IUI, anyone adding their own help?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2011
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Hi, this is my first post in a long while but hubby and I will be doing a dIUI cycle in April or May so I've been trying to prepare myself for the process in the forms of healthy eating, herbs, and vitamins. I was just curious what others have done before and during their IUIs to better their chances of success. So far I've gone virtually gluten free and I've given up soda, most sweets, and cut back on dairy. For supplements I've been doing vitamin d and k, 400mg folic acid, royal jelly (x2), 800mg cassavum with folic acid, a prenatal with DHA, probiotic, and magnesium.

When I do get to the IUI stage in hoping to continue with supplements and I'll be adding femera/letrozole at 7.5mg with a trigger.

So what has or is everyone else doing for their IUIs?
Hello, I am in a similar situation. Currently going through dIUI, a sibling for my 2year old. I haven't bumped into anyone else going through the same. So hi. Wishing you lots of luck.
In relation to your question, Ibe focussed on diet a lot, increasing organic, raw non processed foods, fruits and veggies. I've also as a recommendation from my clinic started aspirin, they said for implantation.
Yay! Someone to chat with! When are you starting to try for #2? It's funny that you mention the aspirin because I just got some tonight because I the worst circulation and I'm hoping it helps.
Hi we are right in the middle of it, I had my iui today. Everything crossed.

How many IUI's did you have for your first lo? Were you trying for long. We got our BFp on the 3rd attempt after trying for 4 years.

I had an iui in jan this year that was not successful.

It's a completely different journey when you have a lo, do you agree?
I'm crossing my fingers that this IUI is the one that works for you! Are you doing any of the associated medications with your IUI (clomid, femara, ovidrel)?

We had been trying for two and a half years when we got our BFP on our second IUI. I have to get an HSG yet and maybe even an ultrasound to see how everything looks before we can even start so I think it'll be mid-April before we can do our first try. I'm so anxious to get started but at the same time, our first was a January baby, and I think it would be nice to have a spring baby so we're not cooped up inside through maternity leave. I'd take a winter baby over no baby any day though! I'm not sure if it's any different with a LO yet, but I'm sure it will.
I think mentally for me it's a little different. I guess I don't feel half as desperate.

We had a June baby and I'd like to experience a winter one lol. Just kidding. I would be happy with anything. I still feel a little apprehensive, like maybe we are being greedy wanting more. It won't stop us trying.

So your lo is a year old? Technically You could have 2 under 2 :)

We had an Unmedicated cycle with trigger, it worked before so we will see I guess.
What about you? Will you be looking to medicate. What worked before?
That's great that you didn't have to go overly invasive to get your LO. Especially using donor swimmers. My RE insisted we use femera but then I've only got one good tube so it's important to have more than the one side working.

Do you mind if I ask if you're in a relationship? If so, how does your SO feel about using a donor? I think sometimes my hubby tried to forget but it has gotten easier with time for him and I know he lives our LO dearly.

It's kind of become a joke that if we get pregnant right away it will be twins because that is what happened to my parents with me (the eldest) and I have twin brothers that are a year and eleven months younger than me. We'd be repeating history. Not that I'm overly anxious at the idea of twins, but I think we spend so much time thinking you can't have any kids at all, the possibility of more is a little attractive, do you know what I mean? I've definitely felt the guilt of whether or not we should be tryingn again since we were incredibly blessed to have had even the one we have but I think it also helps the mindset that whether or not it works, the LO we have is already more than I could've hoped for. It sounds like you're on that page too :) when you fight for so long to get that LO, the rest is just icing on the cake if it works out.

Does your LO understand wanting a little brother or sister yet?
Hi mk. Wow twins now thatwould be scary. I could not imagine twins with a toddler lol

Yes my hubby is cool with using a donor. As cool as you can be. Its something as I'm sure your the same, we don't dwell on, maybe I do more, coming from a point of view of, wishing things could be different/easier. But then we wouldn't have lo and we wouldn't change her for the world.
A friend of mine, her sister is going through ivf and her 4th was not successful, how lucky are we, that we don't have to go through all of that. We are so blessed.

How far are you guys willing to go for another baby? We aren't sure, we have another go after this and then we have to decide. I don't think financially and otherwise I could go through ivf. I think I would just be happy with what I have. But I guess I won't know until (if) we get to that.

