We are home schoolers too. My oldest is only 4.5, but I'm firmly in the "unschooling" (natural learners/life learners/child led learning) camp though, so while technically we aren't schooling yet, our life won't be changing so we ARE already home schooling! We won't be touching any curriculum nor do any formal bookwork at all.
I'm in New Zealand. How does it work legally for overseas?? Here, kids tend to start school at 5, but legally they don't have to until 6. To home school, I have to apply to the Ministry of Education when my son is between 5 and 6 (they won't accept it prior to five, and it must be in before he's six).
The application is lengthy and involved, requiring me to very explicitly explain how I will teach my child as well and as often as if he were in a registered school. They frequently request more info, often dragging the process out for some months.
Once my application is processed and they're happy with it, I get an exemption to home school him. I will have to apply again for every child as they come of age.
Twice a year the MoE will mail me a form to sign and return that merely confirms I'm still home schooling, and they will then put through the small twice-yearly allowance they give to home schoolers. Other than that, I'm left to do as I please! Very occasionally they do an audit on a family, but it's literally a few families in the whole country a year. It's involved process then too, but once done you're left alone again.