It's so close I can't tell.
This cycle has been all over the place. Long story. Though I O'd, was sure I did. Then after TWW I got a false positive test. So today I thought what the hell, let's pee on something. Lol I'm super confused. Right now my CM is white and creamy, but also has some EWCM mixed in. Is that even fertile? Anyway, can you tell, does this look like a positive?
This cycle has been all over the place. Long story. Though I O'd, was sure I did. Then after TWW I got a false positive test. So today I thought what the hell, let's pee on something. Lol I'm super confused. Right now my CM is white and creamy, but also has some EWCM mixed in. Is that even fertile? Anyway, can you tell, does this look like a positive?