You don't have nothing, you have your beautiful baby boy who needs you.
I know it's not ideal but once you move back to your mums you can out your name down for a council home? I'm not sure on the waiting where you are but at least being at your mums you'll have limited outgoings.
4 hours is a long way but it won't fall solely on you, if your boys family want to be in his life then they'll put in effort to see him.
Baby's adapt quickly so he'll quickly adjust to changes, much quicker than you will.
I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all this but it honestly will get better even if you can't imagine it right now xx
Maybe it's better in a way that it's happened while your son is so young while he can easily adjust to changes. As we get older changes impact us more. My ex broke up with my when I refused to have a termination and has never met my son. My son will be 4 in March and he's definitely not suffered in any way from having one parent. I completely understand it's not ideal but it doesn't mean you're a failure it would have been worse in the long run to stay in a relationship that wasn't working.
You'll get through this. It's difficult at times but you get there xx
It's hard... but not impossible to prevail against.
I don't know where you live, but hopefully it's somewhere with resources that can get you on your feet. Look into housing, employment, childcare resources etc. I completely understand wanting to have your own place and you will eventually.
I have two boys -- left their father when I was pregnant with my youngest... am pregnant again over 5 years later, and this FOB just recently left. My boys and I were homeless with no belongings (except for a few baby items and clothes) after I left their father --- this time I don't have to worry about practical matters until sometime after the baby is born at least... as I have my own place now and thankfully didn't depend on FOB to sustain it... but I do know how draining it is to contend with that on top of everything else --- still getting through it all can be done. Beyond researching your options and deciding the best course of action for you and your baby, try taking things one day at a time.
Not claiming it's not shitty, but, sometimes shitty things have a way of unfurling into something better (even better than what we had planned for). Make sure you take extra care of yourself right now. You need to keep your strength up
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