I am a friggin monster today... *rant alert*


Mama to 3 boys
May 23, 2009
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I am the worst mom in the world, I am certainly sure of it.

Between no sleep at night because bubs is crazy active, potty training my 2.5yr old son and dealing with so much crap at home (trying to prepare for the baby)and just plain old ridiculous hormones I am so angry.

I had an appointment with a home security company for 9am and the tech didn't call until 11am... Didn't even know we had an appointment!! Ffs...

Then I call my mom for some potty training advice and she basically crapped all over me telling me I need to be patient when I have been plenty patient and still continue to be. I asked for tips and tricks to help it along. My son was basically potty trained and then recently started regressing and I just wanted advice. But because my hormones are especially unbalanced today I started to cry... For no reason honestly because I'm not frustrated at all I just wanted some ideas... She told me I won't get far in life because there are plenty of disappointments like this...

Seriously I just wis I never called her at all...
Aww that doesn't seem like a very nice thing for her to say. Is she always so blunt? If not, then perhaps she was just having a bad day too? And if she is, well... Maybe call someone else next time!
My friend is potty training her 2 yo at the moment and getting frustrated. I have no experience of it myself but it does sound difficult (and messy!). Just take it day by day and I'm sure you'll both get there in the end.
Lastly, don't think you're a bad mother! A bad mother wouldn't be bothering to potty train her kids and certainly wouldn't be seeking advice on how best to do it. You're just hormonal and frustrated but that won't be forever :)
Thanks guys, I feel a lot less worked up now lol. I don't know why I ever go to my mom for advice, I usually don't bother with her because she generally doesn't care... I guess I thought that asking for advice might different than just talking about things but she is just mean a lot of the time. I'm not shocked at all by her words.

She is always around to help my other sisters with great care but for me she has always seemed so exasperated all the time. Thank god I have an amazing mother in law, I would have called her this morning if she wasn't working.. Lol
First of all, your concern for being "the worst mom in the world" means that you are not! You are concerned, and you are trying your best!!! :hugs:

Secondly, I've been there. I had such a miserable day a few days back. My son has really started going through this "I'm not listening" phase, combined with "I'm going to stamp, scream and throw a fit for absolutely no reason" phase. We were spoiled up to that point because he was such a good listener, so sweet, and really just a happy kid. Then it changed. And of course, baby is on the way, and I'm freaking out that our last few months together are being wasted on these tantrums, and the only time I looked forward to was when he was asleep!!! :shrug: Seriously?!?!? I'm a mom, about to be a mother of two, and I was looking forward to him sleeping. For the last few months, I've held everything in, but one day, after two wonderful nontantrum days, he threw a fit in our car after we just finished a nice shopping trip. For. No. Reason.

I lost it. I didn't yell, but I was so broken and sad. My eyes welled with tears in the car, and I kept it quiet, but as soon as I got inside the house, I broke. I bawled my eyes out. Blubbering, panting, crying. I was just so lost. I felt so heartbroken that my last few weeks with my son were going to be like this. Then everything would be different, and this precious time was gone.


Sometimes, we need to break, momma. Sometimes, we need to cry. Cry it out. Scream it out (preferably not at our children... although... :haha:). Even though from my crying until his bedtime, things were still very rocky, I woke the next day refreshed and ready to take on dealing with his behavior one step at a time. I feel less overwhelmed, and I'm back to appreciating his waking moments (or most of them)

You are not the world's worst mom! I promise. I think many, if not most, moms would say they've experienced something similar. AND your mom was harsh, and kind of unhelpful in that situation... telling a pregnant woman they won't get far. Pregnancy + toddlers + life changing = scary and overwhelming. And it is ok to be overwhelmed.

I hope your cry made you feel a bit better now that you look back on it.

I'm so sorry you had a day like that, but just know that you are not alone, and hopefully knowing that others have experienced/are experiencing similar things makes it seem a little less terrifying and bleak. :hugs:
Im sorry your mom was mean to you.That really was a mean thing to say to you. And soooo not true by any means.
I really dont have experience potty training boys. But with dd2 I made a colorful chart and put it in the bathroom on the wall. Everytime she wet on the potty she got to put a shiny star sticker on her chart for that specific day. And each time she did go on the potty like a big girl she was allowed a lollipop.
I drew the chart as a month on the calendar is. And it took 2 weeks to potty train her.
Every time she went on the potty I made it a celebration and told her how proud I was and what a good big girl she was. I hope this gives you an idea to add to your collection. Gl!
P.s. I know how hard it is to have an out spoken mom who doesnt always think before she speaks. Im not talking to my mom at thus point in time. (Ive taken the last 4 years to get to know her and it is a challenge to say the least) my dad raised me so are not used to each other. And sometimes you just have to take a step back for your own sanity.
I agree.... Your mom was a bit insensitive to yiur hormones and stress about potty training and impending birth....

I had a day like that today also... I was angry for hours...
Im in the middle of court battle over custody of my two girls from a previous relationship...and expecting amsecond child in my current relationship (which isnt the best).... Needless to say, Ive been in my own for a few minths now and its days like today that I want to give up sometimes... I was so upset and angry... Im currently doing laundry and reading b and b trying to just relax and hope for a better tomorrow...
Thank you so much ladies! I feel loads better now, I have been finding I have moments of total fear regarding the birth and life after birth with new baby and when I have bad days with just one child I worry like crazy how I will do with 2!

I'm sure I will have bad days with 2 as well but just gotta keep moving forward!

I appreciate your support!
The worst part of this pregnancy for me was potty training my DD, it would test the patience of any person never mind a hormonal sleep deprived preggers one. Sorry your mum wasn't more supportive. I have no tips or tricks to share but just stick at it, he'll get it eventually and it will be so much easier only having one in nappies once your little one gets here.
I'm sorry your mom was so insensitive.

I've just started to 'train' my 14 month little girl. I use the term loosely because we jot are jot fully active in it yet. She doesn't say pee or show any indication towards when needing to go, so I set out 4 times everyday (same time everyday) that i put her on the toilet. If she does something I make a huge deal out of it. If she doesn't do anything I just ask her 'no pee?' and take her down. I'm really focusing on the word pee with her hoping she will pick up on it so we can come across a little more when she wants to pee.

Maybe where your lo is a bit older you could offer a bit of a reward system? Consistant days on the potty will let him pick what's for supper? Or pick a treat to add the grocery cart. Something small but with a bit meaning.
You might have bad days with two little ones, but youll figure it out...and youll be awesome at multi tasking in no time! Believe me! Its ok to have a meltdown every once in a while...

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