My dd is 8 weeks old and has a vague pattern to her day....
She usually goes to bed about 10pm or between 930-11pm. Typically she will do a 4hr stretch then either a 3&2 hour stretch or 2hourly. In the daytime there is little consistency. She is usually awake 630/7ish for a bit and likes longer naps in the morning but may feed every 1-2hrs. She catnaps throughout the afternoon and evening.
She usually goes to bed about 10pm or between 930-11pm. Typically she will do a 4hr stretch then either a 3&2 hour stretch or 2hourly. In the daytime there is little consistency. She is usually awake 630/7ish for a bit and likes longer naps in the morning but may feed every 1-2hrs. She catnaps throughout the afternoon and evening.