That's so wonderful you've always managed to garden, even when you were in an apartment.
I remember growing up with a small garden, but not every year. My grandparents had a huge one though and we loved visiting them. Grandpa would say "where shall we go shopping today?" As he'd bring out the collection of grocery bags and we'd pick a store brand and head out to the garden to pick our dinner
I didn't attempt to garden at all from the time I moved out until my eldest was born when I was 27 - we lived in apartments without even a balcony. When my eldest was a baby I got the itch to garden, but wasn't allowed in the rental unit we lived in (three dwelling house with a tiny unfenced shared yard. Just before my second was born we moved to the upper floor of a similar unit and I had a lovely big patio to attempt to garden on, tried many times over the two years we lived there, but never had success getting anything to grow.
Had a container garden in free styrofoam boxes at our next place. And that did ok until we got chickens and ducks and discovered they go crazy over styrofoam

. They were far more interested in eating the styrofoam than the crops themselves, but the result was the same when the boxes started falling apart.
The next place we lived at for 4 years, and it was a rented farm house on a 300acre cattle ranch. We had a 3/4 acre block I had great plans for, but I did things wrong and we were too poor to do things properly. We ended up with goats and a big flock of chickens and no proper fencing solution for my garden, so despite a valient beginning every spring, nothing ever made it to harvest between the chickens and goats lol. Our last year there we'd gotten rid of the goats and had a chicken proofed fence around the garden, which were metal raised beds. It was growing beautifully and finally a productive thriving garden - but we didn't get to enjoy a harvest from it as we ended up needing to make a sudden international move when FIL was diagnosed with cancer

We ended up living with MIL (and still do, but in an RV in the back yard for the last year) and the first year we were here she let me take over her raised garden beds in the front yard. She has a greenhouse and was happy just growing in that.
I had 7 big beds that were half empty so I bought a truckload of raised bed soil that came highly recommended , but I was not impressed with, it was hydrophobic and totally lifeless (two years on its barely even growing weeds) but for whatever reason I didnt end up adding compost to help - or I did but it was cheap bagged stuff that wasn't of enough benefit. I made homemade fertilizer using coffee beans, banana peels, egg shells and magnesium flakes (the former three dehydrated in the oven) and then blended in the food processor.
I started everything from seed that year on a shelf inside with lights and it should have been an amazing garden with all the effort I put into it. But the soil was just so bad that nothing thrived and grew super well. All the plants were so stunted and while we did get a harvest from everything we planted it was just terribly meagre.
Last year I wasn't able to garden at all. MIL took her front garden back (and then only planted in two or three of the beds). I was in limbo all year because there are two big trees shading the whole backyard that MIL was planning to have taken down - January 2022. They would have opened up a nice big sunny area for me to have my own garden, but the tree guy never showed up, and a year later MIL finally gave up and had someone else come check them out,and he recommended only trimming them. Which still would have opened up a reasonable sized area to garden, but she didn't follow up on getting that done either... There is one sliver of backyard that gets 4-5 hours of sun before the tree blocks it so I had planned to at least build a 3x12 bed there and a plastic kiddie pool and grow some shade tolerant veggies.
And then MIL gave me three of the beds from the front garden that I built trellises for to use this year as well so I will be able to grow things that require full sun (yay!)
And she's given me permission to pull out all the shrubbery growing next to the fence and put in a flower garden to attract pollinators (just doing a wildflower mix, nothing fancy) and if I can source some more free materials I hope to get another couple beds built in the top garden if MIL agrees, as there is still plenty of space to add more.
The entire yard is sheer rock with a couple inches of topsoil so raised beds are a must here as well.
I've amended all the existing beds with fish compost ready for planting this week, and built and filled a 2x3 box made from free recycled shelves, with a 3x12 bed to finish building this week from reclaimed fence boards.and a kiddie pool. So those three beds will be for my lettuce, spinach, swiss chard and other greens, and a few cauliflower and broccoli.
I've started a few tomato, pepper and basil seeds inside, but living in an RV space is definitely at a premium and I can only get two small trays (a little bigger combined area than a traditional 10x20 tray) inside on my countertop under a light. But almost everything has come up so far

I've picked up a few starts (cauliflower, swiss chard, lettuce and spinach) and may get a few more starts when the summer plants can go in (not til late may early June here, even though our last frost date is this week we have long cool springs) but hoping to grow from as much seed as I can.
I want to grow all the things but being realistic and sticking with greens, carrots (hoping for lots of carrots), beets, a few turnips, peppers (sweet), tomatoes, cucumbers and peas. A couple garbage cans for potato towers. And a zucchini.
Oh and we have a sunny section of fenceline by our driveway that I'm going to attempt a three sisters style garden along - it will have to be in a line rather than in traditional mounds, but I want to do corn and beans along the fence line and then let a few pumpkins vine down the 3 foot hill and help shade out the weeds.