Mummy and Pregnant
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This is my very long birth story of my little man who arrived 5 days early! The labour and birth wasn't actually very long, it's just that I've written near about everything that happened as I found it very traumatic compared to my first birth which was near about perfect.
The birth of Jago Jenson Tresidder.
Jago was due on Sunday January 15th 2012. On Monday 9th January 2012 there was a full moon, I had a blazing row with Luke (my OH) in the afternoon and had actually asked him to leave. I also ended up in a fight on facebook, it was at the end of this that Luke was on the toilet, he came back and I started to feel damp, so I said to him either Ive just pissed myself or my waters have just started to go! So I stood up from the sofa and waddled across the the front room and pulled my jeans and knickers down to check my pantyliner, I noticed that I was very damp and then a few more spots trickled out so I asked Luke if hed seen that too and waddled into the kitchen where I stopped to chat to Luke and then felt a big gush and I laughed and ended up with a pool of waters around my feet, everytime I laughed more would come out! So I went to the bathroom to sort myself out and put a maternity pad there to soak it all up.
As I tested positive for Group B Strep when I had Tegan I was told by my midwife that if my waters went before my contractions started then I had to ring the ward and tell them about previously having GBS and to go straight in.
So, it was 11:35pm when my waters broke, rang my mum and Luke rang his who came up to look after Tegs, I rang the hospital who told me to come in, sooner rather than later. Between cleaning myself up and ringing L&D I started to have a few contractions so got rather excited!
We made it to the hospital in Truro by 12:50am, contracting in my dads car again but I had my friendly giraffe heat pack with me which helped me with the pain a lot!
So I went in, the smallest room in the entire hospital, I swear! I went to the toilet which was shared with the next delivery room and to get in I had to squeeze past the Tocco monitor (the little machine that picks up babys heart beat and contractions.) The bed was also smaller than when I had Tegs (so much for me being so fat! Where was my reinforced bed?)
Met a lovely student midwife called Ruth who was on the nightshift, we had a chat and she told me that theyd be starting the anti-biotics for GBS fairly soon as I needed to have a dose at least 4 hours before I gave birth and strapped me up to the monitors to see what was going on and if baby was happy. Doctor came in not long after and tried to stick the canula in either of my hands, but couldnt and I ended up with it stuck in the crook of my left arm most uncomfortable place ever! I was hooked up to the drip by 1:30am, as soon as Ruth left the room an alarm went off the drip wasnt in properly and there was air in it, I had to keep my arm fairly straight too and trying to do that, get comfy and having contractions is HARD! I was examined just before they hooked me up and was 2cms dilated (boo! But it was only 2 hours since my waters had broken!).
Half an hour later it had finished and I got unhooked, they then kept coming and going to check on me for the next hour or so and then asked if I wanted a bath, so I got in and started having some lovely contractions but they stopped when I got out of the bath for about half an hour. My mum was in with me and when we went back to the room I opened the door and was greeted by the sounds of Luke snoring! My room was right opposite the nurses station and the midwives who were sat there started laughing because it was so loud, I was embarrassed and disgusted! He kept falling asleep while I was contracting too, was hooked up back on the monitor and at 5:30 I was examined again, had managed to progress to 3cms or a stretchy 4cms. If I hadnt been hooked up constantly to the machine I reckon I could have got further but I felt as if I couldnt move from the bed.
At 6am a senior midwife came in and said that they could induce me if I wanted as my progression wasnt overly fast so far and I had been awake since 10am and had no chance for sleep (everytime I felt myself nodding off Luke would start snoring!). I decided to go for it, Id said that I was worried that it would make it harder for me to cope, but I agreed because I would get tired which ever way it went long and natural, or short fast and artificial.
6:30am rolled round and I was hooked back up to a drip, this time it had the syntocin and I think also a second batch of the anti-biotics. Within 15 minutes the contractions became regular and I asked if I could move so that I was hanging over the top end of the bed. They upped the dosage half an hour later and I was able to text two people to say that I was on the gas and air (it was my fwend to one of them! lol) but then that was it!
There was a switch over of staff at half 7 and I lost Ruth but gained Emma, another student midwife who was really nice too! They did my obs in between contractions, I remember looking at the clock and it was 8:10, I was farting at the end of some really painful contractions and because I kept laughing the monitors would move and I kept having to move back so they could reposition them!
Tegan has a youtube video habit, she likes 4 fat sausages and family fingers (go look if you wanna see, 4 fat sauages is quite operatic in style!) Anyway, I turned to my mum and said oh look, 4 fat sausages! And then I started to do daddy finger, mummy finger, brother finger, sister finger and baby finger (OMG embarrassing!)
I remember looking at the clock again at 8:30, that was the last time I remember noticing, between 8:30 and 8:50 my mum counted 10 contractions, spaced 2 mins apart and they were really strong. At about 9ish Emma started to ask if I could feel any pressure, I said that I was but that I didnt feel the need to push yet. Felt like I needed a wee but didnt get chance to say it.
