How do I know that my newborn baby is getting anything!?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2011
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I gave birth this morning. It was straight forward and my daughter made 3/4 attempts at breastfeeding in the hospital so we're sent home. I was getting so many conflicting opinions from different midwives.

Now though, I'm not convinced she is getting anything from my breasts. I can't see anything coming out of them (I think I saw some tiny white dots coming out of my nappies in hospital) and she hasn't done a wee yet.

Mt right nipped is a bit sore so guessing she wasn't latching correctly. Think I have improved her latch now. No pain just a tingling sensation.

Any advice would be hugely appreciated.
Since you will only be producing very small amounts of colostrum, It is hard to tell during the first few days. Look and listen for signs she is swallowing. Keep watch for wet and dirty diapers. Your baby will likely be sleeping a LOT and it is difficult to read the behavior of a newborn, but watch for hunger cues from your little one. And remember, her tummy is teeny tiny. Dont assume she is not getting enough because she is nursing constantly. I did this with my son. I thought he was starving and i wasn't meeting his needs so we introduced formula during the first couple of days. Looking back, I know it wasn't necessary, I was just a paranoid first time mother. lol.

Will she be able to have her weight checked soon? That's obviously a good indication.
Congratulations! At this stage your milk is unlikely to have come in so you will just be getting colostrum which is why you won't see any milk. You will find in the next day or two your baby will feed, feed and feed, this isn't a sign that they aren't getting enough it is just them telling your body to produce more milk and that is when your milk will come in.

Just keep an eye on nappies, as long as your baby is producing wet and dirty nappies then it is getting enough.

Also a tip i found usuful in the early days was to remember that a newborn babys stomach is only the size of a small marble so they will feed little and often. As long as you feed on demand you will do fine :) (although it will at times feel like you never stop feeding this stage is short lived
If you are using disposables it will be really difficult to tell if she is peeing as the tiny amounts produced are so easily absorbed. Bowel movements (getting rid of meconium and moving towards orange coloured poos) is a good sign, and if you really want to keep an eye on urine output you can put some cotton wool in the nappy and it will be more obvious if it gets wet.
Thanks ladies. She is pretty chilled so I guess she must be getting something. Feeling better already.
With my youngest he peed very little in the first few days, my others also peed little but not as little as he did. He did have about 14 substantial poos in the first 72 hours though which showed me and the midwives he was getting enough. I had a lot of colostrum so not sure why he didn't pee much but as soon as my milk came in he became a very heavy wetter xx
Thanks :)

Have tried feeding her several times in the night without much luck. She has brought up loads of mucous though so maybe that's why? Midwife is coming this morning so I will see what she says and see if we can see a specialist. Determined to bf this time.
Any update hun? I hope all is ok xx

Having a really bad night. It is 3.15 and I have only managed to put her down for 10 minutes. :(

My son was ff and I remember a few bad nights with him too.

My books feel firmer, hoping it's my milk coming in. Her little tummy has been growling all night. - this could help you

My milk did not come in until the third day so I don't think you will see much coming out.
Rule of thumb, if she getting few wet diapers and pooping, that's a good sign she is getting colostrum. BUT since you are at day one, I am not sure if you should expect a wet diaper. Anyhow, my hospital would not let us leave until our daughter have pooped and had at least a wet diaper. And we got to leave 24 hours after birth.
Thanks ladies. She is pretty chilled so I guess she must be getting something. Feeling better already.

My baby was born low weight (5 lbs) her body temperature and sugar level was low so they told me she will be very sleepy. They also told me to keep her warm, she will eat better this way. Low temperature only made her more sleepy.

try swaddling your baby when you breastfeed OR skin to skin contact. .maybe she will take in more colostrum this way.
It's all normal behaviour by the sounds of it. When my milk came in, my breasts get uncomfortably full and I leak a lot.

I think wet diapers are less of a concern in the first few days as everything they as colostrum is highly nutritious and doesn't have much water.

Keep trying to bf, make sure you get a good latch, and when your milk comes in get some good breast pads lol

Congratulations on your new bundle :)
Hey I know it's hard but u seem to b doing well! Cluster feeding is common in newborns and will pop back up during ww too. Also babies like to feed more at night to establish good supply so it can seem like ur feeding forever especially at night. I know the first few nights are the hardest too! I'm here with you tho on the bf front so if u want to rant or whatever I'm here. I'm only a couple of weeks ahead of you. Does baby gulp when feeding? Could be trapped wind too? Maybe try making sure baby is winded well and sat up after a feed for a bit. Or try some infacol before a feed too. Sorry if this is all conflicting you but I agree with a lot of pp that your feeding all sounds normal.
Any update hun? I hope all is ok xx

Having a really bad night. It is 3.15 and I have only managed to put her down for 10 minutes. :(

My son was ff and I remember a few bad nights with him too.

My books feel firmer, hoping it's my milk coming in. Her little tummy has been growling all night.

Sounds like your milk is about to come in! My LO screamed and screamed on night three but it was her way of getting me to put her to the breast so she could stimulate the milk as she was starting to get 'properly' hungry. The next day huge engorged leaky breasts...
As well as watching to see LO swallow (I always found it really hard to tell) you can watch for a little pause. It'll be a few sucking movements then a tiny pause, which tells you "Hey I just got some milk I need to swallow".
Thanks ladies. She is pretty chilled so I guess she must be getting something. Feeling better already.

My baby was born low weight (5 lbs) her body temperature and sugar level was low so they told me she will be very sleepy. They also told me to keep her warm, she will eat better this way. Low temperature only made her more sleepy.

try swaddling your baby when you breastfeed OR skin to skin contact. .maybe she will take in more colostrum this way.

OP meant 'chilled' as in 'chilled out' not as in physically cold xx
I missed that. I guess that's what I get when I read too fast. It still can help if she feels her baby is not getting enough.

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