Hi there I'm new to this site but I'm really needing some advice as google isn't helping, me and my partner are trying for another baby. I think I may be pregnant but. If I am I'm probably only 2 weeks pregnant, but I do find it hard to keep weight on (I'm 7 stone and have been 7 stone for over a year) I was also 7 stone when I was pregnant with my daughter and gained weight threw pregnancy, I have a very good appitite. But the last 2 weeks I've gain 4 pounds and can not stop eating, I keep having weird fluttering feeling in my tummy and my lower abdomen is quite swole, I've been getting alott of white discharhe with abit of a smell (sorry this is the only way I can describe it) yesterday I had a horrid feeling as if someone had put there arms around my tummy and squeesed it, felt like i had cramp in my sides, lasted for a few seconds. Then today about 8 o'clock I had a light orangy coloured discharge. I'm due on my period next saturday, I havnt been taking any contriception either, since I have had this orangy discharge I've felt a flickering in my tummy abit like butterflies in my tummy, I'd just like abit of advice as to whatt the discharge could be and the feeling in myy tummy, I havnt had any sickness or anything like that, just bloated and a swole lower abdomen (I always have a flat tummy if that makes sence, seem strange to have abit of a podge) I don't take any medication and don't have any medical problems either?? Abit of advice would be a great help and I'd be very grateful??? X