Signing up on websites like Nestle, Similac, Enfamil , Heinz usually means they will send you coupons for formula/baby food. I found that Similac actually sent the most coupons, every couple of months they would send me $10-$20 dollars worth. Unfortunetely my boy would spit up on Similac so i switched to Enfamil (of course THE most expensive formula) and he was absolutly fine.
Also if you sign up on Huggies and Pampers, they send you lots of coupons!
Oh, and the pedeatrician never advised which formula to put Tyler on. I just started out with Similac, then tried Nestle and ended up on Enfamil. Enfamil was the only one that helped with his spit up problem. I wish i had tried Presidents Choice now though as it was only $15 a tin as apposed to $30 for Enfamil. And all formulas are pretty much the same so doesnt really matter which one you choose.