I can't find AF. o.O


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2012
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I've had a regular 34-day cycle since October. Well.

Oct - Nov. was normal. Dec. 4, I had emergency laparotomy to remove a ruptured ectopic, but got to keep my tube.

Jan. 18, I got AF. 34 Days later, as normal, I got AF again on Feb. 21.
I normally spot on cd34 and begin AF the next day, and I always have cramps 1-2 weeks leading up to AF, swollen, sore bbs, moodiness.

But this cycle, I've got NOTHING. No swollen/sore bbs, no cramps, no spotting, no AF.


I don't know when I O'd this time. I'm pretty sure I did, since I had O pains a bit ago, but I forgot to mark down when I had it. O__O;;

But I was good at documenting all the days DF and I bd.

BD: CD6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, some days between, 24, 26, 28, 33, 34.

Heh. I almost want to ask if too much BDing can delay AF... But I'd feel stupid.

I'm just so tired of jumping on the scare wagon only to fall off very ungracefully. >>;;

But that tiny hopeful part of me wonders if there could be a little sea monkey swimmin' around in there or if I'm just thinking too much.

I haven't really had any symptoms of ANYTHING lately, except for gradually (over the last week) being increasingly EXHAUSTED, serious gas (sorry TMI) and just an hour or two ago I got the WORST heartburn. I can't even burp to relieve it it's so awful!

Any guesses to where dear AF could be, or if maybe it's my month?
Idk much but I thought heartburn was a sign? When is af due this month?
AF was due 3/26. Sooooo, two days ago. :p

I'm not on BC or anything either, so AF has been a pretty regular 34 day cycle.
I haven't yet! I'm kind of afraid to test and get a scary BFN. Even though we're only NTNP, it'd still be, obviously, life-changing to get a BFP.

I'm trying to relax, wondering if maybe getting all excited about being late maybe is delaying it or something... But my cycles have been a solid 34 days for the last while! And I've never NOT had PMS symptoms.
wow you have some amazing willpower! i can understand wanting to wait for those reasons, though. i've been thinking i'm crazy the past couple days, but when i get to af due date i will prob poas every time i go to the bathroom :)

why not get a blood test since they're more sensitive? i'm going to be anxious for you until i find out!:wohoo: good luck!
Aaaaah, thanks! I'm anxious, too!

And I'm waiting to get a blood test, too. See, I'm about to spend about a hundred plus dollars making prints of art I've done to sell at this convention coming up April 6-8th. So, I'm trying to conserved my funds. And besides, I don't want to go get a $30 blood test (my copay is silly!) just to have it be too early...!

I HAVE to have willpower, or I'd go nuts! Hahahaha.

When are you due for AF?
Ohhh, yeah that makes sense. That is crazy to have to pay $30 though. I live in WV and work at a drs office. We can bill insurance for ua/blood tests but you don't have to pay your copay since you are just getting labs done and if you pay just straight out of pocket, no ins involved its only $11 period, no underlying charges. Maybe you should call around and see .if anyone around there works that way for whenever you are ready to test.

This is our first pg "scare" if you can call it that. I've never kept track of my cycles but after some major research and thankfully being able to track my past periods by holidays and important dates I'm pretty sure I have a 26 d cycle and if that is true then I am due next wed. We bd'd last week, we have been pulling out for nearly 4 years without incident, but this time he didn't get it in time. It was no biggie until 3 days later I felt my typical ov pains. I was really scared about it at first, but we have always talked about having kids, we were just going to wait another 2-3 years. Now we are both ecstatic and hopeful and he already said if it was bfn this time, we would actually try next month. :) I've decided to start testing Sunday and we'll see how it goes.

Sorry for the book. It's just really nice to have someone to talk to since no one else knows.
Oh, don't worry about it. I like to read and write, but I'm always afraid of other people getting on to ME about writing a novel! :p

Awwwww, that's exciting! Yeah, I'm pretty sure my DF didn't want to actually start trying for another 2-3 years, buuuuuut he lets me have my way a little bit. He knows how badly I want little ones, and he wants them, too, he just wants us to have a house first. But I'm impatient and overly optimistic, I guess. So right now we're not even thinking too much about the possibility of being pg BUT the longer I wait, the higher my hopes get. I'm late! And don't feel as if AF is coming at all! Of course my hopes are wanting to burst through the roof, hahaha. <3

Oooh, sounds exciting! I would love to start testing Sunday, but I promised DF I would wait until at least Tuesday, when I would be 1w1d late. I've been being silly though and looking up an estimation of when I would be due if we ARE pg...

