pumping, and also I'm not to comfortable with public BF. We attempted store bought formula, and she refused, or would waste most of the bottle, or spit up like crazy, so I just became fed up. She LOVES her goat milk, I have never had her refuse it, even from day one. I purchase all of my milk from state certified farms, so the milk is tested (as per law) for human consumption. I could go on and on about why I love it, but I will highlight a couple of MY beliefs and reasons. Feel free to message me or ask more specific questions if you would like. I do add a dropper of infant vitamins with iron, from Wal-Mart, once a day.

- it's cost effective
- it's fast, grab a frozen milk (put into 'mothers milk' bags) thaw and warm.
- it fules my LOCAL economy
- the first ingredient isn't corn syrup (no joke, read a label on formula one day and saw that, about tossed the can down)
- the baby LOVES it, as I stated before
- no chances of getting recalled formula, as they test the milk at each milking
- Goat Milk is more digestible, and the thought of giving my baby a soy based formula makes my stomach churn.

There are many more reasons, but it's 3am and my eyes are getting heavy and mind blurry. Good luck in whatever you choose, and like I said before, ask me if you have any questions, and I will answer what I can based on our experience

Also, no disrespect or anything to mom's who are FF, it just wasn't going to work for us, so we found something that did.
Well I'm going to have to disagree with most of the ladies at this point. I combo feed my DD with BF and my own home made formula, AGAINST my DD pediatrician wishes. He and I had it out a little, however he got tired of me shutting down his arguments.

First off, I know I am no medical professional, but I would like to share my experience.

At about 3 months, I started giving my DD raw goat milk ( if raw scares you purchase powdered) with added organic coconut oil (which is honestly NOT that expensive) and molasses or agave (organic) to sweeten. Goat Milk is high in protein and sodium, so I waters it down half and half then added my coconut and molasses (or agave, the molasses is only in one or two a day to keep constipation away). I hated pumping, and also I'm not to comfortable with public BF. We attempted store bought formula, and she refused, or would waste most of the bottle, or spit up like crazy, so I just became fed up. She LOVES her goat milk, I have never had her refuse it, even from day one. I purchase all of my milk from state certified farms, so the milk is tested (as per law) for human consumption. I could go on and on about why I love it, but I will highlight a couple of MY beliefs and reasons. Feel free to message me or ask more specific questions if you would like. I do add a dropper of infant vitamins with iron, from Wal-Mart, once a day.

- it's cost effective
- it's fast, grab a frozen milk (put into 'mothers milk' bags) thaw and warm.
- it fules my LOCAL economy
- the first ingredient isn't corn syrup (no joke, read a label on formula one day and saw that, about tossed the can down)
- the baby LOVES it, as I stated before
- no chances of getting recalled formula, as they test the milk at each milking
- Goat Milk is more digestible, and the thought of giving my baby a soy based formula makes my stomach churn.

There are many more reasons, but it's 3am and my eyes are getting heavy and mind blurry. Good luck in whatever you choose, and like I said before, ask me if you have any questions, and I will answer what I can based on our experience

Also, no disrespect or anything to mom's who are FF, it just wasn't going to work for us, so we found something that did.

I just find it incredibly bizarre you went to all that trouble and go against medical advice because you hate pumping? I'm sure you're aware your breastmilk is much better than anything you can make in a kitchen, I understand why women who have made the choice to formula feed (or who have had to for other reasons) are exploring the concept of home made options that feel more natural (even if I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing myself) but to give your 3 month old goats milk when you have successfully established BF is just....I can't even fathom, it's such a contradiction to me.
Well I'm going to have to disagree with most of the ladies at this point. I combo feed my DD with BF and my own home made formula, AGAINST my DD pediatrician wishes. He and I had it out a little, however he got tired of me shutting down his arguments.

First off, I know I am no medical professional, but I would like to share my experience.

At about 3 months, I started giving my DD raw goat milk ( if raw scares you purchase powdered) with added organic coconut oil (which is honestly NOT that expensive) and molasses or agave (organic) to sweeten. Goat Milk is high in protein and sodium, so I waters it down half and half then added my coconut and molasses (or agave, the molasses is only in one or two a day to keep constipation away). I hated pumping, and also I'm not to comfortable with public BF. We attempted store bought formula, and she refused, or would waste most of the bottle, or spit up like crazy, so I just became fed up. She LOVES her goat milk, I have never had her refuse it, even from day one. I purchase all of my milk from state certified farms, so the milk is tested (as per law) for human consumption. I could go on and on about why I love it, but I will highlight a couple of MY beliefs and reasons. Feel free to message me or ask more specific questions if you would like. I do add a dropper of infant vitamins with iron, from Wal-Mart, once a day.

- it's cost effective
- it's fast, grab a frozen milk (put into 'mothers milk' bags) thaw and warm.
- it fules my LOCAL economy
- the first ingredient isn't corn syrup (no joke, read a label on formula one day and saw that, about tossed the can down)
- the baby LOVES it, as I stated before
- no chances of getting recalled formula, as they test the milk at each milking
- Goat Milk is more digestible, and the thought of giving my baby a soy based formula makes my stomach churn.

There are many more reasons, but it's 3am and my eyes are getting heavy and mind blurry. Good luck in whatever you choose, and like I said before, ask me if you have any questions, and I will answer what I can based on our experience

Also, no disrespect or anything to mom's who are FF, it just wasn't going to work for us, so we found something that did.

