
Prodest mummy ever
Oct 11, 2007
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Anyone else a sufferer?

Todya has been a pretty bad day, Ive been trying to work out what triggers mine for a few weeks and I thought I had it sussed til today!

I had the same to eat today as yesterday - yesterday was fien but today Ive been AWFUL :(

This is the TMI bit :blush:

I get stomach cramps badly, and then I go to the loo, one time Im constipated, then I go half an hour later because Im getting pains again and I get a bout of diarreah, and it kind of just goes on like that, so I dont really want to take anything from the chemist because its not like... constant one or the other and I dont want to make one of them worse.

The stomach cramps are horrendous, on a bad day like today every time Ive eaten my stomach has just felt like it's curled up & Ive been in agony painkillers do nothing either. Hot bath seems to work but obviously can't do that at work!!!

Does anyone else suffer? I dont know if its worth seeing a Dr coz I dont know if they can do anything about it? I dont really want to talk to hubby either, Id like to keep some dignity in my marriage :rofl:

Thanks :blush:
i have ibs and it is so depressing at times

you said you have taken painkillers and that hasn't helped, what painkillers? were they anti inflamatory tablets? as i find they irritate my stomach also and give me lots of pain
Only thing we've had is co codamol, not sure what that is tbh?

Its just bad at work, I keep having to nip away from my desk & its so embarrasing plus Ive got meetings coming up mand Im dreading them

Hi I suffer as well :(
I get the same pains, mostly as soon as I get out of bed in the morning! I kind of just sit on the loo holding my stomach waiting for them to pass! Some days are worse then others but they aren't constant or last throughout the day! I too get constipation and/or diorreah! :(
Do you feel sick with yours at all?
I feel constantly sick all the time and it gets me down!
I went to the doctors about it and she printed me out loads of info on it (about 20pages of the stuff). She told me they don't have any medication for it! Unfortuently its all self help i.e cut out certain foods you think may cause triggers, wheat for instance, caffine, alcohol, dairy.
Lifestyle changes ect.
The leaflet was quite informative but I can't remember it in all detail!
The only time she said they normally prescribe anything to try and manage it is if the pains are really bad and frequent ! She did tell me to go back if that was the case but they aren't either so I didn't bother!

I hate having IBS, I feel like its taken over me iyswim haha!
The only time I didn't seem to suffer as bad from it was when I was pregnant with my LO:shrug:

Edit: Pain killers don't work for me, I just have to kind of wait for my pains to pass! (normally whilst sitting on the toilet)
Sorry if that has given you a horrid mental image lol!
I feel sick/queasy a lot but it didn't know if it had anything to with this, maybe it is.

The other really awful thing is that I hate when you've been feeling like you need to go more when there's nothing there iykwim. Ive already got piles from when I had Seth & just making it worse :(

I do drink a lot at the moment, but my eating has got better ive cut out a lot of carbs & dairy.

This is a really horrible thread :rofl: sorry ladies just feeling a bit miserable with it all :(
Yeah I know exactly what you mean! I get that feeling all the time as well!
When I get my pains I feel like I have to bolt for the loo, but when I'm there... nothing lol!
My doctor told me that sickness and lethargy were both typical symptoms of IBS!
Its so frustrating isn't it!
Maybe go and see your GP anyway see what they say!
Im really lethargic too :dohh: Im knackered all the time. My hubby always comments on it.

I saw the Dr but all he said was that its trial and error trying to cut things out that trigger it but today as aclassic example - it doesnt seem to matter what I eat coz it just comes and goes as it pleases anyway!!

:dohh: Iv never found cutting out foods help me either tbh. I doesn't matter what I do I always feel sick!
I often just sit here and think to myself, I wonder what it would feel like just to feel normal for once :haha:
Be able to go to the loo and have a normal bowel movement:haha: (TMI eh)
Lol! This is a great thread isn't it.
Aww hun. I suffer horrendously. Awful stomach pains, sometimes it hurts to even sit. I also get nausea, lethargy, headache and achy limbs.
Changing my diet doesnt work.
I used to take Colofac which is fab for it, but over the years my body has got used to it, so now im on Buscopan, which seem to help a little.
Im the same Lillipop, i dont think ive had a normal bowel movement in 12 years :blush:
Its amazing how bad your quality of life can get with IBS as well, sometimes i struggle to do things, especially if im having a bad attack as it can take up to a week to start feeling human again
:hugs: to both of you xx
THERES SOMETHING CALLED COLPERMIN they are really good and take the pain and bloating away. doctors cant prove if you have it or not there isnt a test but a change of diet definately helps as i dont get no where near as bad when i am on a diet and carbs are really bad with it try just cutting out carbs for one day worth trying ?
I got it very badly before pregnancy and have had it since I was about 11 I think. I used to be on anti-spasmodals, then I gave them up and was fine for a while and assumed I'd grown out of it but it came back really badly about 3-4 years ago. I got it after work for some reason and would be walking home and get this awful stitch and feel SO sick. I thought I had appendicitis, sometimes I felt like I was dying. They sent me for scans cos they thought I had ovarian cysts but all they found was a lot of gas and stuff and suggested IBS. I got put on Mebeverine and whilst it didn't get rid of it, I really noticed the difference when I had to stop taking them when I was pregnant (they weren't safe when TTC/preg). My triggers are alcohol, wheat, and stress.