I felt like I was part of One Born Every Minute at this stage, I could hear the heart beat monitor, the click of the gas and air as I was breathing it in through the contractions, the phone was ringing (same ringtone) and I was moaning like a cow, Id started to bear down at the end of the contractions and I uttered the immortal words of many a labouring woman I cant do this!!!
They asked if I was starting to push, so I told them I was and suddenly my mum was there helping them to take my knickers down, I started to panic and lost my breathing rhythm for about 30 secs. I couldnt push properly on my knees so moved round on to my back, nothing was happening and it had been 4 hours since I was last checked (so this made it 9:30) so they checked and I was only 6 cms! My body wanted to push still but I listened to what they were saying and stopped it and just concentrated on my breathing.
At this point I think they upped the drip again. I was now contracting while lying on my back, I could see it was sunny out the window (beautiful day) and I had Lukes hand and the gas and air in the other. I kept losing control of my breathing and asked my mum to do deeeeeeeeeeep breaths to help me which she did during my labour with Tegan (in on the deeeeeeep, out on the breaths) and that helped me to gain some control. They asked me at one point if I needed a wee, so I said yes and they managed to get a bedpan underneath me but I couldnt pee, kept trying but nothing! They then were going to put a catheter in, but that never happened!
I carried on contracting and occaionally getting panicked when the contractions were getting too strong, I wanted an epidural (which Ive never wanted and have always been against, but I needed the help, but I couldnt get off the gas and air to ask!) Started to squeeze Lukes hand during the contractions and my mum was coaching me with deeeeeep breaths again.
I then heard the word decelerations and I proper panicked, I couldnt breathe properly and was so scared I was going to lose Jago! I started to thrash on the bed and roll my head from left to right, I was biting on the mouthpiece of the gas and air so hard it kept coming off, my mum could see how panicked I was, she was getting upset and I had to ask her for deeeeeeep breaths because shed lost control of her voice. They tried to get me to roll over onto my left side to help with the heart beat, I guess they must have seen something going on at this point because I didnt get very far with rolling over, I think in my panic Id started pushing again.
Next thing I know Im told to go with my body and to push down into my bum and pull myself back on the handholds on the bed, I couldnt understand this so wasnt pushing properly for the first 2 contractions but then listened to their voices and started pushing properly, I could feel a hand in there at one point (and I swear I was orgasming!) and I was pushing again properly, I could feel his head coming out and it hurt like hell, then I realised that one of the midwives was holding down the lip of my cervix. I felt like I was tearing and it was horrible. I got his head out and was waiting for ages for the next contraction. It eventually came and I pushed really hard but they had to help me and tugged him out. He was flopped up on me, I said Hi little man and noticed he was grey, they then told me hed pooed as he came out of me, theyd already hit the button, Emma (student midwife) cut the cord because his head was blue and he was whisked outside.
The longest few minutes of my life. I could see and feel my legs shaking, I was starting to go into shock I think. I got jabbed to get the placenta out and then Luke went outside to see Jago, he was fine and was coming back in, they just had to give him some oxygen to start him off because he was slightly shocked at the speed he came out (6cms to here in less than an hour).
I had Jago on me as they wanted me to push to get the placenta out which I found very hard to do, but did it eventually. Luke asked them to explain the placenta to me as I was curious and didnt see it last time! It looked like a big haggis! Disgusting! But very cool as it had fed Jago for so many months! Amazing what it does really.
Then they checked me over no tears so no stitched needed! I dont know how because it hurt so much!
A bit about after the birth
I wanted to feed him because he was rooting and they helped him to latch, but then he delatched himself, he was on an off with their help for 2 hours. I was still on the bed, still hooked up to the drips which werent on anymore but I couldnt move and because of the positioning of the canula I couldnt move my arm properly in order to get comfy and help Jago to settle on the boob. I started to get really uncomfy and stressed and repeatedly had to ask for the canula out. TWO hours it was stuck in there for. I went and had a shower, which felt fab. Dried my hair, my body, my legs and then thought right, time to tackle the blood, and found loads of poo all over me! I eventually tidied myself up, but I was sat in my poo for those 2 hours, the blood I dont mind, but poo I most certainly did!
Went back into the the room and had some cuddles with a fully dressed Jago, before my shower he was weighed 7lb12oz which was what Id guessed! Yeehaw! (Although because he had pooed I expect he was actually an ounce or two heavier!). They kept telling me how big he was before he was weighed, that wasnt big in my mind!
