Hey everyone,
I recently made a thread talking about pregnancy scares during WTT. Well, I'm currently going through one now. I just wanted to make a thread to hopefully get some support and share my feelings.
I'll start off by talking about my cycle. I use the Kindara app to track my cycle. I've been using it since last August. My period has fluctuated quite a bit. I thought it was pretty regular, but after going back and double checking how long my cycle typically lasts, I noticed it varied from month to month. But usually falling between 32-36 days long.
Last month my period came very early, with my previous cycle only lasting 30 days. I thought that was strange and that could be a big reason why my period is so late this month. But I'm also thinking - I could be pregnant!
I've been trying not to freak out because it seems like every time I do that, my period shows up a day or two later. But I've been saying "it'll be any day now" for the last 5 days and it's still not here.
Not that being pregnant would be terrible. I've been actually quite excited thinking about the possibility. But it is definitely bad timing. My husband just got a new job and he still hasn't gotten our benefits figured out. And he'll likely be getting a new job again in the near future, where there might be another gap in our benefits and health insurance coverage. Not to mention, we're currently living with my parents, trying to save up some money to buy a house. A few months from now would definitely be better timing!
I'm not sure how my parents would feel if we got pregnant while living with them. Not that they would be weirded out that we had sex here... but more so they'd either think it was dumb of us to try and conceive while here and not when we have our own place or if they knew it wasn't planned, maybe they'll think we're irresponsible for not being more careful. But we've done everything right. I've been off birth control because I wanted to give my body time to adjust off of it before we do TTC, but we always use condoms.
My mind is just running crazy! My husband works long hours, so I haven't had much time to talk to him and get this all out... but definitely going to tonight. We've both been pretty chill about my period being late. Well, I guess in my head, my thoughts have been going crazy, but I try not to show it because like I said... I always do that and then I start.
Anyways, it's been 37 days since I started my last period. According to my Kindara app, I should have started March 8th. Now, I know it's not always accurate, so I didn't worry too much when I didn't start that day. But with it almost being the 12th and still no sign... I'm starting to think it would be a good idea to just take a pregnancy test to put my mind at ease.
A couple days ago, I did start to feel a bit of cramping and yesterday and today I've been having some very light pink spotting. This usually happens the day of or day before right before I start. I thought it would have came by now. Maybe it'll show up later tonight or tomorrow. But I think I'll talk to my husband tonight and see about taking a test over the weekend if it still doesn't show.
Anyone else ever go through this? What did you do? Did you just take a test? Or go crazy like I am!? lol I've been tempted to buy a test all week, but really wanted to take it with my husband just in case it is a positive.
My mind is just going nuts over here! Sorry for ranting and spilling this all out. I'm new here and never knew there was such a large community for others that are WTT. So, it just felt right to share my current situation and see if I could get any support or words of comfort. It just feels good to have somewhere to go to talk and find others to relate to.
Thanks for listening!
I recently made a thread talking about pregnancy scares during WTT. Well, I'm currently going through one now. I just wanted to make a thread to hopefully get some support and share my feelings.
I'll start off by talking about my cycle. I use the Kindara app to track my cycle. I've been using it since last August. My period has fluctuated quite a bit. I thought it was pretty regular, but after going back and double checking how long my cycle typically lasts, I noticed it varied from month to month. But usually falling between 32-36 days long.
Last month my period came very early, with my previous cycle only lasting 30 days. I thought that was strange and that could be a big reason why my period is so late this month. But I'm also thinking - I could be pregnant!
I've been trying not to freak out because it seems like every time I do that, my period shows up a day or two later. But I've been saying "it'll be any day now" for the last 5 days and it's still not here.
Not that being pregnant would be terrible. I've been actually quite excited thinking about the possibility. But it is definitely bad timing. My husband just got a new job and he still hasn't gotten our benefits figured out. And he'll likely be getting a new job again in the near future, where there might be another gap in our benefits and health insurance coverage. Not to mention, we're currently living with my parents, trying to save up some money to buy a house. A few months from now would definitely be better timing!
I'm not sure how my parents would feel if we got pregnant while living with them. Not that they would be weirded out that we had sex here... but more so they'd either think it was dumb of us to try and conceive while here and not when we have our own place or if they knew it wasn't planned, maybe they'll think we're irresponsible for not being more careful. But we've done everything right. I've been off birth control because I wanted to give my body time to adjust off of it before we do TTC, but we always use condoms.
My mind is just running crazy! My husband works long hours, so I haven't had much time to talk to him and get this all out... but definitely going to tonight. We've both been pretty chill about my period being late. Well, I guess in my head, my thoughts have been going crazy, but I try not to show it because like I said... I always do that and then I start.
Anyways, it's been 37 days since I started my last period. According to my Kindara app, I should have started March 8th. Now, I know it's not always accurate, so I didn't worry too much when I didn't start that day. But with it almost being the 12th and still no sign... I'm starting to think it would be a good idea to just take a pregnancy test to put my mind at ease.
A couple days ago, I did start to feel a bit of cramping and yesterday and today I've been having some very light pink spotting. This usually happens the day of or day before right before I start. I thought it would have came by now. Maybe it'll show up later tonight or tomorrow. But I think I'll talk to my husband tonight and see about taking a test over the weekend if it still doesn't show.
Anyone else ever go through this? What did you do? Did you just take a test? Or go crazy like I am!? lol I've been tempted to buy a test all week, but really wanted to take it with my husband just in case it is a positive.
My mind is just going nuts over here! Sorry for ranting and spilling this all out. I'm new here and never knew there was such a large community for others that are WTT. So, it just felt right to share my current situation and see if I could get any support or words of comfort. It just feels good to have somewhere to go to talk and find others to relate to.
Thanks for listening!