Induced for high blood pressure? Would you?


Jun 3, 2012
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At almost 36.5 weeks my blood pressure went from being nice and normal, to in the realms of high.

I was freaking out at first as my midwife would take my blood pressure every few days, then tell me to head down to hospital for monitoring. No one was telling me not to worry. I was just getting told too high, monitoring for you!

I've not been showing any signs of preeclampsia. Every blood test comes back good. It's just this pesky blood pressure. It goes anywhere from 160s/100s, mostly hanging out in the 150s/90s, to going right back down to my normal 110/70 when I'm lying on my side.

After 5 trips to hospital for monitoring, I discovered lying on my side puts my blood pressure right back to normal. I came in with a diastolic of 104. Baby decided to give a sleeping trace, so I was asked to lie on my side. My blood pressure went down to 89 and then to 80. This just happened to be when the doctor decided to come in. Basically told me I was making it more of an issue than it was. Ummmm I was never the one who wanted to go hospital? And told me every time I came in to hospital it went down. Nope that happened once! She said just keep monitoring it. Which I was happy to do, I'm not keen on drugs. Baby's growth scan was good and every trace has been fine (once baby has woken up).

So I was a little upset, I'm a ftm and have no idea what's happening. I'm trusting people with medical knowledge to tell me! My midwife suggested I see the maternity assessment unit. So I went along as scheduled. Blood pressure was up in the mid 90's the whole time. Baby decided to sleep again, so had to drink some ice water for the trace. But the trace was great. Then I had to wait around for a doctor.

This time the doctor was lovely. Checked for signs of preeclampsia. Talked to me about my concerns and actually decided on an action plan. That's all I wanted, a plan of action! I'm now 39 weeks and finally gave a plan. Get checked on Monday and Thursday. Then if nothing has happened by Friday, induced at 7:30am. I'll be 40 weeks 1 day.

I let my midwife know, and she seemed negative about an induction. Even though she'd said, when my blood pressure shot up, that they probably wouldn't let me go over due. Now I'm freaking out that being induced is selfish, just for my peace of mind and not the best course of action.

I feel like I've researched induction to make a decision and to be honest I'm happy with it. Just want to know if I'm being selfish agreeing to it, or it really is medically necessary.


Tldr: my blood pressure has been high since the end of 36 weeks. I have no signs of preeclampsia. Doctor decided to induce me at 40 weeks 1 day, if nothing has happened prior. Should I feel guilty about being induced, or is it medically necessary?
I was induced at 37 weeks with very high blood pressure and no other signs of pre-e. I was strongly advised by the consultant to be induced so I was. They are keeping a very close eye on me this time too. I didn't feel guilty about being induced, I feel when you are strongly advised to do something in regards to your baby, I would do it :). I'm not a medical professional and wouldn't feel comfortable going against their advice and knowledge. That's just me though. Good luck in whatever you decide :)!
A similar thing happened to me last time. From 36 weeks by blood pressure gradually increased to where on my due date it stayed in the high 90s/100s even when lying down so my doctor didn't let me go home and sent me over to the hospital to be induced. I was shocked to say the least! 2 days later and 4 hours of pushing I had a c section as baby was big and just wasn't fitting out. I didn't feel guilty about being induced, it was the best thing for both of us. I think it's great they're keeping you informed - I didn't know I had high BP till it was told I was being induced. Trust in the doctor - just think you'll see your little baby soon! Good luck xx
I have been induced 3 times over for blood pressure. But I do suffer with pre e & eclampsia. My bp at its highest was 218/120 & I was on mag sulphate & beta blockers. I was just thankful I fitted after she was born & not before. I have the same game plan that if my bp creeps up I will have another induction. Good luck Hun
My bloods were sent off today to check for pre e. If they suggest induction then I will do it. I was induced last time post dates and if I hadn't agreed my son could of died. there was no signs anything was wrong but he was born dangerously underweight. My sister also developed hellp syndrome which could of killed her. I would take the doctors advice. Good luck. X
Its not selfish to take induction for your own peace of mind. You'll be at your due date, and you do have a medical reason for it. Go with the doctor's advice, and good luck!!
Thanks everyone for easing my mind! I've spent the last few days researching and everything I seemed to find was 'induction bad'.

But talking to people and reading peoples experiences makes it sound way less scary.

Baby is very much so head down and rather low.
The monitor picked up contractions for the first time today, so maybe that's a good sign. Even if I couldn't feel them.
My blood pressure increased around 36 weeks (150/90) and then at my 37wk check was 160/110. At that point my doctor ran some other bloodwork and ruled out pre-e. I was also put on blood pressure medication at that point - that was Thursday.

Saturday morning I went for my trace and there were decelerations in baby's hb so ob decided an immediate induction was necessary even though the medication had stablised my bp. I wasn't happy about it (at 37+6) but my particular hesitation was with the artificial hormones/drip so he agreed to just break my water and take it from there (that way I didn't have to be continuously monitored and was able to walk around/shower etc.). Well it was the right decision because about 1/2 hour after water broken, contractions started and labour was only 1 hour! Turns out baby had a true knot in his cord which was the reason for his decelerations. Induction was 100% the right decision for me and mine.

Good luck - it's your labour, nobody elses so manage it the way you feel most comfortable.
Honestly inductions save lives. They're not pleasent or preferable but at the end of the day its all about the safety of baby and mum and I say this as a thoroughly crunchy hippy mum.
I could have written the same thread!

My BP started to be high around 35 weeks, but only during doctors appointment. It was perfectly fine at home (12/8 max)
However my obgyn was concerned and I had several blood testing, urine, fetal monitoring etc and everything was always fine.
I even stayed a couple of days at the hospitol to be closely monitored but since my bp went back to normal I was released.

During week 38 my bp was sill high at my obgyn so she decided it was safer to induce the day following day.
I agreed but felt so guilty and spent the day crying since I wasn't sure at all it was necessary.
Anyway all I can say is I'm happy I did it because even if there is a doubt it's always better than waiting and taking any risk for you and your baby.
And in addition it means more time with baby :flower:
Just a quick update for everyone who was so kind to share their experience and give me advice.

I ended up getting admitted for preeclampsia on the Thursday, a day before my scheduled induction. The gel didn't do all that much over night and the specialist on call decided to take things slow with me, so we didn't stress baby and end up in an emergency situation.

Bubba had different ideas. Contractions started the Friday evening and gradually got worse, the doctors checked me and said I was only 2cm, if that. They were going to give me a shot of pethedine, so I could get some sleep and continue the induction in the morning. Then my waters broke, and I was 4cm. So no drugs for me :(

I wasn't coping and begged for the epidural before they started the syntocin. They let me have the epidural, but my blood pressure kept going up and baby started to show signs of stress. They couldn't get a good trace, so I wasn't able to start the syntocin. I was very out of it by then.

My little girl ended up being delivered by emergency c section at 12:37am on Saturday morning. She's absolutely perfect and her daddy is so proud. We named her Imogen Joy. And she totally has everyone who has met her so far wrapped around her little finger.
Congratulations! I was going to reply and say induction sounded like the right thing
Congratulations. Glad you and your baby are happy and healthy... That's what means most.
Congratulations. Glad everything worked out. Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

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