

Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2014
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Hello, I'm not entirely sure of how to navigate here, but introducing myself is probably a good start. I am looking to join some forums where women trying to conceive support each other.

We have been trying to conceive (our first) for 10 months but have already gone through most of our testing through a reproductive specialist due to some early chemical pregnancies and change in my cycles since we started trying to conceive (suddenly very painful with extreme PMS symptoms that I had never experienced before). I also see a acupuncturist and a naturopath. I am 29 and my husband is 31.

Testing all came back normal but specialist recommends starting fermera next cycle (even though I do ovulate regularly)- I'm still not sure about it yet.

My goal is to remain healthy, positive and balanced during this challenging time. I want to best prepare my body for a healthy pregnancy and meet and chat with other ladies who are going through a similar experience as I am.

That's all! Hopefully I can figure out where to go from here :-)

Thank you for taking the time to read my introduction ;-)
Hi, spiritbear! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles with TTC so far. I am 30 and DH is 31, and we're TTC #1 too. It's been 5 months and 3 complete cycles so far, currently in the middle of cycle #4.

I'm not too familiar with the different fertility treatments out there, but I've had very long cycles since coming off BCP (last one was 51 days). So I started taking Vitex, which is a natural remedy that regulates the pituitary gland which regulates the ovaries. Hoping it does the trick for me. I like it because it regulates naturally. Not sure if it's anything that would help you since you seem to be ovulating just fine, but it's an option. I'm glad your tests came back normal, though that probably makes it more frustrating when you don't know why you're not having sticky beans! I assume you're taking folic acid (prenatal vitamins)? A nurse practitioner I saw told me that he sister kept having miscarriages, and then when she took folic acid it fixed the issue. But you're having chemical pregnancies, which I'm not 100% sure what that means. So there's never implantation, right? But you get a positive pregnancy test, and then you get AF?

Anyway, I'm sure you know all of this :). I'd be glad to be your buddy! :hugs: Sometimes I try to join threads that are already in progress and have a ton of people, and my posts just get ignored. So I'm happy to be there for you! I like your plan to keep you body healthy and to stay positive. It will just be a matter of time until you and I are preggo :).

I am currently in CD 21, and I *think* I O'd on Wednesday. Which would be super early for me! Yay Vitex! Fingers crossed that I did, and that a fertilized egg is traveling right now and going to implant. Though most of the time, I feel like it would be a miracle if it actually happened to me.
Thank you for your reply, it's nice to meet you! :-) Good news that Vitex is helping shorten your cycles, I hadn't heard of it. I can imagine that would be so frustrating to have to wait to long each cycle!

Sometimes it can take a while to adjust after stopping birth control, I've heard, so hopefully your body is just getting ready and will soon be pregnant!! :-) I've actually never taken birth control, which was another reason the dr. thought my symptoms and length of time it's taking was a little odd.

Yes to the folic acid. I'm actually taking Thorne Basic Prenatal vitamins, recommended by my naturopath because it has 'methylated folic acid' which is even easier for the body to absorb.

Best wishes and here's to our future babies ;-) !
Welcome spirit! There are a lot of possible forums and it is just about finding the right group of gals.

I am also in my 30s and ttc #1 with a few losses. If you are interested we have a thread for those of us in that situation. We can compare RE notes and no matter what tests you are doing there is normally someone there that has gone through it also. I highly recommend you check it out. There are also a TON of us on femara in there too!

Ksquared, a chemical pregnancy is where sperm has met egg, it splits and implants. The only reason why it is called a chemical pregnancy not a clinical pregnancy is the date the loss occurs. It is still considered to be a miscarriage by most REs.
Thanks spiritbear and renaendel! So how are you both feeling today? Where are you at in your current cycle?

My temp was higher today, so hopefully this is the post-ovulation spike I've been waiting for. Also since it's been chilly in the mornings, is it possible to get inaccurate readings because the thermometer is cold? This morning is warmer than it has been, and my temp was .5 degrees higher.
Thanks spiritbear and renaendel! So how are you both feeling today? Where are you at in your current cycle?

