How did you feel physically after your loss?


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
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Just a question really, as I feel so I could literally sleep for 24 hours & still be tired!

I feel a little like a cold is starting but felt like that for a week....its mainly in mu sinus & bit of a dull headache.

I dont know if the tiredness is to do with the blood loss & vital vitamins/iron etc after the labour? I know that the midwife who took my blood pressure mentioned my blood pressure had dropped quite a lot after I had him, and then when they took it again in the morning it was lower still (but a different midwife did it). Could this be anything to do it it?

I felt very woozy yesterday when I was doing the housework (it is the most I have done since all this happened) and felt very shaky, so much so I accidently dropped a mug and it smashed.

If this is normal then thats fine. It could be my emotions are draining me. I dont want to bother a doctor.......but wondered how you guys all felt afterwards?

I was quite poorly afterwards - I was anaemic, had low bp and retained products which led to a collapse at home a week after, and I had to have a D&E. Are you still bleeding, and did they scan to check everything was clear?

It could be low iron, and you might need to up the iron dose, or low bp, or both. Drink lots of fluid - when my bp dropped and I collapsed, I had to have litres of fluid put into me via drip to try to get my bp back up.

Take it easy with housework - you should be resting too! xx:hugs::hugs:
Maybe i'll get OH to pick up some iron tablets for me. I do keep feeling quite dizzy & feel really thirsty, so its strange that you say about the fluids.

Yes I am still they didnt scan me to check everything is gone, I assume it had because they usually check the placenta is complete after birth and they didnt say it wasnt.

Maybe I'll wait until the morning & get a doctors appointment & see what he says. I dont want to make myself worse, I want to get back to my normal self as quick as I can, as all this sitting around is doing my head in! I dont even feel well enough to take my dogs around the block!

Thanks for your response!x
Physically I was fine, I gave birth at 20 weeks. All my first 3 boys were easy deliveries and I was up and around right away, with Ava she came so fast and my body just didn't hurt at all. My heart was broken I just slept in bed and cried for weeks :cry::cry::cry::cry: it was awful. As far as me physically I have a very high tolerance for pain, so that part was nothing compared to the emotional part for me..
Maybe i'll get OH to pick up some iron tablets for me. I do keep feeling quite dizzy & feel really thirsty, so its strange that you say about the fluids.

Yes I am still they didnt scan me to check everything is gone, I assume it had because they usually check the placenta is complete after birth and they didnt say it wasnt.

Maybe I'll wait until the morning & get a doctors appointment & see what he says. I dont want to make myself worse, I want to get back to my normal self as quick as I can, as all this sitting around is doing my head in! I dont even feel well enough to take my dogs around the block!

Thanks for your response!x

I certainly think it's worth getting checked out to make sure you're ok. Are you having cramps? I was having terrible cramps as my uterus was trying to get rid of what was in there and just couldn't. But it doesn't always follow that you have pain with retained products.

I remember asking the nurses if the placenta was complete as soon as I delivered it, and they said it looked that way, but in fact I was passing quite large pieces of it over the next week, and when they scanned me when I went back in after collapsing there was loads left behind.

I was pretty shocked that there were no medical checks afterwards, to be honest. After I had my first two children, the doctor, and midwife would come to visit, check my tummy, make sure everything was going back to normal etc. I really don't understand why this wasn't treated the same way. It is still a birth process, with all the aftercare that is needed for it. Yet after a loss, they seem to abandon you. My 8 week follow (which I had to chase up after 10 weeks) was just a discussion about results and future pregnancies, nothing to do with my health post birth.

Anyway, just think it's worth making sure you're getting back to full health properly x:hugs:
I think its total crap the way we get treated actually now you say this. I was sent home after the midwife sounding quite worried that my BP was quite low.....and they didnt do any further checks that all was gone. I've not really had cramps, just a few little pains here and there but nothing 'crampy.'

We have still given birth & infact its been more traumatic as we havent had our babies to take home! You would think the aftercare would be better. I think I will make an appointment tomorrow, hopefully they send me to get checked out - I dont want to end up with stuff still in there....I wanna feel well again.

Thanks for your advice x
I've got to say I was tired afterwards, and was prescribed iron tablets on discharge from hospital (I had lost alot of blood, and was also on a fluid drip overnight). I think I could have slept for ages too.

