You are not out until AF shows up! I'm on the same boat as you at the moment! It's all so frustrating and confusing.
Alright so this is quite lengthy and a bit of a TMI but I figured I would post anyways to get some advice, personal experiences, or even just someone to talk to about it.
In March I was 6 weeks when I unfortunately had a MC. That was my first pregnancy and it was a devastating blow to both myself and my fiancé.
Fast forward to this past month, I am very confused.
Start of my last AF was 5/13. Completely normal for me. I started testing with OPK around CD 10 and did not get a positive until CD 21-22, 6/3-6/4. Thought I was out for the month when I started to get what I thought was the start of AF on 6/18 at 14DPO. That would make it a 35 day cycle. But AF never truly came. I had a very light period, 3 days of brownish/reddish spotting with lots of CM. Took a hpt because I thought I was for sure preggo but got a BFN.
It only gets weirder from here, on CD 5 I got a positive OPK!!! But a stark white negative hpt (Wondfo internet cheapies)
I've been having hot flashes, waves of nausea, diarrhea (tmi I'm sorry), and twinges of pain in my breasts.
Has anyone had similar experiences? My first pregnancy I did not find out I was pregnant until I was 5 weeks because I had a weird, short "AF" so I assumed I wasn't preggo and therefore wasn't testing. This might seem dumb but I'm driving myself crazy! I just want some sort of answer so I can keep on trying if I'm not