I don't know what to think. I've been TTC for 6 years with stage IV Endo and ovarian cysts. I've had 4 surgeries to remove both, tried just about everything to help me conceive, but I have not been successful yet. Never even had a positive opk. So not even sure if I ovulate. I have regular 26 day cycles. This cycle I decided to try something different. I started Evening Primrose Oil and Vitex and did opks from CD9. Here we go:
CD9- neg
CD10- neg (slight left ovary cramps)
CD11- pos
CD12- pos (suspected O day) (BD twice w/ Preseed) left and right ovary cramps
CD13- neg
CD14- didn't test because of neg result the day before (BD no Preseed) really bad left ovary cramps, throbbing with shooting pains
CD15- pos again
Here I am thinking I'm 3dpo, but just got another positive opk. What is going on??!! Ps, i stopped the Primrose after my first positive opk, but I'm still taking the Vitex.
CD9- neg
CD10- neg (slight left ovary cramps)
CD11- pos
CD12- pos (suspected O day) (BD twice w/ Preseed) left and right ovary cramps
CD13- neg
CD14- didn't test because of neg result the day before (BD no Preseed) really bad left ovary cramps, throbbing with shooting pains
CD15- pos again
Here I am thinking I'm 3dpo, but just got another positive opk. What is going on??!! Ps, i stopped the Primrose after my first positive opk, but I'm still taking the Vitex.