I had a chemical pregnancy in April (found out I was pregnant on the 11th and miscarriage on the 18th) I was supposed to start my period on May 18th - I am 16 days late now....I took a pregnancy test on the first day of my expected cycle (dr. gave us the go ahead to TTC again) on may 18th and it was negative. I've talked to quite a few people about being late after a chemical pregnancy and they said it was normal so I decided my hormones are out of wack and nothing more to it - so sunday I started spotting after I had sex - it was light pink for a few wipes and then after that it went away sunday night and yesterday I only had a tiny bit of brown when I wiped and not it's completely nothing. Do yall think this is my period starting or should I just stop worrying about it until I see the dr. on the 9th?