I'm feeling blue over my weight gain..


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2012
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I have put on 35 lbs during this pregnancy... My goal was 25. I feel massive. I started off at 125 lbs and ugh I just feel sooooo annoyed with myself. I should have eaten healthier. I should have cut caffeine all together but I drink it daily. I should have kept myself more hydrated because I am now retaining quite a lot of water. My midwife said that i'm OK but did mention that I was slightly above avg on weight gain.

It was hard to hear since I had suffered with eating disorders as a teen and even though I have been healthy for over 7 years now, Being told I am slightly above average on weight gain has played on my mind for a while.

It's not like I eat junk alllllllll the time but I do eat a lot of carbs. I cook every night so we don't have takeaways all that often. although i'm sure the oreo ice cream I've been eating hasn't been much help. but omg it's so good. LOL.

Idk I guess I'm just afraid that I will get obsessive again or that I won't lose this weight and that it will take forever!


It sucks doesn't it? I put on quite a lot of weight with my 1st pregnancy and it took me a while to lose most of it before getting pregnant again.
I have struggled with disordered eating (was using laxatives up until 2 months before first pregnancy) and it is difficult enough to lose pregnancy weight without the concern things will go pear shaped again.

I'm happy to say this time I haven't gained much BUT was 3 stone heavier at start than with my first 10 yrs ago. This time I will be doing the same with 2nd baby- bReastfeeding, going for daily walks with pram, going to gym or using wii to do Zumba etc. with 2nd pregnancy I gained a good 30lbs but managed to shift it all and some more by 12 weeks without compromising my milk supply or time with baby and toddler.
I put on 30lb last pregnancy and after stuffing myself with food after the birth I dreaded stepping on the scales a couple of days later, but I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It was all baby, placenta and water (especially in my hands and feet). I was surprised because I had eaten quite a lot and often during the pregnancy so I was expecting to have to work on losing it all.

So don't stress - you may have a bigger head start than you think:hugs:
Yeah I thought I'd only gain 25 lbs max. Oops. I've gained 35 lbs. I can't wait to exercise properly again. I do a bit of exercise now, but crap out pretty early, so It doesn't really do much.
Thanks guys. it's just soooo annoying when I hear my friends say, "Well I only put on a stone when I was pregnant..."

I had a little bit of sugar in my urine on my last appt so I am scared I will have it again this week. :( I will feel horribly guilty if I have GD..

I guess the best thing is that I am nearly 38 weeks so not long to go.
I gained 45 pounds with my little girl.. and I lose 50 after it! and I breastfed as well! you will lose all the weight! :) give it time!
I've put on 42 pounds! I can't quite believe it. But I am very swollen so I'm hoping that a lot of it is water retention. I know I should have eaten better and drank more water but I didn't and there's no going back now. So I reckon that I have to just be focused on losing it once bubs is here. We can do it! :hugs:
I know the feeling :hugs: you will loose it again if you put your mind to it!

I put on 40lb with my first pregnancy, never really lost it all and got pregnant with my 2nd, put on around 25lb with that pregnancy....finally lost all my baby weight and more and then we conceived with this baby...andddd I'm back to the begging again pretty much...about 32lb up so far :cry: it is all my own fault for not eating healthy and watching my weight...I should of really as I'm getting married a year after baby is born...I just really hope I can loose it fast, once I put my mind to dieting I'm normally quite strict, plus knowing I'm getting married should spur me on a little more...hoping to go wedding dress shopping in October so need to loose quite abit of weight fast, hoping breast feeding and lots of walking with healthy eating will help!

I could have written this post hun! I was anorexic in high school and got my eating back on track 10 years ago. The all-or-nothing thinking is still present in my mind though and I'm constantly trying to learn ways to get myself through self-doubt and self-criticism. I've also gained *above average* this pregnancy (my first) and find that really difficult. I was scared about disordered eating after the baby is born.. but I just tell myself that I CANT go there. I remember all of the people I alienated in high school, and I refuse to let that happen to my family. I just think about the fact that my baby won't care how much weight I gained... as long as I am there for them.

