Is Comfort Sucking Okay??


Wife & proud Mom of 2
Oct 23, 2008
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Hey ladies, haven't really had time to be on here, but I thought I'd squeeze in 30 seconds of B&B time!!

We are mix feeding Cameron. About 75% of the time breast, and 25% of the time formula. Even when he's done formula, he wants my boob! He'll take 2 sucks, and pass right out. It's like he needs that feeling. Is it okay to be doing that?? I know he really wants it, and I love doing it, but are there any catches that come along with it?

I have asked my midwife & health visitor this very same question, as my little girl who is 2 weeks old is doing exactly the same thing. She needs me to fall asleep and cant settle without the boob! I've been told to 'go with the flow' and allow her to settle on me. Hmmm. I will be interested to see what the other ladies here think! Xx
Jack does this. Imo its the same as a dummy. Hes doesnt rely on it as much as he used to. Go with the flow x
I am having the same problem with my wee man. He was demanding fed ALL the time, yet sometimes he would only suck for a little while then be sound asleep. When we try to put him back in his moses basket he'd wake up crying for more.

My midwife told me just to bare with it, but couple of days ago I couldn't cope with it anymore. I wasn't getting any sleep :(

I introduced a dummy (although they don't advise it because it interferes with breast feeding) but has worked like a charm. I feed him when he's hungry, and when he just wants comfort I can give him his dummy and it usually settles him. Then I can get a bit of sleep lol!!

I started mix feeding as well, so that grandparents and partner can take over when I'm desperate for sleep. I didn't want to end up doing any of these things but I soon realised I was going to have to to look after myself.

I think letting LO comfort suck is absolutely fine. He just wants to be as close as possible to you, and breast feeding is the best way to establish that bond. If you don't mind the demand that is lol!
Thank you so much for the great advice ladies :)

Sarahjanek, I didn't want to give him a dummy, or formula feed either, and I've done both!! LOL.... we DO have to take care of ourselves, I wasn't at first, and it really took a toll on my body. Now, I understand that I have to! :)
Aisling is the same, when I'm putting her down at night she likes to comfort suck for a bit. I'm hoping it won't be a problem when we eventually stop bfing but I guess I'll play it by ear, it's lovely seeing her so content at the moment :cloud9:
It's fine - he's only teeny still. He just loves his mum x
Lisa - any advice on when we should start putting a stop to it?
I let scott do it, but last night give him a dummy cos it was 5am and everytime I put him in his crib he went nuts, dummy worked tho lol! but I go with the flow in the day/evening my hv told me to unlatch him, but ive sort of ignored that lol
I think it's very much a personal thing. It's like dummies. Some people are happy for them to have them for longer than others. I wanted rid of Hebe's dummy sooner than I did with Emily. I'd say it's easier to stop comfort sucking of any kind before 6 months and comfort BFing can be more problematic as they get older than dummy sucking for obvious reasons.

All the while you are happy with it, be that for 6 months or 2 years, it's totally fine IMO. :)
Hmm, may see how it goes for a while. She only does it at her last feed and doesn't wake up demanding or anything :)
To go to sleep? Hebe kind of just grew out of that so dont panic just yet ;)
Yeah, just when she's going to sleep so hopefully it'll be alright!
Olivia comfort sucks to sleep, hope she grows out of it coz I don't fancy having to throw my nips away lol :haha:
My LO comfort sucks still at night and she 6 months old......I am a human dummy...
Hannah comfort sucks to sleep in the day, she won't go to sleep without it most of the time. When she goes to bed at 9pm she goes to sleep after that feed okay but every other time she wants to comfort suck! Drives me mad!

I just keep hoping she will out grow it! Good luck with it xxx
Finn used to do it after his bottle, if I was around. I always thought he just wanted to make sure my boobies were still there for him :rofl: he doesnt do it anymore, which is good because the whole reason that he had a bottle was so I could sleep!
It's perfectly natural. BFing releases hormones that make you both sleepy, it's meant to be that way, so I use it :winkwink:

Fairly recently Jack has been able to self settle more, so I think he may be starting to grow out of it, but I will continue to offer him boob to comfort suck last thing at night for as long as he'll take it some of the time.
Alyssa does it - it's perfectly natural, as has already been said.

You may find this link helpful too:
The info on that link is really good. I do this too:

My kids often seem to detect the loss of body contact and warmth when I get up. As I'm getting up, I keep my hand(s) on baby for a few moments, then *gradually* take them away so the transition isn't so sudden. Baby will usually stir when I get up, but often goes back to sleep if I keep my hands on him till he gets still again.

In fact, as I put Jack in his cot I lean right over so that my body is as close to him as possible and wait a few seconds before slowly moving away.

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