My temp was higher today, so hopefully this is the post-ovulation spike I've been waiting for. Also since it's been chilly in the mornings, is it possible to get inaccurate readings because the thermometer is cold? This morning is warmer than it has been, and my temp was .5 degrees higher.

Awesome- sounds like good news with the higher temp! I wouldn't think that the cold would have anything to do with your internal temp reading, I think taking it at the same time each morning is the important part to get accurate results :-) sounds like your cycles are shortening which is fantastic! Hopefully it is getting fertilized right now ;-)

I'm on day 4 and feeling good- this part is always the easiest for me: super painful part of period is done, excited about next ovulation and no nasty progesterone symptoms (I've been getting them bad after ovulation). I take a lot of epsom salt baths pre- ovulation so I've been enjoying that :-)

Starting tomorrow the days get longer and that feels like a hopeful and new start. I just finished reading this book Fully Fertile by Tami Quinn- it's about yoga, nutrition and stress relief for women having trouble conceiving. It was really good! Anyway, I hope this is your cycle<3
Hey there!

Just dropping in to say hello and wish you well on your TTC-ing. That height post period when ovulation is ramping up really is a nice time, I agree. :) It's easy to feel optimistic and hopeful.

Thanks for the book recommendation in your latest post. I'll give it a look once the holiday rush is over.
Hi spiritbear and melonchan! Yes, thank you for the book recommendation. Epsom salt, huh? That sounds lovely.

I'm glad you're enjoying this part of your cycle. I'm 8dpo and luckily haven't had the crazy luteal phase symptoms I used to get either. The dizziness was probably my most pronounced symptom. I've had a little of that, but hardly anything.

Because today was Christmas, I took a test this morning just in case it was positive so I would know for sure I couldn't drink. It was BFN, so I had a small glass of wine. Figured 1 glass would be ok. I'll probably wait a few days before testing again. Maybe Sunday. I'm not feeling pregnant, so I'd be surprised if I was. But it's possible! My cat has been laying on me a lot the last few days. It's not unusual, but it seems to be more often lately.

I still don't know what to think with my temp. It's been pretty steady and didn't have a big increase after O day. It was slightly higher today and yesterday by 1-2 tenths, but that's it. Good thing the holidays are keeping me distracted!
Hi spiritbear and melonchan! Yes, thank you for the book recommendation. Epsom salt, huh? That sounds lovely.

I'm glad you're enjoying this part of your cycle. I'm 8dpo and luckily haven't had the crazy luteal phase symptoms I used to get either. The dizziness was probably my most pronounced symptom. I've had a little of that, but hardly anything.

Because today was Christmas, I took a test this morning just in case it was positive so I would know for sure I couldn't drink. It was BFN, so I had a small glass of wine. Figured 1 glass would be ok. I'll probably wait a few days before testing again. Maybe Sunday. I'm not feeling pregnant, so I'd be surprised if I was. But it's possible! My cat has been laying on me a lot the last few days. It's not unusual, but it seems to be more often lately.

I still don't know what to think with my temp. It's been pretty steady and didn't have a big increase after O day. It was slightly higher today and yesterday by 1-2 tenths, but that's it. Good thing the holidays are keeping me distracted!

Happy Christmas! :-) I hope you get your positive test-- 8dpo is so early so there's a good chance! It's good that you've been feeling good. I don't know what to think anymore with luteal phase symptoms, I feel like I've had it all and so there's nothing that will give me a clue as to if I'm pregnant or not.

Haha, I love that your kitty is sitting on you! I have two cats and I always appreciate when then sit on me and purr- I always think that is sending good vibes to my uterus and egg haha ;-)

Hope you are enjoying the holidays! Come on, 2015 babies!!
Happy Christmas to you too :). Haha, that's true about the luteal phase. The first couple of months of TTC, I was so sure I was pregnant from all of the crazy symptoms only to find out I wasn't. I had another tenth higher on my temp this morning, so hoping that's a good sign. Also had a second wave of EWCM today. That's typical for me too. I had some indigestion/upset stomach today. But nothing too crazy - so sore boobs or flutters like people talk about. I'll test Sunday at 11dpo.

