hiya ladys hope ur having a good weekend.
can u have a look at my chart for me. this am temps rnt right as slept with mouth open as cund breth out my noise and 2 days ago took at 5:15am insted of 6am but is she on her way would u say?
cervix dnt feel like they do when she is as there v high and closed and soft feels like it blends in with the rest iykwim sory if tmi. and got no cramps did a ic hpt few days ago and bfn dnt know what to do know. o and did a opk yester day and there was a 2nd line but not v dark.
can u have a look at my chart for me. this am temps rnt right as slept with mouth open as cund breth out my noise and 2 days ago took at 5:15am insted of 6am but is she on her way would u say?
cervix dnt feel like they do when she is as there v high and closed and soft feels like it blends in with the rest iykwim sory if tmi. and got no cramps did a ic hpt few days ago and bfn dnt know what to do know. o and did a opk yester day and there was a 2nd line but not v dark.