im scared.


EDD#1= February 22 <3
Jan 9, 2013
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I'm scared of the idea of giving birth, I'm scared I'll be a bad Momma. I'm scared that with me living at home, me and the baby will burden everyone. My fiance don't have a job, I'm scared that he won't get one by february and we won't be able to provide for him or her. I have so many fears. I also want to have a natural birth, How bad is it?
I'm scared of the idea of giving birth, I'm scared I'll be a bad Momma. I'm scared that with me living at home, me and the baby will burden everyone. My fiance don't have a job, I'm scared that he won't get one by february and we won't be able to provide for him or her. I have so many fears. I also want to have a natural birth, How bad is it?

Hang in there hun. Everything works out for a reason. Believe it will be okay, and in time it will. I promise....

This is my first child, and I'm not having a natural birth... so good luck to you love. Let me know if you need anything.
I'm scared of the idea of giving birth, I'm scared I'll be a bad Momma. I'm scared that with me living at home, me and the baby will burden everyone. My fiance don't have a job, I'm scared that he won't get one by february and we won't be able to provide for him or her. I have so many fears. I also want to have a natural birth, How bad is it?

Birth - This isn't meant to sound mean, but it's almost like you get what you're given and you just push on, as long as baby is safe and sound :) It can't be that bad as mine was really awful and I'd do that exact birth again in a heartbeat for the best thing at the end :flower: Plus I'm having another :haha:

Being a good/bad mum - Big worry, and one I had too, but most things should come to you naturally, you'll soon get into your own swing of things!

Living - I live with OH sorry but grandparents love cooing and helping! My parents and sister have always helped with Jason, until he does a poo, then he gets given back to me :haha:

Job - My OH was out of work too, he was in and out of temp jobs when I was pregnant, he's had 3 jobs since LO was born and only just settled into one now, and we got by :) You have benefits available to you to help until your OH is in work :)

Natural birth - I think we all do but I go back to my first statement :)

Hope that was helpful, honestly if you ever want to chat pm me :hugs:
We all have the fear that we were going to be bad mothers. It's completely natural and it won't end once you've given birth. I worry all the time if I'm being a good mother to my daughter but at the end of the day you do what you think is best for your LO and there isn't much more you can do. (Being worried that you're doing something wrong is usually when you're doing something right)

As for the birth; I was strangely not afraid of birth. I knew that my body was designed to give birth and that women had given birth for thousands of years without pain medicine and it helped to know that. Like PP said, there isn't much you can do but go with the flow. You may go into it with the idea of a natural birth, and everything may work out that you get just that like a lot of women on here have, but there may be a chance that you won't be able to handle the pain or a c-section is needed and there really isn't anything wrong with that. I would just suggest going into your birth with an open mind. At the end you get to finally hold your little baby, and that truly is all that matters at the end of the day!
I lived at home with my daughter when she was a newborn and I found that it helped, even though it was hard on my parents at times. I wasn't with my OH at the time and it was difficult dealing with my daughter alone. She was a baby that woke up every hour and constantly fed. Having their helped definitely helped me keep my sanity but as long as you and your OH do the work, I can't see how you will be a burden.
Right after me and OH found out that we were expecting this time, he lost his job and it's been REALLY rough, and he's been searching EVERYWHERE for a job with little luck. I was worried that he would be without a job (and thus without insurance for the babies when they arrive) but he got VERY lucky and his mom found him a decent paying job at her work that has amazing insurance. He doesn't start until the beginning of August but we're just happy that he found one. I would suggest that he look at temp agency's that way he'll have a job, even if it's just for a little bit.
As for a natural birth I have no idea. I asked for the epidural when I got to the hospital. (I was 6cm dilated but in very little pain, I just figured it'd be easier) This time around, however, I very much want to try completely natural but since I'm having twins, the odds of me having a vaginal birth are small, and probably even smaller having a completely natural birth. Just try to keep an open mind, I know it can be hard but it tends to help birth go a lot smoother. :flower:
You are all so wonderful and helpful. Thank yall so much. *stomach growls* now I'm hungry hahaha :)
Try to stay calm. You don't need to stress over everything like this, your hormones are already all over the place, so the best thing you can do is just deep breaths and know everything happens for a reason and you will be fine.

I was scared of a lot of things when I was pregnant. Pretty much exactly similar to the worries you are having. I was scared what kind of a mom I would be, I was scared of giving birth and the pain, I was scared my OH/FOB would leave me and not stick around for his son, etc etc. No matter what age you are, being a mom is a scary thing because you really have no idea what to expect.

Have you looked into housing or anything? Would that be an option for you? If you live with family, I am sure they won't find you and your family a burden. A baby is a lot of fun and whoever you're living with I'm sure will hopefully help you out and think of having a new baby in the house a fun experience. I lived with my parents until my LO was 2 years old and I worried that we would be a burden but my parents loved us living there. They got to watch him grow up and develop every single day. They helped me out a lot too when I had errands I had to run or when I had homework, etc..

Hopefully your fiance is able to get a job ASAP. My fiance (FOB/OH) didn't get a job until two months before I gave birth. It frustrated the hell out of me because I knew we needed to start saving and I knew he needed to have a job.

You'll be fine though. Everything happens for a reason and you will be fine throughout this entire situation. You have plenty of time before your LO arrives and by that time I'm sure your feelings will be different towards everything. :hugs: Good luck!
I want to have a natural birth, no meds or episiotomy...but im scared it'll be horribly painful.
just relax, women have gone through child birth for thousands and thousands of years. Our bodies were made for labour.

Your body will know what to do and how to handle it, all you have to do is try and relax and breathe!
You're much braver than I. I don't think I could make a natural birth, but I'm a big wuss! Lol. I feel the same way about living at home and being scared of being a burden but everyone keeps saying that once he gets here they will all warm up to him (I hope they're right.)
ALSO I'm scared to death of how to be a mom, like I've had one, but how to be one?! Woah. But also it is suppose to come natural and as I get closer and closer and feel him moving around I just know no matter what I do it's all gonna be so he's happy and that gives me confidence in myself.

Don't stress and don't worry, everything is gonna be okay!
The fact you are worrying and are on a baby website looking for help and reserching shows you already adore your LO and that you want to do it all right, so you are on the right path to being a great mummy already.

I was scared to death when I was pregnant with Michael especially since we had a MC before him. I was sacred I would lose him, scared I would hurt him, scared something would go wrong , scared I wouldn't be a good mum, scared of the pain, scared of having to do it alone. Pregnancy is scary because we have no way of knowing what's to come and this goes for mums to be of all ages no matter if it's there first or their 5th.

Take things slowly and try not to worry to much, babies come when they are meant to and hopefully soon things will all fall into place for you :hugs:
Birth is what I'm most scared about. I want a natural birth, but I'm scared about the pain....
You'd be surprised. A lot of people overhype it. Just remember we were built for this.

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