I had a d&c after delivery because of the blood loss and problems delivering the placenta, so didn't bleed too heavy afterwards, although it lasted for 2-3 weeks. I know people told me I looked really pale for a week or so. (I wasn't that bothered on how I looked)

Symptoms soon got better though.

I would get yourself checked out just incase. The worries won't go until you do.

Take care..

love and hugs xxx :hugs::hugs:
Physically I felt very tired and sore (I was in labor for over 36 hours). My back hurt from where the epidural was. I also felt very weak. I think the emotional exhaustion and crying took a physical toll as well.

All of my labwork was normal though, no anemia or anything. Blood pressure and temperature has also been normal. I was able to deliver Mateo naturally and the placenta as well so I really was quite lucky in having no major complications.

I hope you feel better soon...right after Mateo was born I kind of felt like...haven't I been through enough?!
could still be heightened hormones.. i was monitored for hormones for weeks. mine went down so slowly.. and i stayed crampy and nauseous and emotional and hungry and tired.. hope everything physical starts getting better soon love<3
I felt very tired after I had my baby, but I think it was more the emotional side of things taking its toll, along with the fact that for about a week i didn't really go anywhere or do anything, which meant I didn't need any energy. When I did start to leave the house a bit, I found my whole body ached, especially my legs, as none of my muscles had been used for so long. I think its totally normal to feel exhausted but do ask a doctor if you're worried :hugs:
I felt totally drained as well but I'd been on bed-rest for 6 days and had hardly moved so I don't think that helped. I know my iron levels were fine but I could have slept and slept. I think it was mainly emotional for me, I do tend to want to go to ground and sleep if I'm depressed etc. I think mentally it's so tough and there is all the why's and wherefor's flying around your head and all the crying and grief it's no wonder you are exhausted. having said that I think you should go and get checked out to ease your mind anyway and to rule aut anything physical, the low BP should have been followed up, I should have thought.

I hope you feel better soon hun. xxx
I was very tired for at least week, and literally found walking from the bed to the sofa a drain. I was also on antibiotics as my placenta was manually removed which caused me to get thrush (oh the joy of being a woman!!!) so just felt so naff for ages. I do know that my blood count was still a little down 4 weeks after having bud as it showed up in a routine blood test. You have to think that our bodies have been through something so awful usually in a short period of time (i was induced) its going to take its time getting back to normal.

I hope you feel better soon xxxxxxxx
Bride2b- like you I felt so tired, some women say they can't sleep afterwards but I could have slept 24 hours a day. I lost alot of blood and my haemoglobin levels were quite low so that contributed to it but the doctor also told me that extreme tiredness is part of the grief process also. I think for me while I was asleep was the only time I wasn't thinking about it 24/7. Saying that though I did get bad dreams and would wake up knowing that I was thinking about it as it was in my head the second I woke up.

I had quite bad cramps afterwards also but they faded after a while. I was getting headaches all the time aswell and I read that that has something to do with hormones.
Just a question really, as I feel so I could literally sleep for 24 hours & still be tired!

I feel a little like a cold is starting but felt like that for a week....its mainly in mu sinus & bit of a dull headache.

I dont know if the tiredness is to do with the blood loss & vital vitamins/iron etc after the labour? I know that the midwife who took my blood pressure mentioned my blood pressure had dropped quite a lot after I had him, and then when they took it again in the morning it was lower still (but a different midwife did it). Could this be anything to do it it?

I felt very woozy yesterday when I was doing the housework (it is the most I have done since all this happened) and felt very shaky, so much so I accidently dropped a mug and it smashed.

If this is normal then thats fine. It could be my emotions are draining me. I dont want to bother a doctor.......but wondered how you guys all felt afterwards?


You might be feeling woozy because you are moving around and not just laying in bed anymore, I feel the same way. I know it's hard to not do housework and normal things, I know I'm having a hard time just sitting or laying not doing much because it is making me feel worthless, but I know it is necessary to build our strength back up and if I don't have physical strength then there is no way I can accomplish mental stability. We did go through labor like normal and our bodies have been put through a lot of trauma. Iron tablets will help you.

