I'm exactly the same except mine are 7&4 but don't play with toys much and youngest loves wii u, eldest plays wii but also now into Xbox (just has a 360 at the mo) not sure can justify a new Xbox or the like though at 7 as don't think he really understands about newest models etc yet.
I'm starting to think less is more though In re to toys, I think if they didn't have so much to choose from would they play with it more, not sure if they would. I got wrestlers, transformers, turtles sets and batman imaginext etc the past couple of years and he hardly bothers with them!
Elise's the likes lego but puts them together and it's done, he has phases of playing with it then nit bother for months.
We don't have much space to store things either, my eldest though has never been one to sit and play and use his imagination where as my youngest is abit better, but hasn't played with the Thomas the tank things from last yr v much, but then maybe I should encourage it more and get them out for them. My youngest does love play dough and will play with that for a fair while though.
Will read through the suggestions and follow for ideas.