Oh flower, it really sounds like he is just dragging more family members into this in a desperate attempt to piss you off... Maybe he feels like his usual methods aren't having the same effect on you anymore?
If it were me in this situation, I'd be tempted to text back and say that no, I hadn't wondered where her presents were, given that she is only a few month's old and has no concept of gifts/who's bought or spent what etc, and I'd also say something like, how nice it was of them to already be thinking a few years down the line as most people just buy age appropriate gifts, rather than thinking long term...... All said majorly sarcastically btw !
As for advice on how ti deal with fob, I haven't anything useful to say. I've not seen my ex for 5 years now. Last time I saw him he made me so mad, I almost ran him over!!
I hope things get better for you, but in the meantime, at least Lily has one super parent, and that's all babies need xx