My almost 11 month old DS dropped to one nap around 3-4 weeks ago 😣😣 He naps around 12ish for about 45 mins. Both my children have been early nap droppers, my 3.5 yr old DD dropped all naps entirely by 18/19 months.
DS however is an absolute dream at night so I can't really complain. Maybe your DD is ready to drop her second nap and this will make bedtime easier? DS is straight out at bedtime due to having so little daytime sleep! It will depend on how dropping the nap affects her mood. For us, it was causing more stress trying to get him to have a nap he didn't want rather than letting him have what in my opinion is too little daytime sleep for his age. He copes with it well mood-wise so whilst it doesn't give me much baby-free time in the day, it works for him and he sleeps straight through for 12-12.5 hours at night with no fuss going down. All babies are different but just thought I'd share my experience of early nap droppers!