Also, if you think you might have some retained placenta you should get a sonogram to get it checked. Right after I delivered the doctor did a scan there in the room and noticed retained placenta so she rushed me to the OR for a D&C. I was still having contraction-like pain when the placenta was still in there, but after the D&C it went away and then it turned to menstrual-like cramps, my doctor said my uterus was still contracting to try to remove the remaining placenta. Retained placenta can be very dangerous.. my mom (she's an OB nurse) explained it to me as like a severed artery, she said the placenta was the blood supply to the baby and now that the baby and some of the placenta are gone it's just in there bleeding and bleeding and can cause you to hemmorrage. However, if there was retained placenta you would be having contraction-like cramps and I think you would be passing large clots, sometimes the size of baseballs! If you feel you may have some retained placenta you should go and get checked as soon as possible.
Just a question really, as I feel so I could literally sleep for 24 hours & still be tired!

I feel a little like a cold is starting but felt like that for a week....its mainly in mu sinus & bit of a dull headache.

I dont know if the tiredness is to do with the blood loss & vital vitamins/iron etc after the labour? I know that the midwife who took my blood pressure mentioned my blood pressure had dropped quite a lot after I had him, and then when they took it again in the morning it was lower still (but a different midwife did it). Could this be anything to do it it?

I felt very woozy yesterday when I was doing the housework (it is the most I have done since all this happened) and felt very shaky, so much so I accidently dropped a mug and it smashed.

If this is normal then thats fine. It could be my emotions are draining me. I dont want to bother a doctor.......but wondered how you guys all felt afterwards?


You might be feeling woozy because you are moving around and not just laying in bed anymore, I feel the same way. I know it's hard to not do housework and normal things, I know I'm having a hard time just sitting or laying not doing much because it is making me feel worthless, but I know it is necessary to build our strength back up and if I don't have physical strength then there is no way I can accomplish mental stability. We did go through labor like normal and our bodies have been put through a lot of trauma. Iron tablets will help you.

Also, if you think you might have some retained placenta you should get a sonogram to get it checked. Right after I delivered the doctor did a scan there in the room and noticed retained placenta so she rushed me to the OR for a D&C. I was still having contraction-like pain when the placenta was still in there, but after the D&C it went away and then it turned to menstrual-like cramps, my doctor said my uterus was still contracting to try to remove the remaining placenta. Retained placenta can be very dangerous.. my mom (she's an OB nurse) explained it to me as like a severed artery, she said the placenta was the blood supply to the baby and now that the baby and some of the placenta are gone it's just in there bleeding and bleeding and can cause you to hemmorrage. However, if there was retained placenta you would be having contraction-like cramps and I think you would be passing large clots, sometimes the size of baseballs! If you feel you may have some retained placenta you should go and get checked as soon as possible.

Thanks for that advice...that is quite scarey about the retained placenta. I just have the odd pain here and there but nothing too bad. I've not had any clots or anything.
I was put on a drip after the birth with something to help contract the uterus and deliver the placenta..which came quite quickly I seem to remember (no more than an hour or so) but have no idea of timescales once the labour started properly that night. I would assume this did the job at getting everything out.....did anyone else have this?

I really bloody hope theres nothing there...I dont want to bug the doctors by asking them to check if they dont think they need to....especially as I plan on being a total pain in the arse once I get pregnant again & I will be in that surgery or at the hospital for every single ache,pain etc!!!
Just a question really, as I feel so I could literally sleep for 24 hours & still be tired!

I feel a little like a cold is starting but felt like that for a week....its mainly in mu sinus & bit of a dull headache.

I dont know if the tiredness is to do with the blood loss & vital vitamins/iron etc after the labour? I know that the midwife who took my blood pressure mentioned my blood pressure had dropped quite a lot after I had him, and then when they took it again in the morning it was lower still (but a different midwife did it). Could this be anything to do it it?

I felt very woozy yesterday when I was doing the housework (it is the most I have done since all this happened) and felt very shaky, so much so I accidently dropped a mug and it smashed.

If this is normal then thats fine. It could be my emotions are draining me. I dont want to bother a doctor.......but wondered how you guys all felt afterwards?


You might be feeling woozy because you are moving around and not just laying in bed anymore, I feel the same way. I know it's hard to not do housework and normal things, I know I'm having a hard time just sitting or laying not doing much because it is making me feel worthless, but I know it is necessary to build our strength back up and if I don't have physical strength then there is no way I can accomplish mental stability. We did go through labor like normal and our bodies have been put through a lot of trauma. Iron tablets will help you.

