How to cope with demands of early pregnancy and a toddler?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Help! My lo is 15 months ands im pregnant again unexpectedly. Im just getting my head around the idea.. But i feel so ill this time around and im so exhausted.. Waking at 6am with dd is really becoming a struggle. Im having awful morning sickness too. Keeping on top of household chores whilst running round after dd really is impossible. How do u cope? Any tips?
Im fast becoming stressed, ill, and miserable :(
i have little help from oh as he works strange hours and often sleeps in the day.
Hiya, I think I remember you from last time. My dd is 16 months old, I'm worki g full time and 9 + 4 days pregnant. It's really hard work isn't it. I was feeling really sick a few weeks ago, realised it was the folic acid so I swapped to taking it at night so I feel ok during the day. I hate to say it, but you've just got to get in with it I think, or find family who are wiLlimg to help
I don't really have any advice but just wanted to offer sympathy. My lo was slightly older while I was early pregnant but it was still hard work, I also work full time and towards the end of my first trimester had two grandparents in hospital who we were trying to visit each night, I literally felt as though I was constantly about to collapse, it does get easier though so just try to keep that in mind x x
Thanks ladies. *sigh*. I cant wait for the 'glowing' feel good 2nd trimester! I work part time too - i dont kno which days are easier tbh!
My sympathies, my energetic boy was 14/15 months when i fell pregnant and it was the most exhausting time of my life. I vomited everyday til 19 weeksish (he breastfed til then too) needless to say even a baby and toddler is easier than pregnant with toddler
It's certainly a struggle. Does you Daughter nap during the day? I've been napping when my Daughter does. As for the housework... Well, let's just say I've let it slip. I literally don't have the energy. I've also been going to bed or napping on the sofa when my Daughter goes to bed at 7pm!!
I wish I had advice. Between working 9-5 Monday to Friday my 2 year old and my 3 year old I've honestly let the house go a little. Oh helps when he can and I try tiger a nap in on weekends. When I'm feeling well I pre make meals so if I'm sick or OH isn't home all that has to be done is reheat. It's difficult but I'm trying to worry less about housekeeping( for get me wrong we still keep it somewhat tidy) and more about me and the baby and cuddles with my girls. I try and do easy things like colouring, movies, puzzles. Things were I can sit and relax rather then running around.
I'm also looking forward to the second tri glow if it ever comes.
nap when u can, speak to oh about taking more on f poss.

don't stress about house work, do the basics, the rest can wait!

and take one day at a's rough but will be worth it in the end xxx
I'm a SAHM so it's not quite the same for me, but I've decided just to rest as I need to and let DS play on his own as much as possible. I've also been letting him watch more kiddie shows and movies than I normally would. I figure it's such a short period of his life that I can get away with it. DH has been very helpful too and does the bulk of the care-taking when he gets home. I've let a few of the chores slide and do what I can when I can. There is a lot waiting for me once I do feel better and 'safer' but right now my priority is keeping my unborn baby safe.

I have a history of bleeding in pregnancy so no risk taking. I also come from a mom and grandma who had to be on bed rest during pregnancy as well and I wasn't tramautized as a child when my mom had to spend 9 months on the couch so I think it's worth it. I snuggle with DS as much as possible and read to him or do gentle play so he doesn't feel neglected.
My DD is 18 months old, i also have two sons 7yrs and 4yrs, so have to get up get em all ready do school runs for two boys and have an energetic toddler through the day so i feel your pain hun, its hard when your exhausted luckily enough ms hasnt hit me yet but im really not looking forward to that aswell! I just try to rest when my DD has her nap, but what with housework etc it is hard and my OH like yours does long hours so by the time hes home iv got all the kids in bed anyway, all we can do is hope 2nd tri comes along quickly xx
it's so funny as I was so sure I would enjoy the second pregnancy more as I would be more relaxed.......which is true, but I'm so sick and tired of being sick and tired I'm wishing the time passing s much!
I understand how you feel. I work full time, DH is unemployed and looking for a year. We have a 20 month old with wicked tantrums, and we're quite surprised to find out a week ago we were pregnant. Not planned, not expected, and I'm scared $h--less. I told DH I can't do this again with how horrible DD has been the last couple of weeks. Nothing like toddler rage to make you rethink your birth control methods...

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