is anyone else nerous about the birth because of a previous tramatic birth experience


bambino on the way!
Apr 7, 2011
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long story short I had a 23.5 hr labour, went a week over due,induced,my son almost died and ended up with a emergency c section this time around I was told I would more than likely have another long labour, and the baby will be bigger than my son, who was 9lbs, he was too big for me to push out and if I did he wouldn't have survived, so im looking at another csection, im sad that I wont have my natural birth but for the health of my child I just want whats best for him to come out safely
Very, petrified almost. My story is a little different in that I was admitted for induction on the Weds, had 48 hrs of pessaries which did nothing. Waters went naturally at 1:30am on the Friday but was then left too long and examined too much. By now, I was 16 days overdue. Finally had DD at 5:12pm who was blue and floppy and had been stuck for a while it turned out. Off she was whisked. Anyway, recovered ok from that. The trouble began 5 days later when I developed sepsis from retained products. It wasn't picked up immediately and condition worsened. Was in ICU for 5 days and also reacted to one of the drugs I was given..the worst 5 days of my life and missed so many firsts with DD. This time we have a plan in place but I've told the midwives I don't trust them anymore which they understand.. so yeah, petrified.
I developed pre eclampsia at 33 weeks and endured 3.5 days of induction. I was admitted into the hospital on a Wednesday evening and they began on Thursday morning. Each new method they introduced was more painful than the last. By Saturday night they blew up the balloon in my uterus and gave me morphine for the pain. When I awoke on Sunday still not dilated they suggested another round of pitocin. I begged for a cesarean at that point. I was so completely drugged that I don't even remember the birth. My only evidence are the photos that DH took. I didn't get to see DD for 24 hours after birth. That was traumatizing enough. I'm terrified because going for a vbac I've been warned that they will not attempt to induce me and I have to go into labor spontaneously. I feel like the pressure is on if I want the birth experience that I desire.
Oh gosh, I was about to reply with my experience of a long induction ending in forceps and episiotomy but now feel silly describing that as traumatic! Wow, scary experiences ladies! Hope you get the birth experiences you are hoping for xxx
:hugs::hugs: I hope you both get the births you both so deserve and you have a strong medical support who understands you fears, I hear you on the natural birth and wont be induced again that was said to me too so like you if I do go into labour on my own you only have a limited time frame before the doctor will have to section you because of the scar tissue its scary for a mam to hear in general never mind someone whos has already had a tough experience before, ill keep you both in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy delivery of two little babies :flower:

myself im very nervous, id love to go through labour to see/feel them coming out for baby be place on my chest and for his daddy to cut his cord, it means a lot to me and im still sad I never got that with my first, im told by family and friends that im smaller this time around and I might still get the birth I dream of, but who knows im back in for a check up today week so ill know more then
Thanks, I hope this heals you, that's what my MW keeps saying to me. I have a new complication this time in that my son is measuring small so am having a sweep on Friday to try and kick start things. There's a worry that my placenta isn't working now and that could all be related to last time.. the joys of bodies. I also experienced loss between my DD and this one so am really nervous that something is going to go wrong but am trying to stay positive.

Keep us posted on how you get on.
long story short I had a 23.5 hr labour, went a week over due,induced,my son almost died and ended up with a emergency c section this time around I was told I would more than likely have another long labour, and the baby will be bigger than my son, who was 9lbs, he was too big for me to push out and if I did he wouldn't have survived, so im looking at another csection, im sad that I wont have my natural birth but for the health of my child I just want whats best for him to come out safely

WOW I almost had the SAME EXACT experience. Only I was in labor contracting for TWO WEEKS prior, he never dropped then after two hours of pushing and his heart stopping, I had an EMCS and his cord was wrapped twice like a NOOSE with my placenta on top and caught on my bone.

I am petrified but we are having a repeat C-Section as our hospital gives us no CHOICE anymore. If we had one prior, there is no VBAC.

I am kinda sad, but at the same time, I am getting a tubal so it's two in one for me :)

GL and try not to stress too much, no matter what we have no control over that situation once it's underway.

hope everything goes ok for you too, its not that its out of our hands as such but we have to out our babies first, however they come out, I cant wait for tiny baby cuddles again :) the pressure im feeling down low is so painful!
I'm pretty scared this time around too and still haven't decided whether to try for a VBAC or just go for the repeat section.