My usual symptoms are both constipation and diorreah, sometimes nausea, stomach cramps. Sometimes the pain is what I would call 'unbearable'. All the way through my labour I just kept saying "if I can cope with IBS, I can cope with this" and tbh, I found labour a lot easier to manage! I find the worst is when I get the runs and I'm just on the toilet for about 30mins in absoloute agony. Then you think it's over, stand up, wash your hands and get another wave and you're stuck there again. When I was pregnant the doctor prescribed codeine which is supposed to help with the spasms and diarreah but luckily I didn't need to take them as it went during the 2nd trimester.

It can really affect your life, especially if you get caught out. This is a horrible story (and way too much TMI sorry!) but one night I was out with a friend on the razz, we'd been out for ages and drunk SO much, think we'd been to a gig too so was really dehydrated. Anyway, we were headed down to this takeaway/bar place and I suddenly got hit so bad. I couldn't run fast enough to this place for the toilet (it was 2am so nothing else was open) so I had to squat in an alley and go! Absoloutely rancid I know, but I refuse to be ashamed of it because it wasn't my fault, it's just an example of what IBS can do to you and not many people understand, they just think "oh it's a stomach ache" or whatever.
That must have been awful :(
I know what you mean though when you gotta go, you gotta go!
Iv had to leg it to the Loo a few times before, luckily when Iv been at home though!

My main trigger is Stress and Anxiety! Iv often wondered whether or not dairy sets me off as well! I know alcohol does with me as its always worse after Iv had a drink!
Its strange what causes it??? I just wish they knew as well :( I just hate feeling sick alllllllll the time](*,)
Sory to bump this thread back up, the past week with this has been pretty bad but I think its stress because Im moving jobs...

is there anything I can take to get rid of the sicky feeling? Its been bad the past few days & making me feel a bit miserable.

Im also worried about my first few days of work because I have to sit in a big induction with about 50 people and Im obv going to be nervous & stressed, just dont wan to have to keep dashing out or whatever.


hi have ibs, been suffering from it since before i was pregnant though it seemed to get alot worse after i had jesse, touch would its been over a month without an episode now though!
who ever wrote that about finding labour easier, lol, the pain is really awful, i normally get cramps for a while before diorreah i remember having the cramps when i was about 9weeks pregnant and i thought i was losing the baby the pain was so bad :(

you know what strangely works for the sicky feeling for me? gaviscon! i know its meant to be for heartburn but it really does settle my stomach, xx

iv never found a certain food triggers me, iv tried cutting things out but never worked, i get a bout of ibs whether its been a day when iv had carbs/dairy/alcohol or a day when i havnt! id love to know what triggers mine so far havnt found it! x
Thanks for the advice :) Ill have some gaviscon today.

I had the same when I was about 10 wks pregnant & a little bleeding and Im wondering if it was that. I ended up in hospital for a scan and stuff, baby was fine and no sign of where the blood was from so maybe it was. The pain was just horrendous.

I have ibs too, it likes to appear as and when it feels like it, it's like nothing in particular sets it off. I do avoid things like spicey food/ alcohol/ gluten(i have to buy gluten free pasta, £2.59 what a ripoff)/ tea and coffee (i have lemon and ginger tea, no caffine) and chocolate. The heat sets it off sometimes as well, i felt terrible when it was hot the other weekend.

I hope you all feel better soon and that it doesn't come back for a while.
Ive got IBS and i would recommend going to your gp as there are things that can be done, im currently on 3 different tablets for mine, one i take all the time, one when i have dihorrea and one for constipation and its just working with them till i get to a point where its controlled but ive been trying lots of different medication to see whats right for me so there are things u can take to help, initially i think initially peppermint can help which u can buy over the counter, peppermint capsules. Kx
The anti-spasmodics (mebeverine?) should help both constipation and the runs. They help regulate the gut contractions, so theoretically help both types of IBS.

I used to suffer, but things have calmed down a lot over the past few years. Stress and anxiety really set me off! Job interviews are a nightmare, I'm never off the toilet before :blush: Generally I suffer with constipation though. It's quite normal for me to go for a poo one a week/every ten days. The bloating can be horrible.

Luckily I don't get the intense pain so much any more. :hugs: to those that are suffering x x
c i take mebeverine then because its quite bad atm im taking buscopan and.... cant think to hand what the other one is called but another to help so think in my case its like a back up to the mebeverine Kx
i suffer with this, but so does my dad. i feel sick most days and always have stomach pains/aches and always feel uncomfy. its horrible

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