How our little Bean arrived in a bit of a hurry!


Mummy of 1 & 1 cooking!
May 21, 2010
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My birth story

TOBY GEORGE READER 7lb 1oz 19 inches

7/1/11@ 00:27am

Well it all kicked off on Thursday 6th when I had a morning visit from the maternity support worker to talk through any problems/issues I had and have any questions I wanted answering. One of them was is it possible for your waters to slowly leak as I was thinking mine were. I had been feeling more ‘wet’ since Monday and had what I thought was increased discharge. She advised me to call the hospital to see if they wanted me in to be checked over which I did. They asked me to come in for 12:30 bringing any pads I change before then with me (nice lol), so I called jack to come home from work. Well we got to the labour triage area and they put me on a bed and did all the usual tests, urine bp etc., then looked at my pads and asked me to put one of theirs on - which have you walking like John Wayne lol - to see what was going on. Well the midwife thought the colour was off and possibly meant there was meconium in the waters. I had been pretty relaxed till this point but that set off a few alarm bells as I knew that could mean bean was in some distress. She wanted more opinions so my pads were taken down to the delivery suite for the midwives there to look. At this point they put me on the monitor which was all normal and bean’s hb was fine and he was moving loads so that reassured us lots. The midwife came back from flashing my pads around and said they all thought it was meconium so wanted to induce me in a few hours. Me and Jack just looked at each other and it was clear neither had thought that would be happening. We didn’t have any of our birth stuff with us and Jack was still in his work suit lol!

I wasn't too happy about the decision to induce me as I had heard many stories about days of waiting and pain caused by the induction process but if bean needed to be out we were happy to go along with what they said.

We had to wait for a bed on the delivery suite to be available so we went for a walk round the hospital and to make a few important calls - namely to the grandparents to be who were very excited to hear the news, although also a little concerned at the way it was all looking.

We were finally given a bed around 4pm and went down to the delivery area and met midwives etc., who would be dealing with us. I got settled in the room and by this point was feeling nervous but pretty excited. They still wanted to monitor me a bit more so they did this for about 20 minutes and bean was still ok. A dr came in to see me and did an internal exam which to be honest really hurt. S he wasn’t very gentle at all! She confirmed she couldn’t feel my front membranes which meant they had more than likely had a premature rupture and told me a midwife would be coming on to put a prostin tablet behind my cervix to kick start things. She then told me I was 1cm dilated but my cervix was still quite thick so it would need time to thin out before it dilated any more. She advised us it would probably be a long wait, possibly up to 48 hours before the baby came so to expect a long haul.

Jack went home to get stuff at this point and to change as he was still suited and booted from work. He was gone about an hour and during this time I started a bit of a bounce on the ball and started to get some period like pains which was very quick apparently. At this point we were being told we were in for a long time as inductions take time, usually over 24 hours or so. My pains started to become stronger, constant and very much in my back, and at this point we were moved to another room (with a working TV lol - priorities!!). I was put back on a monitor which was showing my pains but the midwife had checked the babies position and she thought the pain was from his head trying to rotate into a better position in my pelvis as he was back to back and lying on my right side. And because my waters had gone at the front his head was connecting quite harshly with my pelvis!! Ouch for me and bean I thought.

Well we went along like this for a while with the pain increasing in intensity and frequency and were still being told by the midwife that I still wasn't contracting. I was thinking if these aren’t contractions then what the hell was I in for later?? The pain continued to build to the point when my parents arrived around 8.30 ish where they found me in quite a bit of pain and the midwife still insisting I wasn't contracting!

I was on the baby monitor and so this meant I was strapped to the bed so couldn't move around which was totally against the birth plan but needs be. I continued to be in pain and was given some paracetemol and dihydracodeine which didn’t make any impact on the pains. So I started on gas and air which was amazing and made me feel very drunk! I would recommend it to anyone. My parents went home to our house on the proviso we would call mum in for the birth which we still thought would be much later into Friday. Between 0pm and 11pm I was having these ‘pains’ nearly every minute with them getting more intense and painful. Just before 11 I had a particularly big one and felt a pop and a rush of warm and wetness so Jack went and got the midwife who had just nipped out and she confirmed more of my waters had gone. They got a Dr to check me again I was told 1cm dilated!! ARGH! Is what I thought at this point. They wanted to attempt to break the rest of the membranes but just as she got the tool out and unwrapped it, she decided no. It was ok cos they had all gone. To be honest I don’t think they knew what was going on, my mum has since commented I may have rewritten a few rules lol. Another Dr came in to put a canular in my hand for the drip they were still intending to set up at 3am. I was pretty out of it in my pain zone now though and didn’t feel a thing in my hand!

At this point they finally admitted yes I was now contracting but had a long way to go. And then from there it all went a bit fuzzy as I continued to contract every 30 seconds to a minute apart and more of my waters and blood went with some pretty massive contractions - I remember hearing words like blood and clots mentioned whilst i was contracting and they kept changing the bedding under me. I was still just on gas and air and Jack went to call my mum as I wanted her cos I was in pain and to give his family an update, and we were still thinking baby wouldn't be here for a long time. I was just starting to think I need some pain relief when my body took over and began the eviction (LOL)! I can just remember feeling the overwhelming urge to push and being aware the midwife was checking down there. I was also aware that with these urges I was pushing and losing what I thought was water but apparently was blood and stuff. Jack was still out of the room and my mum hadn't arrived so I was asking for him. He came in and the look on his face when he was told 'THIS IS IT' was quite amazing and one of the main things I remember. I flipped onto my back as I had been on my left side the whole time and at this point it was all systems go and I was well into pushing when my mum ran in bless her. I can remember seeing her face as she took her coat off and her saying to me ‘Oh Leanne I can see his head! He’s got loads of hair!’ So she was just in time to see him arrive into the world with 2 massive pushes. The head was definitely the hard part then the body just came out with the next contraction. (The gas and air was a great thing to focus on. I was listening to the noise as I breathed it in and out.) What a relief was my first thought and then when bean was placed on my chest for the first time it was just the most amazing feeling in the whole world.

I would like to take the credit for being aware of what I was doing and pushing him out but I so wasn’t and my body just did what it wanted. Yes it was painful and the whole process was a very intense one but as soon as the baby is out you just focus on him and his eyes looking straight into yours. From start to finish it was around 6 and a half hours!!

So that is how Toby George, 7lb 1oz, with a head circumference of 35cm and measuring about 19 inches came into our lives. He was very calm and just stared at me and Jack and my mum. So amazing, no words can describe it.
awww its a lovely story....Congrats again xxx
Aww congrats Hun, you did great just shows the midwives don't always know what's going on x
how lovely, can i ask what felt worse the contractions or the crowning of head/pushing out?
congratulations! fab story thanks for sharing xx
Congrats! I presume that's him in your profile pic! What a head of hair he has! xx
Thanks everyone for the lovely messages!

how lovely, can i ask what felt worse the contractions or the crowning of head/pushing out?

It was the contractions that hurt more for me. The crowning/pushing him out felt like it was pain with a purpose if you know what I mean?!? Knowing you are nearing the end was great and I really focussed on the gas and air noise lol. It really helped although I had jaw ache for a few days afterwards from biting down so hard :haha: Good luck!! xx

Congrats! I presume that's him in your profile pic! What a head of hair he has! xx

Yep thats my little Toby!! His hair has grown some more now! I think he's gonna need a haircut soon hehe!
Thanks again everyone!

Can't believe how much he has grown already!

Lucy whereabout in nottingham are you??

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