I just find it incredibly bizarre you went to all that trouble and go against medical advice because you hate pumping? I'm sure you're aware your breastmilk is much better than anything you can make in a kitchen, I understand why women who have made the choice to formula feed (or who have had to for other reasons) are exploring the concept of home made options that feel more natural (even if I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing myself) but to give your 3 month old goats milk when you have successfully established BF is just....I can't even fathom, it's such a contradiction to me.

Well, actually I didn't talk to the pediatrician until her 6 month appointment, as he asked if we were still BF, so I told him I was doing goat milk too. He didn't like the idea,*but said she was growing and healthy.

Pumping was to time consuming, simple as that, for me to pump 4oz took almost an hour. Perhaps if I had a good pump or my breasts were more willing to let down for the pump, it wouldn't have been an issue. Also, she is still BF, she is latched on as I type. At 8months now she is on a mix of solids, BM, and goat milk. She nurses enough that I still haven't had AF come for a visit (sorry TMI) . I do as much natural as I can, or at least non GMO/organic as possible with her, including cloth diapers, homemade rash cream, ect.

I will never understand why some mother's choose to FF their baby's right off and never considered BF, I simply am happy that the baby is eating, and that if it works for that mom/baby/family, it's the RIGHT choice. Not my choice, but different circumstances and all that.

Also, I don't know where all the idea that I go through 'all the trouble' came from? DH and I both drink and enjoy goat milk as a part of our regular diet, I always have coconut oil in the house that I use to cook/bake with and make my own lotion, and we sweeten our coffee/tea with agave.
I BF for 6 months before switching to formula, I hated expressing too it's a pain in the ass but I wouldnt have given anything else because to me that is like early weaning, the optimum thing for baby's digestion is breast milk (apologies I am aware this is the FF section and everyone does what they feel is best for their child I'm not making any comment on how people choose to feed their babies I'm just responding to this idea of a homemade formula alongside BF) but I don't understand why you are health conscious enough to want to feed your child a natural non human milk when you were successfully breastfeeding, by giving goats milk you have given something the baby's digestive system has been proven can't properly digest until 6 months of age, all because you thought pumping was a pain? That's what I don't comprehend. After 6 months I understand more, but not before. It doesn't matter how natural your home made milk is, it still isnt anywhere as suitable as your breast milk, yet you comment to not understanding why mother's choose an infant milk manufactured with heavy research into infant nutrition? (Sorry I'm aware I probably sound rude I'm really not meaning to be, but I just think the idea is flawed and as I said above, a contradiction).
Honestly I'm sure I can't make you understand, and that's fine, just be assured that my daughter is healthy, happy, growing and hitting her milestones. I made my choice, and she hasn't suffered or gone hungary, I would do it all again, even though it's a somewhat controversial issue.
Well I'm going to have to disagree with most of the ladies at this point. I combo feed my DD with BF and my own home made formula, AGAINST my DD pediatrician wishes. He and I had it out a little, however he got tired of me shutting down his arguments.

First off, I know I am no medical professional, but I would like to share my experience.

At about 3 months, I started giving my DD raw goat milk ( if raw scares you purchase powdered) with added organic coconut oil (which is honestly NOT that expensive) and molasses or agave (organic) to sweeten. Goat Milk is high in protein and sodium, so I waters it down half and half then added my coconut and molasses (or agave, the molasses is only in one or two a day to keep constipation away). I hated pumping, and also I'm not to comfortable with public BF. We attempted store bought formula, and she refused, or would waste most of the bottle, or spit up like crazy, so I just became fed up. She LOVES her goat milk, I have never had her refuse it, even from day one. I purchase all of my milk from state certified farms, so the milk is tested (as per law) for human consumption. I could go on and on about why I love it, but I will highlight a couple of MY beliefs and reasons. Feel free to message me or ask more specific questions if you would like. I do add a dropper of infant vitamins with iron, from Wal-Mart, once a day.

- it's cost effective
- it's fast, grab a frozen milk (put into 'mothers milk' bags) thaw and warm.
- it fules my LOCAL economy
- the first ingredient isn't corn syrup (no joke, read a label on formula one day and saw that, about tossed the can down)
- the baby LOVES it, as I stated before
- no chances of getting recalled formula, as they test the milk at each milking
- Goat Milk is more digestible, and the thought of giving my baby a soy based formula makes my stomach churn.

There are many more reasons, but it's 3am and my eyes are getting heavy and mind blurry. Good luck in whatever you choose, and like I said before, ask me if you have any questions, and I will answer what I can based on our experience

Also, no disrespect or anything to mom's who are FF, it just wasn't going to work for us, so we found something that did.

i love this. yeah she went against medical advice, but don't we all at some point? i get that some people disagree, i couldn't be bothered to be honest, but i totally get why and if it is okay and the baby is healthy, wheres the problem? beside in the minds of the judgemental people who believe everyone should go by the books!!
Paint rider; please don't post in the ff section if you are here to pass judgment on ff ing women. You state that you will never understand women who ff before they bf. Guess I'm one of those evil women who choose to do so. But then again I'm not one to judge women who choose to feed their babies something different than ff or bf. Why do you judge while others are judging you?
Honestly I'm sure I can't make you understand, and that's fine, just be assured that my daughter is healthy, happy, growing and hitting her milestones. I made my choice, and she hasn't suffered or gone hungary, I would do it all again, even though it's a somewhat controversial issue.
You make my point perfectly that I just posted.
I'm not judging you, I understand wanting to be in control of what goes in your food but there is a true danger in making homemade formula.

When it is made in a lab it is quality tested and checked to make sure that the amount of nutrients that your baby needs are in it.

You can buy many types of organic formula that are certified by the USDA if that is your concern, but TBH I don't think making it yourself is safe or a very good idea.

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