(This is a long message, please read to the end because I would really appreciate informed advice)
Hi ladies, just a little bit anxious posting in here. I really don't want to cause any argument or tiffs and certainly doing wish to attract nasty comments.
I know Elective C-Sections are a hugely taboo subject, but I am looking into my options regarding requesting one.
My son is 20 months old and was born vaginally, but I do have a few reasons why I want a section this time around and I've been looking into them over the past few days.
1. With my son, he was induced at 40+11, born at 40+13. At the time, I was put on the monitor at 10pm Friday night and over the space of the next 2 days, spent around three hours off it. The monitor wasn't working and my son's heart rate wasn't reacting the same to every contraction so I was forced to labour on my back even at times being forced to stay still during a contraction. My midwife didn't even want me to move onto my side but let me once they clipped the little monitor to his scalp. He was born with my laying on my back and I suffered 2/3rd degree tearing because of that =[ 32 hours!!
2. I'm suffer anaemia regularly... My Hb levels after labour where 8.1 because I lost so much blood, and I couldn't breastfeed because I wasn't producing milk. I then suffered with anemia for around 3 months and have been borderline anemic ever since. In fact my Midwife was shocked to see my Hb levels were 12 at my booking appointment because 12 is high for me!
I also threw up large amounts of fresh blood during labour and there was no reason given as to why.
When it started, it started at night and the light in my cubicle was broken so when the nurse came to check on me she blamed the bloody vomit on "coke or something I drank the day before!" Considering I wasn't keeping water down I didn't even have coke on the ward!
3. To top of the anemia issue, I'm on clexane injections throughout this pregnancy and for 6 weeks PP. I am terrified that if I go into spontaneous labour whilst injecting clexane I am at a higher risk of haemorrhaging.
I'm high risk of DVT through maternal line pregnancies only and the fact my BMI is 30, not because I've had a clot before. Bad enough as it is but I'm friggin' needle phobic so knowing that these injections could possibly result in such a bad ending after supposedly being the reason we're alive terrifies me even more.
4. I suffered PND and PTSD due to my labour last time. I desperately wanted a water birth with my son but obviously, wasn't even allowed to sit on a birthing ball ='[ I was only allowed Gas and Air because the labour ward was too busy for the anaesthetist to be available for an epidural and I'm allergic to Cyclizine so they couldn't give me pethidine without waiting for the consultant to approve and prescribe a second, alternative anti sickness med to go with it.
I did have a fantastic Health Visitor at the time but it still took a while to admit to having PND.
5. I had my 20 week scan on Friday and that is what has kicked off my terror.
I also have a Low Lying Anterior Placenta. The sonographer was lovely and didn't seem concerned because Anterior placenta's are likely to stretch up and out of the way as the baby grows but when I got home and looked into it I read it's a huge causing factor of posterior babies, meaning they're born back to back.
The sheer thought of that, the idea that on a normal delivery it took me a total of 32 hours to deliver my son I just CAN NOT stand the idea of a back to back baby.
I'm getting to a point now where I'm dreading even being pregnant. I haven't slept the past few nights just because I'm so frightened of what might happen and when I do think about it I end up in floods of tears.
Obviously, I'm aware that C-Sections are huge operations and have long recovery periods but I had such awful tearing last time that it took me months to recover from it, the father of my children wasn't around when my son was born so I was a single parent too, desperately trying to breastfeed and get my self recovered at the same time as recovering from the tearing... It was a long process.
My Mum has had massive stomach operations before and I've had to help her recover so I think I'm well prepared.
I know I'll have to go through counselling for this but I just need your opinions about it. Do you think I've got good enough reason to even ask? If not I'm not going to put myself through the extra stress ='[ but I can feel my BP going up just writing here.
Hi ladies, just a little bit anxious posting in here. I really don't want to cause any argument or tiffs and certainly doing wish to attract nasty comments.
I know Elective C-Sections are a hugely taboo subject, but I am looking into my options regarding requesting one.
My son is 20 months old and was born vaginally, but I do have a few reasons why I want a section this time around and I've been looking into them over the past few days.
1. With my son, he was induced at 40+11, born at 40+13. At the time, I was put on the monitor at 10pm Friday night and over the space of the next 2 days, spent around three hours off it. The monitor wasn't working and my son's heart rate wasn't reacting the same to every contraction so I was forced to labour on my back even at times being forced to stay still during a contraction. My midwife didn't even want me to move onto my side but let me once they clipped the little monitor to his scalp. He was born with my laying on my back and I suffered 2/3rd degree tearing because of that =[ 32 hours!!
2. I'm suffer anaemia regularly... My Hb levels after labour where 8.1 because I lost so much blood, and I couldn't breastfeed because I wasn't producing milk. I then suffered with anemia for around 3 months and have been borderline anemic ever since. In fact my Midwife was shocked to see my Hb levels were 12 at my booking appointment because 12 is high for me!
I also threw up large amounts of fresh blood during labour and there was no reason given as to why.
When it started, it started at night and the light in my cubicle was broken so when the nurse came to check on me she blamed the bloody vomit on "coke or something I drank the day before!" Considering I wasn't keeping water down I didn't even have coke on the ward!
3. To top of the anemia issue, I'm on clexane injections throughout this pregnancy and for 6 weeks PP. I am terrified that if I go into spontaneous labour whilst injecting clexane I am at a higher risk of haemorrhaging.
I'm high risk of DVT through maternal line pregnancies only and the fact my BMI is 30, not because I've had a clot before. Bad enough as it is but I'm friggin' needle phobic so knowing that these injections could possibly result in such a bad ending after supposedly being the reason we're alive terrifies me even more.
4. I suffered PND and PTSD due to my labour last time. I desperately wanted a water birth with my son but obviously, wasn't even allowed to sit on a birthing ball ='[ I was only allowed Gas and Air because the labour ward was too busy for the anaesthetist to be available for an epidural and I'm allergic to Cyclizine so they couldn't give me pethidine without waiting for the consultant to approve and prescribe a second, alternative anti sickness med to go with it.
I did have a fantastic Health Visitor at the time but it still took a while to admit to having PND.
5. I had my 20 week scan on Friday and that is what has kicked off my terror.
I also have a Low Lying Anterior Placenta. The sonographer was lovely and didn't seem concerned because Anterior placenta's are likely to stretch up and out of the way as the baby grows but when I got home and looked into it I read it's a huge causing factor of posterior babies, meaning they're born back to back.
The sheer thought of that, the idea that on a normal delivery it took me a total of 32 hours to deliver my son I just CAN NOT stand the idea of a back to back baby.
I'm getting to a point now where I'm dreading even being pregnant. I haven't slept the past few nights just because I'm so frightened of what might happen and when I do think about it I end up in floods of tears.
Obviously, I'm aware that C-Sections are huge operations and have long recovery periods but I had such awful tearing last time that it took me months to recover from it, the father of my children wasn't around when my son was born so I was a single parent too, desperately trying to breastfeed and get my self recovered at the same time as recovering from the tearing... It was a long process.
My Mum has had massive stomach operations before and I've had to help her recover so I think I'm well prepared.
I know I'll have to go through counselling for this but I just need your opinions about it. Do you think I've got good enough reason to even ask? If not I'm not going to put myself through the extra stress ='[ but I can feel my BP going up just writing here.