So we've been trying ttc our first baby and it's not going well. We've had some problems with bad luck (our first being an ectopic) and the last two miscarrying at 5 and 7 weeks because of my hormones. Took the doctors a year of us ttc to realise there was something very very wrong and work out it was because I'd stopped producing progesterone due to a v.bad illness I'd had six month before we started trying again.
Anywho, been doing various hormonal treatments and the gyno despaired of me, stuck me on HRT in hopes that my poor messed up bod would stop actively rejecting progesterone and told me if it didn't work we'd have to go surgical and have the 'broken' ovary removed and if that didn't work then it'd have to be a hysterectomy. Needless to say, at 23 I wasn't a happy bunny!
Miracles though, I started producing all of my own accord. Something several experts had been promising me I was incapable of doing due to my illness and the damage I'd received from it. She took me off the HRT and let me fly solo to see how it worked.
I've been using BBT and OPK's to track my cycle and was ecstatic to see my temps were really stable (they'd previously been zigzagging 0.2-0.5c a day). I ovulated on the 19th cycle day, this was confirmed with the OPK, my BBT the next day and the ovulation pains I had on the 19th. Since then I've had symptoms that I was trying not to get too over excited about: tiredness, breast pain, breasts that are growing larger by the day (since then I've gone up an inch), sore nipples, nausea sometimes in the mornings, a constant need to pee, spot from about 4/5 dpo, (TMI warning) the last few days I've had a thick, sticky/creamy cm and a ongoing case of the angries and weepies.
My BBT has dipped twice, once on 4dpo and once on 6dpo where I'd had cramping pains exactly like AF, and spotting on both days. Since then my BBT has risen everyday. Now I'm at 15dpo and very confused because I got myself all excited being 'late' and took a HPT and it was negative. Admittedly I took it in the afternoon but I didn't think it'd make that much difference.
Have I gone insane to think that this was all very promising? Do you ladies think my body is messing up again? Sorry for the long post, but I thought I should explain it properly because I'm really confused and a little scared that everything is going wrong again :'(
Anywho, been doing various hormonal treatments and the gyno despaired of me, stuck me on HRT in hopes that my poor messed up bod would stop actively rejecting progesterone and told me if it didn't work we'd have to go surgical and have the 'broken' ovary removed and if that didn't work then it'd have to be a hysterectomy. Needless to say, at 23 I wasn't a happy bunny!
Miracles though, I started producing all of my own accord. Something several experts had been promising me I was incapable of doing due to my illness and the damage I'd received from it. She took me off the HRT and let me fly solo to see how it worked.
I've been using BBT and OPK's to track my cycle and was ecstatic to see my temps were really stable (they'd previously been zigzagging 0.2-0.5c a day). I ovulated on the 19th cycle day, this was confirmed with the OPK, my BBT the next day and the ovulation pains I had on the 19th. Since then I've had symptoms that I was trying not to get too over excited about: tiredness, breast pain, breasts that are growing larger by the day (since then I've gone up an inch), sore nipples, nausea sometimes in the mornings, a constant need to pee, spot from about 4/5 dpo, (TMI warning) the last few days I've had a thick, sticky/creamy cm and a ongoing case of the angries and weepies.
My BBT has dipped twice, once on 4dpo and once on 6dpo where I'd had cramping pains exactly like AF, and spotting on both days. Since then my BBT has risen everyday. Now I'm at 15dpo and very confused because I got myself all excited being 'late' and took a HPT and it was negative. Admittedly I took it in the afternoon but I didn't think it'd make that much difference.
Have I gone insane to think that this was all very promising? Do you ladies think my body is messing up again? Sorry for the long post, but I thought I should explain it properly because I'm really confused and a little scared that everything is going wrong again :'(