The dates are all a little varying, but one of the EDDs was December 4th. That would make EXACTLY a year from when I lost my first "baby". December 4th, I had an ectopic pregnancy rupture in my right fallopian tube and had to have an emergency laparotomy. I got to keep my tube, though, and I would have only be 3-4 weeks along, so it wasn't even a viable child... But still, y'know?

So I'm REALLY hoping this has been my month. It would be amazing to have the baby a year after going through such a horrible thing. Maybe it sounds morbid, but I don't mean it to be sad.

Augh. It would just be special.
oh my gosh you are insane! lol. of course you're hopeful and from what i can tell, it sounds very promising for you! I'm so excited to find out your results. i wish i could poas for you haha. :)

I'm so sorry about your last pregnancy. I can't imagine having to go through that. Idk what I would do or how I would make it through. :(
& for what it's worth, I don't think it's at all morbid to hope for the Dec 4th due date. I think that would be a really, really special thing, and it's something that I, personally, would share with my child when they got old enough to understand. I think it would make the bond between the three of you even stronger, not that you intentionally tried to make it that way, but that it's one of those wonderful crazy coincidences.

On a lighter note, I'm way earlier in my cycle than you, and I've already done the due date calculators! haha. I grow increasingly hopeful by the minute, and I'm afraid now that a bfn would destroy me. =/ Anyway, my EDD would be Dec 15th..IF.. and that's 3 days before my bday :)

I hope this weekend soars by so we can both test and hopefully get the +++ we are hoping for :)
Aaaaaah, I don't want to be insane! :blush: What did I doooooo?:dohh:

Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww, that would be the COOLEST BIRTHDAY!!! SUPER cool! I hope we both get BFP's this time around!

And oooooh, I know how you feel! For the laaaaaaast...six plus months, I pretty frequently fiddle around with EDD calculators. Ahaha! I just like to know. :blush: Plus I'm a tiny bit baby crazy. DF has a BIG, young family, and EVERYBODY out here is having babies left and right! It's in the water, I swear... And I believe it! I went to a baby shower this past Saturday and on Monday... I was late!
Today's the day for you to test! FX'd!!!!!

I'm going crazy here on my end. I'm still late, still not testing yet. I'm getting mild...pelvic pains? But only when I sit down for a few minutes. >< BAH.

I logged on this morning after my brief weekend hiatus and wrote you a huge-long reply..and i just got on here and there is nothing?! WTF. Ergh..so here's a general idea of what i put this morning i guess...

BFN this morning. i pretty much figured that but I couldn't help but start testing. I think that satisfied my urge though and I'm gonna try to wait until Wed when AF is due to test again (unless af comes first.)

I've had very odd symptoms the last few days though, which is why i stopped getting on here lol. I kept logging on and symptom spotting to myself and it was making the wait MUUUUCH worse. On thursday, (which was like..6dpo) I had super intense af like cramps. and then (tmi) i had period-like discharge but it was white-ish. since i'm ntnp, if you want to call it that even, i've never paid attention to the whole cm thing..so i have no idea what's what, i just know that was a totally diff experience for me lol. friday the cramping had totally stopped but by night, my boobs got a lot bigger than normal. they feel tight and full, and i have pretty large boobs so even though i'm only 22, a tight chest is not something i have felt since i was in like..4th grade...haha. anyway....they've stayed the same way since friday. my nips are pretty sensitive to touch. So idk what to think.

How are you feeling today? Anything different since the pelvic pain? I bet you are suuuper anxious for Tuesday! You are a super strong woman. But it's soooo close now :D

Oh, & I meant to ask before..what kind of art do you do? I wish I had that kind of talent :)
Ooh, hahaha! Crazy!

Awwww! PUPO! Pregnant until proven otherwise! xD
I hate getting BFN's, even if I can just retest a few days later.

I'm fine here, just been suuuuuuuper tired. x___x And suuuuuuper hungry. I wake up starving pretty much. It sucks.
Yeah, I got something weird. Don't worry about TMI with me. I plan to go to school in a few years to be a nurse. :)
BUT just in case you're weirded out, I'll warn you. This is a little TMI.