Haha, I know it's so cute. I'll be going to sleep and I'm sandwiched between my husband and my kitty. I feel so loved :kiss:.

I hope you're enjoying your holidays too! It's a little tough to see my little nieces and nephews being so cute and excited at Christmas, but at least I'm used to seeing them and for some reason it's not so bad. It's seeing or hearing other people for some reason that's harder and makes me super jealous. On New Year's Eve I'll see my best friend and her new baby, so that might be a little harder. Hopefully I'll have a BFP by then!!
I know what you mean! My mother in law kept saying "I was hoping I'd get a grandchild for Christmas.." (!)

The high temps are definitely promising!!!!
Aw, that's harsh!

Temp is still increasing, but a BFN for me today :(. I'm 11dpo so there's still time, and it's possible that I O'd a day later than I thought I did. At least the rising temps mean I O'd at some point, right? Yesterday I had some symptoms like nausea, headache, been gassy for a few days straight. But when I woke up this morning to do the test I wasn't feeling very confident. My cat is still VERY clingy though. And she has to lay ON me. Maybe she's just cold and my temp is rising, lol.

How are you doing?
keeping my fingers crossed for you :-) 11 dpo is early. just the waiting game now... I'm doing well :-) should be ovulating in a few days and really hoping that this is the month....
Thanks! Glad your fertile days are almost here. Fingers crossed for you too :).
Any update??

I should ovulate tomorrow..... I am *so* ready !!!! Come on, month 10!!
I was thinking about you today! Hooray for O day tomorrow! I hope month 10 is your lucky month too!

I had a bunch of symptoms yesterday (sore boobs, dizzy, a lot of eggwhite CM all at once), temp is still high, and very emotional. I've never really had the sore boobs, but I'm on Vitex so everything's been different this month. Sometimes I think yes, but most of the time I just don't feel it. Not many symptoms today, but my CM hasn't dried up so that's a positive sign to me! And temp keeps going up every day, except a slight dip yesterday, but then today was the highest yet. I'm testing tonight when I get home using a FRER. My husband likes to look at the test with me so we know yes/no together. And he works early tomorrow morning before I wake up, so tonight is it. I'm expecting a negative because I don't feel anything crazy, but you never know! No idea when AF will be here because I had such long cycles before, but if I'm not preggo and it comes this week then that will be 2.5 weeks earlier than my last cycle (51 days)!
yay!! yes, something is definitely happening.... hopefully it is a sticky little baby!! it's sweet that you guys test together. I always kick my husband out because I get stressed haha!
keeping my fingers crossed for you and your testing. how many days past ovulation will that be for you?
And a BFN for me on the FRER :(. I has the sads :(.


Oh no, I just saw this. I'm really sorry. It's the worst feeling to have a twinge of hope and then see a negative test. How many dpo are you? There's always still hope until af shows.. but also good to prepare mentally so that it isn't too devastating if it does arrive.

I usually make a list of things to do in case af shows that I couldn't do otherwise to try to make it a more positive experience like getting a pedi or massage (I guess you're supposed to avoid those in early pregnancy), eating sushi and a glass of wine, epsom salt baths, sauna etc.

Still hope though! stay strong <3
Thanks so much for the comfort :hugs:. Immediately after the result, I started feeling AF symptoms. Backache and cramps - the kind that feel like AF will arrive in the next day or two. I'm 13dpo today. Alas, cycle 4 wasn't lucky for me. I guess it's still possible, but yeah I'm starting to think about the wine I can have for New Year's Eve tomorrow and sushi. I could use a pedi too, and this also means the husband and I can plan this spa vacation! I have a free trip available to me, and I've been putting it off for the holidays and then in case I had a BFP this cycle. Maybe I can time it so it's a baby make-cation :). As soon as AF shows up, I'm going to book it!

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