Its really strange, after having a baby, I am still no more confident than I was before. I still don't believe it could happen again. Maybe I'm just preparing mentally. Oh the trials and tribulations of infertility :)
I sometimes think that once you put your foot down this path of infertility and having to include science into getting a child, if you're blessed enough for it to work, then the love you have for that child outshines all. I don't want to say that others who get pregnant so easily don't love their children as much as someone who has gone through the infertility-race, but it sometimes feels that way. Even when our LO is screaming bloody murder, I can find some deeper well of patience because I remember how hard it was to get her and how blessed we are to have her. My hubby and I were discussing the lengths of how far we'd go and I think we both agreed 3-4 IUI cycles with varying oral medications if necessary, but we're not willing to move to injectables or IVF. If it's meant to happen, it will have to happen in those 3-4 cycles or we will just be happy with the one child we do have. I wouldn't trade her for a dozen easy babies anyway :)

How are you feeling at 6dpi? Do you know when or if you'll test?

We had our consultation with our RE yesterday and she gave us the green light to start as soon as we'd like without having to do any tests in advance. So now of course the hubby wants to start asap which would be around March 15th. He's very casual yet excited to start, but then I'm on the other side nervous and anxious. He thinks the sooner we try, the sooner we can have #2, but in my head it feels like the sooner we try, the sooner I'll find out it won't work out the second time. Even if I will be content and very happy with our current LO, it will still hurt to see those BFNs again. So I've started a pros and cons list to keep myself from leaping off a bridge with nerves, haha.
Great mk you can start soon? Have you thought about when you will start? It really is scared jumping back on the band wagon because once your on it, your on it. It's exciting at the same time too though.

I am doing good. I don't think one way or another. It's crazy mentally. Everyone tells you to be positive, which I can be, i can convinc myself that every twinge is our little baby growing BUT that's not good when it's a negative and you get af and your left wondering if and when you can afford the next go, wondering if it's worthwhile when maybe your only supposed to have 1 child, which we are truly truly amazingly grateful for, so grateful. Ok so that's where I am. Neither here nor there, trying to keep busy.
So 'test' date funnily enough is Mother's Day. I am quite strange, I'm not a fan of testing, I prefer to wait for af, I think it's easier to see af rather than a blank box on a test. Lol
Here here to waiting for AF! I'm the same. When we did get our BFP I had waited until the day AF was due just because I couldn't stand to see another negative and I about died when that test came up positive almost immediately. I'm very glad I waited and I'm sure we'll be doing the same going forward.

I'm not a fan of the positive that reads into all the signs. I was that flavor of positive for the two and a half years and for the first IUI. The second IUI was the one I was at peace with, preferring to leave it in the hands of God and go about my life as usual. I'd actually forgot I had tried until a couple days before AF was due and then I started thinking about it more. I'm really hoping I can keep that attitude when we do start up this time. I felt so much more relaxed.

As tempted as I was, and my husband is still begging me to reconsider March, I think we'll be waiting until April at the soonest, but more likely May. Our LO has to get tubes put in her ears on 3/26 and that would be awfully close to when the IUI would have to happen and no way am I missing those tubes so we'd cancel the IUI and lose that money since we have to pay in advance. Part of me is slightly disappointed, but I'm also pretty relieved that we're going to wait a bit longer because as excited as I am for a second baby, I'm not so thrilled with going through the waiting and hoping. I guess this slight delay will give me some more time to get myself as healthy as possible so that our attempts aren't in vain. No pressure, right??

I'll be waiting at the edge of my seat for your news next week then :) I'm praying for you and that second baby.
Hi mk, unfortunately it's not meant to be, got a bfn followed by af today :(

It's been a wacko 2 weeks, I was convinced I was pregnant, was feeling nauseous the last few days. I still am. Perhaps it's stress related.

Niavely I though ttc number 2, would be less stressful but it has been just as disheartening as ttc no 1, I think it drags up old memories/feelings. Also I guess we seem to have more financial worries this time. That doesn't help.

So sorry for a negative post, I'm just feeling it today, I will dust myself off and be good again tomorrow. I can't help feeling guilty of feeling bad when I have the most amazing lo here. Blessed. Today, it's chocolate and merlot.