Also, if you think you might have some retained placenta you should get a sonogram to get it checked. Right after I delivered the doctor did a scan there in the room and noticed retained placenta so she rushed me to the OR for a D&C. I was still having contraction-like pain when the placenta was still in there, but after the D&C it went away and then it turned to menstrual-like cramps, my doctor said my uterus was still contracting to try to remove the remaining placenta. Retained placenta can be very dangerous.. my mom (she's an OB nurse) explained it to me as like a severed artery, she said the placenta was the blood supply to the baby and now that the baby and some of the placenta are gone it's just in there bleeding and bleeding and can cause you to hemmorrage. However, if there was retained placenta you would be having contraction-like cramps and I think you would be passing large clots, sometimes the size of baseballs! If you feel you may have some retained placenta you should go and get checked as soon as possible.

Thanks for that advice...that is quite scarey about the retained placenta. I just have the odd pain here and there but nothing too bad. I've not had any clots or anything.
I was put on a drip after the birth with something to help contract the uterus and deliver the placenta..which came quite quickly I seem to remember (no more than an hour or so) but have no idea of timescales once the labour started properly that night. I would assume this did the job at getting everything out.....did anyone else have this?

I really bloody hope theres nothing there...I dont want to bug the doctors by asking them to check if they dont think they need to....especially as I plan on being a total pain in the arse once I get pregnant again & I will be in that surgery or at the hospital for every single ache,pain etc!!!

You're welcome. Well, that's great you haven't been having any clots and the pain is probably just from the uterus shrinking to it's normal size. They probably gave you pitocin, the pitocin didn't help me much since the placenta torn in half during the delievery of it.

Oh I know, I was a real pain this time, because the ER doctor and oncall OB doctors kept telling me nothing was wrong while the whole time my body was miscarrying. It wasn't until the pain got really bad that they finally admitted me and then STILL wanted to discharged me saying that nothing was wrong. I knew something was wrong all along.

Hope you feel better soon though.
How are you feeling now? :hugs:

My sickness and nausea went away after the birth pretty quickly but I was left feeling very tired and drained. I bled for 8 weeks but didnt have cramps, temp, clots or anything. It was only one day 8 weeks later when I literally started pouring blood and my BP crashed that anyone questioned the length of time I had been bleeding and actually done a scan and found lots of retained placenta. I had to have a D&C the next day to remove it and the bleeding stopped almost immediately.

My blood count was low for a while afterwards because of the amount of blood I had lost and I was put on high strength iron tablets and folic acid.

I wish they would scan everyone after birth to make sure things like this didnt happen. As I said I had no other symptom of retained placenta except the continued bleeding so just keep an eye on yourself and go to the doctor if you need to. I seen my GP at 5 weeks and my consultant OB at 6 weeks after the birth and both just waved my concerns away!!
How are you feeling now? :hugs:

My sickness and nausea went away after the birth pretty quickly but I was left feeling very tired and drained. I bled for 8 weeks but didnt have cramps, temp, clots or anything. It was only one day 8 weeks later when I literally started pouring blood and my BP crashed that anyone questioned the length of time I had been bleeding and actually done a scan and found lots of retained placenta. I had to have a D&C the next day to remove it and the bleeding stopped almost immediately.

My blood count was low for a while afterwards because of the amount of blood I had lost and I was put on high strength iron tablets and folic acid.

I wish they would scan everyone after birth to make sure things like this didnt happen. As I said I had no other symptom of retained placenta except the continued bleeding so just keep an eye on yourself and go to the doctor if you need to. I seen my GP at 5 weeks and my consultant OB at 6 weeks after the birth and both just waved my concerns away!!

Were you bleeding a lot at the hospital? The nurses should have been checking your pads for the amount of bleeding you were having. I, too, wish they did a scan on everybody because retained placenta is no joke. I was fortunate enough to have nurses that are not only my co-workers, but friends, as well, taking care of me. I'm glad everything turned out well for you though.
I felt okay physically...emotionally was a different story...I think because all I did was :cry: I was so sad and all I wanted to do was lay in the bed and never get up...I didnt want to do anything at all but cry but I slowly got up and got out again...I was never hurting physically...they put me to sleep and I woke up with no pain...

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