I went to the bathroom because I had awful gas and my bladder was about to pop. I went, and when I wiped, I had this, like, inch and a half string of what LOOKS like EWCM, but was streaked with dark brown. Old blood. Other than that, nothing. :\ My boobs seem to be getting fuller? I asked DF to feel them (he joked about how any guy would LOVE to have a girl ask them to do that, haha) and said they do feel more...liquidy? Just bigger and fuller, I guess. I have larger ones, too, about a 46D. I got sized and the lady was like, "You might could wear DD." Which does NOTHING to help me. Either I do, or I don't, y'know?
But yeah, the underwire in my bra broke today. :( I need a new bra. So sad. That one was my favorite.

Other than that, I'm fine. Just peeing a lot, tired, hungry, snappy on occasion and had that streaky cm. :\

I do a mix of digital/traditional art. :) My style is really influenced by anime... Which is Japanese cartoons? I don't really care to watch the shows, but I love SOME of the art styles. Colorful, kinda stylized. But I also just looooove anything with details.
Did you test?!?!?!?!?!? :) :)

The suspense is killing me !

Ah, Yes anime haha. My brothers a huge anime buff so I understand :D I'm sure that is a huge hit with people! That's awesome!

And no, I'm not weirded out by anything so don't worry about that. And besides, if people in here get weirded out by things..Why the Hell are they trying for a baby? Things will only get worse in the tmi department haha.

My bfs friends have 2 kids, they were both happy accidents and she has told me some raunchy stories! lol.

I feel pretty much the same today ( yeah I had askedbf to feel mine too which he was thrilled about, and he asked me if I had taught them to lift weights lol

I really feel like af is coming.. :(
It's pretty popular with my friends. :D Most of my circle of people are anime geeks, too, which is fine. :) I just don't get as excited over it as they do. o_O

No, I haven't tested. I JUST bought a test though. I'm nervous about testing now though. I'm like, "Should I wait for FMU or not?!" Aaaaaahhh!!! It's RIGHT HERE...

I feel EH... I am making more trips to the bathroom. My bladder just won't hold anything! Grrrrrr. And I'm always exhausted. If I'm not pg, I'm gonna be really surprised. >>

Well, still. PUPO. ;D It's not uncommon for women to feel like AF is coming through their pregnancies.

I DON'T feel like AF is coming. I just have to pee all the time. And sleep. And eat.
So I went and bought a little dollar store test (Baby Test) earlier to test TOMORROW morning... And I broke down and took it. I got so excited, I put like 6+ drops in the little well.

I saw the dye flare up where the +/T line should be if I AM pg, but it was all broken and looked more like = than |. Either way, I didn't stop myself and the line seemed to wash away. The control line showed up, and I watched the extra dye float away.

I opened the casette to see inside it, and here's a picture...


Sorry it's a little dark, I took it on my phone.

Do you see the little padding thing at the left? Where the dye is smeared?

Could I have accidentally washed out the dye from the T line?

Oh, and those little scratches around the C line are my fault. I was using scissors like a fool to open the casette, 'cause I saw the pink dye sitting just at the edge of the casette 'hole' that shows just where the two lines should be before I opened it.
Yes I see the little padding thing AND I see all the pink ink on it! I would think it would be totally possible bc all the boxes say that too much or too little urine could mess with the accuracy of the test. GO GET ANOTHER ONE! :)
I'm just really discouraged today. ._.

I bought a 2 pack of Answer tests last night. Now, I have never used them and I don't know how reliable they are BUT I took one.

Granted, I hadn't slept, and it was 3:30ish in the morning.

But it came back negative. :(

And I'm STILL late for AF. Nine days today. NINE.
I tried to call my doctor's nurse to see if she would know what to do, but the stupid office has the crappiest hours. I mean, seriously, I have to pay $30 EVERY time I go, you'd think they would be open. Wednesdays and Fridays, they're only open for 3.5 hours.

Either way. SOMETHING is acting up in my body to make me this late. :(
But the 2 HPTs I've taken are negative. Well, if you wanna count the runny pink dye one negative. :(


Oh yeah, by the way, how are YOU coming along?
Well..any news??

I'm officially 4 days late, still bfn. But on a test today I had a faint bfp that faded as the control line darkened so Idk..

Hoping for us both :)

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