Yes, it's more common in Europe than in the U.S. that women would drink occasionally (and very lightly) in pregnancy. I'm American and grew up in the U.S., but live in the UK now. I know amongst my American friends it would be considered very odd to drink at all in pregnancy, but certainly I know plenty of friends here who had the occasionally small drink of wine. It's not medically advised anywhere (for liability's sake doctors, midwives, alcohol manufacturers are generally going to advise against it 'just in case') and you'll find the same warnings on alcohol in Europe as in the U.S. But culturally, I think the UK and Europe are very different in terms of alcohol consumption than the U.S. It's less taboo all around. You can drink alcohol in places in Europe you can't in the U.S. without getting hassled by the police, and there is less taboo about teenagers drinking, or taking children to pubs, etc. It's just more of an every day thing here, compared to the U.S., where it's more something drunken frat boys do. I did have the occasional very small glass of wine, maybe 1/4 of a usual glass, if that, during pregnancy, and I was offered wine many times at family events or other social occasions, by people who knew I was pregnant. That definitely wouldn't have happened in the U.S. and I would have probably gotten a few raised eyebrows just being in a bar and being pregnant!