How are you doing? Are you getting excited?
It's perfectly normal to feel bad! You don't have to apologize for that at all. I'm sure I'd be feeling the same way and when my time comes, I will feel the same. Of course you feel blessed to have your LO, but it's okay to want a sibling for your LO too. All I can think of is to remember that feeling when you held your LO for the first time and fell in love and how that moment made every tear, every sad moment of depression, and every BFN worth it. If it happens again, it will be the same :) It will be worth every failed cycle and the weeks of stress. Snuggle your LO one extra close and remember the struggle is worth it :)

Have you guys considered adding medication assistance to increase the number of targets? I know what you mean about financial stresses adding to the burden. We can only afford three tries in 2015 if we make every penny count. It's mostly the donor sperm that is going to cost us because it's $400/vial and then there's a $150 delivery fee. We ordered two vials up front the last time so that we only had the one delivery fee, but it still adds up! I kinda envy the couples who don't have to buy the other part that makes a pregnancy work. Are you going to be trying right away or wait a cycle and then try again? If you end up waiting it's highly likely we'll be totally in sync. I was aching to do this cycle but with our daughter getting tubes in her ears at the end of this month and me just being plain scared and nervous for this to start not working, I convinced DH to wait until the next cycle. I'm such a big chicken! I don't think my hubby understands that although the pressure is pretty much completely off him, it feels like it's 100% on me and it's my failure if it doesn't work and not his or ours. Know what I mean?

So where are you from anyway? What do you do for a living? I feel like I know so much about you and yet so little :) I'm giving you a big virtual hug from here though. I'll be praying this next one is the one that gets you that second LO.
Thanks mk :). I feel so much better today and like you had said, it's really made me realise, sorry that's wrong because I did realise how completely lucky we are to have our lo and I've been squeezing her even more, she's running from me lol.
I can completely understand how you feel when you said it's all on you, this time I really felt like I was failing everyone, because our parents know, they are investing emotionally too and i know they carry our disappointment. I think it would be a whole lot easier if no one knew but I guess that means having less support.
I live in the uk and like you it's only 1 delivery fee so we purchase 3 vials. So we have one left waiting. It will probably be April so we might be bump buddies, fingers crossed.
So yes, I live in the uk. Not too far from London. what about you? Somewhere in the u.s?
I did ask my clinic about medication increasing my chances and they were against it, that I didn't need anything. I had said I wanted to give my body every chance possible. What medication will you take and what purpose so they serve? I did use chlomide for my very first ever IUI and I overstimulated.
Thanks again for your support ��
Sorry for the delay in response but things have been crazy lately. I'm glad you're feeling better again and ready for the next round. We used letrozole (femara) for our attempts. The first round I did 5mg and got one good follicle out of it, but it was on the bad side so no surprise when that didn't work. The second round we did 7.5mg (at my insistence) and we ended up with two follicles on the bad side and one on the good. I guess the one was all it took to get our LO, thank heavens! I'm not sure if it's used for fertility over in the UK yet, but it would be worth asking. The chances for a multiple pregnancy on this medication are much less than with clomid and almost no side effects. We knew I was ovulating on my own going into the IUIs but my doctor wanted to be absolutely sure we were since we were using donor sperm because timing is even more critical. She even has me using a ovidrel trigger shot to induce the release of egg(s) so that they could time the IUI with better accuracy. The meds cost us an extra $110 extra per cycle, but honestly I would pay it every time just to eliminate the stresses of testing for ovulation and just knowing there is a target or two out there.

I am from the US, but my husband is a Northern Ireland native, along with all of my in-laws who currently live out there so I know more than most Americans about the UK. I've even picked up some wonderful phrases that my American friends and family give me confused looks over.

Do your in-laws know that you're going the donor route and already have? My in-laws have been our biggest obstacle. They're very traditional and cannot accept that husband is unable to have a biological child and us using a donor is almost shameful in their eyes and they refuse to talk about it or tell others. I'm fine keeping it within the immediate family, but they make it sound like it would be the end of the world if the information got out. Drives me crazy at times!

Here's to being bump-buddies then! That would be terrific! We are planning a trip to visit my husband's family in Northern Ireland at the end of July, and if we get pregnant before then, it would be nice to give them the news in person. It'll be a tough secret to keep since the invention of facebook and my husband's inability to keep news any longer than a few minutes. He lasted three minutes before he broke the news on facebook before I could even tell parents and close friends. I almost murdered him, haha.

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