Hey all, im just after some advice, as i have no idea were to start and what to do? Im 20 and me and Kian are living with my mum, dad + brother, im no longer with FOB and he doesnt offer any financial support whatsoever. I said id stay with them for the support and until I was settled and knew what i was doing with Kian, but now i've had enough and feel i need 'our' own space. At the moment im getting on fine financially, but i no i wont be able to afford to rent and pay bills etc. At the moment my income is my maternity leave (im a nursery nurse and until i started mat leave i wored full time 37 hpw but its not the best wage) and my child/working tax credits, and child benifit. When i go bac to work, im not sure yet if it will be full or part time, but Kian will be going to nursery so i will have to pay his nursery fees also. Ive no idea what or who i would need to speak to regarging getting somewere to live, or if thers anything i could claim to help us financially? Has anyone got any advice Thanks in advance. xx