With my daughter I was induced at 41+6. Had 3 lots of pessaries, midwife broke my waters at 1cm (after 30 hours), was put on the pitocin drip for 13 hours, got to 3cms (mainly due to the MW stretching me that far) then my daughter's head started to swell so after 43 hours of painful contractions that weren't doing anything I was finally given an EMCS. Would have been fine and happy with that except when I got back to the ward and started trying to move around I started haemorrhaging and none of the midwives were taking any notice of me when I was telling them how much I was bleeding. I was left to bleed for about 14 hours and lost 2 litres of blood before they finally took me back to surgery to find I had a blood clot in my uterus so it hadn't contracted back down after my daughter was born and was still pumping blood in thinking there was still a baby there. Due to the blood loss I became severely anaemic and spent the first month of my daughter's life in a haze. This also affected my ability to breastfeed as I was just too exhausted and emotional to stick with it.

I really want a natural birth this time around but I am so scared of haemorrhaging again and at least I know that if I have a section then I'll be put on a drip straight away to help my uterus contract back down. I have to make a decision pretty soon as I'm seeing the consultant in 5 weeks. I've also been told I won't be induced due to the risk of scar rupture so this baby has to come on her own of I stand a chance of VBAC.
I am scared as well. I don't want a repeat of last time.
Not as scary as a bunch of you, but it was for me.

I was overdue, they did a scan, and there was no fluid left. (Apparently I'd been leaking for a month prior, and the placenta was deteriorating) I ended up having a dry birth, with forceps used, dd got whisked away to NICU (no bonding). My doctor got in trouble by the doctor who used the forceps for leaving me in pushing labour for so long. Apparently I should have a c-sec, but after a bunch of hours pushing, she was stuck and they couldn't.

I've been reassured that considering this was 18 years ago, and I have a team of actual OBs instead of a GP, this shouldn't happen. The OBs also said I could get a scan at 39weeks to reassure me that everything was still ok.
Oh shoot. I shouldn't read these stories. Delivering first child here in a few weeks

*runs out of thread screaming*
Ugh, just started a very similar thread and turns out I should have just read this one first!

I labored for 36 hours total last time and the last six hours of that was working on getting from 9 to 10, which never happened. My kidneys started to swell, my epidural wore off and I started to become feverish so they did an emergency C-section. I was unconscious for the birth of my baby and didn't see him until after everyone else had...awful.

My doctor is sort of pushing me to try VBAC - but I don't think I could handle facing another experience like the last one. I went into parenthood so behind on sleep and energy that it made the first few weeks way harder than it should have been. I sort of want to just say I would like to just do a C-section. I just really don't want another long labor only to have it end the same way.
After a long second stage my dd got into distress. The doc basically said we had five minutes to get her out. Then she got stuck and he started to panic a bit and I think was too heavy handed with the forceps. She was born with damage to the nerves in her shoulder which potentially meant she could have had no movement/feeling in her arm permanently. The nerves did heal eventually. No one explained anything in detail to us and in our niavity we assumed that such a birth experience was common place.

We never registered how serious the situation had been. We didn't ask questions because we were just happy to have our baby. The damage was mentioned by a midwife but after an exhausting labour I don't think I absorbed what was being said. It was only months later a pediatrition at the hospital was examining her and he asked me was I aware how serious her injury had been. He stated to me clearly that 'they' had damaged the nerves in her arm. He was livid. Looking back I think I should have been given a c section. I am terrified at the thought of delivering again. It is so hard when you no longer trust the judgement of the medical team.

My consultant has given me the option of a section this time and I am going to go with that. Apart from being a safer option for my baby, I would rather have an incision in my abdomen than an episomoty again. Last time I had 3 internal stitches and 4 external. I have no idea how bad that is but I know it hurt like hell for days after. I found the episomoty (spelling!) the most traumatising part of the delivery. For a long time I felt as if I had been a victim of an assault. I'm still not fully over it.

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