Firstly, congratulations!
in the beginning, (and during growth spurts). its very normal for babies to be on your boobs all the time! You might as well relax, put your feet up with good movies or books, and just let babe feed/suckle away.
Butalso poor latching, (possibly as your in pain), can mean baby may not be getting sufficient milk and so needs to feed for longer too.
And there is some pain right in the beginning, BUT it shouldnt be hurting too much, and if it is please get it checked out- hv, mw and/or breastfeeding counsellors, bf peer supporters.
i had bf my first, and was really surprised that i was getting pain with my second! i just didnt get it, and this wonderful bf peer supporter noticed i just had to move my boy a little bit more to the side as my boobs are big... and pretty much as soon as the position was sorted it all became much easier! (that is by week 1).