Hi everyone! I know periods can be irregular and that it's normal sometimes but I'm starting to get concerned because I have gone 5 years with completely normal periods (not counting my first year) but the last 3 or 4 have just been very strange and I was hoping to get some advice. My last "normal period" was in November, in December I had a 27 day cycle which didn't concern me much because my period was pretty normal, then in January it was a 26 day cycle and was pretty normal, but then I hit February and had a 29 day cycle and my period only lasted for two days so I took a pregnancy test which came back negative, now we are in March and I just started my period on the 19th day of my cycle...it's been normal also. My husband and I were married a year ago and we will probably start TTC in a couple years and I just want to make sure that this isn't something that can seriously hurt our chances of having children in the future? Do I need to see a doctor or should I just keep an eye on it for a few more months?