I also try to think of my body in terms of what it can do..instead of in terms of how "good" (or not good) it looks. It makes it a lot easier to love. For example..instead of thinking about how big my belly looks, I try to think about the perfect way it holds my baby and keeps her safe. I think about the fact that I can walk, move with grace, make love, and dance in the kitchen...and how I'll be able to give those really awesome cuddles that I loved to get from my mom. I don't need to be a clothing model. I don't need to be an athelete. My body is capable of doing everything I need it to do and probably more. I can love that. I can really love that. There is beauty in that.
I was on a diet before I got pregnant & managed to lose 6kg in about 7 weeks, cut out sugar, was eating super healthily & exercising...but so far have put on about 17kg (37 pounds), have stopped exercising & have been eating so much sugar over the last 3 months :( I am actually surprised that I have not got GD, have been eating a lot of chocolate, ice cream & cupcakes (I normally would never eat cakes or ice cream as I generally do not like them), I know I shouldn't eat it, but I just can't seem to stop myself! I do try to eat healthily too, with fruit, salads, vegies & smaller meal portions, but I know it is going to be such a struggle after I have baby to lose the weight. Most of my weight has gone onto my thighs & arms (hardest bloody places to lose weight!) & my boobs have also got massive, stretch marks have been on my hips over existing ones & have only just started getting a few little one's on my bump. I feel like a big fat whale :(
I have put on 44lbs... started at 124lbs, so you are not alone. I am definitely retaining a lot of water now, but I am exercising and eating right, so that's about all you can do. People keep saying how small I am and I'm "all belly", and are shocked when I tell them how much I gained. I think everyone's body is different during pregnancy, and as long as you are making healthy choices, be proud of yourself :)
I know how you feel!

I actually started out a bit overweight. 230lbs (though I'm 5'11) and lost 30 lbs in my first trimester. So watching it all come back in my third trimester is killing me. I was so excited! I seriosuly have gained like seven lbs in TWO WEEKS! I'm not even sure where its coming from. Ill be 36 weeks on Wednesday, so I know its u likely, but I'm starting to wonder if I am devolping GD or something. I know I'm a bit dehydrated, but seriously, I'm gaining over double my goals between each doc appointment for the last two appointments!

I have SPD so working out doesn't really work, but I just eat when I'm hungry! They might not be the most nutritious meals, but its like, corn flakes for breakfast, tuna sandwich for lunch, and maybe spaghetti for dinner, with canned fruit and yogurts for snacks.

I've just decided that when I have the baby, it can all come off then. Ill be BF and hopefully the SPD will go away and I can start working out again. So trying not to worry on it too much.
Don't let the weight gain get you all down! My first I gained a ridiculous amount of weight, my second a slightly less ridiculous amount of weight, and this one about 35-40 pounds. This weird obsession with our weight is really damaging! I love my MW with this one, we don't weigh. If I want to know what I have gained, I can jump on the scale, but I rarely do that. After a shocking 9 lb weight gain in 24 hours and an even more shocking 12 pound weight loss in the 24 hours following I decided that pregnancy gives me enough to stress out about with thinking about my weight! Just think of it as fuel for the next 6 months of feeding a new baby without getting to sit down and actually finish a hot meal!
I love the idea of not weighting in everytime you go to the dr. It's so hard to not think about it when we are made to always look at our weight as a bad thing.

When I am having a bad day and focused on my weight I try to remember beyonces documentary. She said she gained 50 lbs with blue ivy and she looked beautiful so so can we at 35-40 lbs!
Wow all your number s just don't sound that bad to me! My cousin gained 60 lbs with her first and another friend gained 70! Both lost the weight completely, I think it was harder to imagine the weight falling off the first pregnancy, but it does! So much of it is water/baby/extra stuff...not actual fat. And the fat is pretty important when it comes to BFing. I lost weight too fast after DD was born (due to longterm illness) and my milk supply dissappeared with it. Wish I had a little more fat stores from pregnancy then.
I put on a whopping 4.8 stone! (65lb!!) I suffered with really bad water retention and midwife threaten to sign me off work early if I didn't put my feet up more.

Two weeks PP I had lost 2.10 stone (38lb) and now 7 wks PP I've got another stone (14lb) to lose, I highly recommend breast feeding as a way to help shift the weight! You can literally eat like a pig and still lose, they say that each oz of breastmilk burns 26 calories.

I stopped breast feeding at 5 wks due to latch problems so weight loss has slowed since then

One thing I didn't find out until half way through my delivery when my midwife was disscussing my water retention was that it actually gets WORSE after you've given birth!!!! And she was right I swelled up like a water barrel and couldn't look at my legs without wanting to cry! Thank god it was just water and within a few days I started to slim back down

I wouldn't worry about your weight gain, especially if you are suffering with water retention as you have no way to control it and will only stress you and bump out, I ate heathy and drank lots of water and still ended up like a whale, all you can do is try and make yourself feel better by wearing nice clothes, doing hair an makeup and rub your bump as much as possible.
I put on 37lbs so far. I eat healthy 95% of the time and up until 3 weeks ago I was working out 3-4 days/week. I gained btwn 55-60 pounds with each of my other 3 pregnancies and I ate everything in sight. So although almost 40 pounds seems like a lot, it's better then I've done in the past and I most certainly feel better this time around.

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