Hello, I'm hoping for some suggestions/ steps/ strategies that I could try to stop my DD breastfeefing to sleep at bedtime. I have exclusively breastfed for 6 months and feel ready to wean her off. She has just started taking bottles during the day (she had refused point blank previously!) she is also on solids now too. Over the next few months I'd like to have finished breastfeeding due to work and other commitments.
She can self soothe as she puts herself to sleep for naps and if she wakes sometimes during the night by sucking on her hand.
She's very alert and finds it difficult to switch off. I've never seen her drowsy other than at the breast.
We have a good bedtime routine - except I've always breastfed her to sleep at bedtime. I've tried breastfeeding and putting her down awake but she just screams until she gets hysterical and into a shaking state until I feed her again. I've tried music, bedtime light toys things, singing and just placing my hand on her tummy like I do when she puts herself to sleep at nap times., but nothing works other than breastfeeding!!
Please help!!! I'd like to go back to my choir group once a week too but can't as nobody else can put her to bed
She can self soothe as she puts herself to sleep for naps and if she wakes sometimes during the night by sucking on her hand.
She's very alert and finds it difficult to switch off. I've never seen her drowsy other than at the breast.
We have a good bedtime routine - except I've always breastfed her to sleep at bedtime. I've tried breastfeeding and putting her down awake but she just screams until she gets hysterical and into a shaking state until I feed her again. I've tried music, bedtime light toys things, singing and just placing my hand on her tummy like I do when she puts herself to sleep at nap times., but nothing works other than breastfeeding!!
Please help!!! I'd like to go back to my choir group once a week too but can't as nobody else can put her to bed