They wanted to keep him in for 12 hours for obs, and I agreed, and then they changed their mind to his 24 hour check, I put my foot down and said 12 hours was fine because he had to be assisted to breathe. I was told that it was not a prison by this stage and I could do what I wanted (yeah, I know, Im an adult!) but they agreed to allow me home after his obs were done. Then I was told that the paediatrician wanted to see him and check him over because I had the anti-biotics and thats why they wanted him to stay for 24 hours. I put my foot down and said that Id stay if his obs showed anything, if they were fine we were leaving tonight.
Four hours after Id delivered we were transferred to the ward. At 2:50 Jago started rooting so I pressed the call button for help, he was just latched on me and then they left. He fed for 15 mins and then unlatched himself and slept. At 4 he was rooting again, so again I pressed the button, someone came and went to get a midwife or someone to help me. No one came back so a few minutes later I pressed the button again and the same woman came back and just latched him on and left me.
When I first got to the hospital Id explained that I was taking prozac for my pre-natal depression and that I wanted to breast feed but wasnt sure if I was able to, midwife was meant to find out but never did so I asked again on the ward and they went to find the breastfeeding co-ordinator. She came round at about 5 to help me and told me I was fine to breastfeed as the dosage I was on was safe for him. Gave me a few tips but that was it as he was sleeping and I wasnt going to wake him.
At 7 he wanted feeding again, so I pressed the button after trying by myself for a few minutes, someone came, helped me a little bit but not much and he latched for a few mins, came off, and I managed to get him back on but he didnt stay there for long, no one came back to see how I was getting on, so I pressed the button and asked for a bottle. She went to get a midwife, who didnt appear again, so I pressed the button and she appeared, and then went off to get bottles for me. He had a few mls and slept again.
At half 4 his obs were done, and again at half 6, there was a shift change and lo and behold his half 8 obs were then delayed until nearly 9pm. This was when they were trying to get me to stay. At 10 I pressed the button and played dumb asking when his last lot of obs were going to be because I forgot the time they came round, she was delivering drugs but would be there to do them soon and it would be around 11, if not before.
He was born at 10:21am, 12 hour obs should end at 10:21pm not 11pm! For his last lot of obs he was jittery and his temp was slightly low, I was told to feed him and shed come back in a bit. Again I rang the call bell and was told that shed be there soon, eventually she came back and it was around 11ish and his temp was back to normal and then she went off for the forms.
She wasnt because there was a sick baby on the ward according to a midwife who was helping the stuck up bitch in the bay across from me (Ooooh, Ive had a spinal block, I cant move blah blah blah, can you help me with breast feeding? etc . and she was helped!). I started to get stressed and impatient, they knew I wanted to go. The midwife had been drafted down from delivery to help out while they saw to the sick baby fine, but I should have been gone by then!
I started to moan and winge and the woman across from me said well you should have asked for help then. I told her I did ask for help with breast feeding and all the did was latch him on, I told them that I needed help and advice in getting him to latch on. Every midwife had a different way of doing things and it confused me far too much and they couldnt give me the time of day to help me. The stuck up bitch was told by one midwife that she wasnt allowed to just latch the baby on for her (why it was fine for them to do that to me I dont know!).
Eventually she came back and I signed the discharge forms, which informed me that they wanted to keep him in for the 24 hours because Id had chickenpox.
I want to scream, shout and slap them for this. Tell me the fucking truth from the beginning, dont keep playing on my fears to make me stay in so you can hit your fucking targets! I am not impressed with my experience again, many things were done unneccessairly and things werent done, like the catheter so I could pee, and Im sure that I actually peed on Jago as his head came out!
We are going to make a formal complaint of my treatment and handling this time, we didnt do it last time but holy fucking cow I am now. I asked for help several times, I asked for the canula to be removed, they werent busy either so there was no reason why it was left in my arm for 2 hours after the birth!
Sorry for this being extremely long and my rant at the end, I really was not impressed with how I was treated and I'm still quite angry about it all I guess. Now for piccies
Me in early labour strapped up to the machines
Me and Jago just after the birth
Another one of Jago
The birth of Jago Jenson Tresidder.
Jago was due on Sunday January 15th 2012. On Monday 9th January 2012 there was a full moon, I had a blazing row with Luke (my OH) in the afternoon and had actually asked him to leave. I also ended up in a fight on facebook, it was at the end of this that Luke was on the toilet, he came back and I started to feel damp, so I said to him either Ive just pissed myself or my waters have just started to go! So I stood up from the sofa and waddled across the the front room and pulled my jeans and knickers down to check my pantyliner, I noticed that I was very damp and then a few more spots trickled out so I asked Luke if hed seen that too and waddled into the kitchen where I stopped to chat to Luke and then felt a big gush and I laughed and ended up with a pool of waters around my feet, everytime I laughed more would come out! So I went to the bathroom to sort myself out and put a maternity pad there to soak it all up.
As I tested positive for Group B Strep when I had Tegan I was told by my midwife that if my waters went before my contractions started then I had to ring the ward and tell them about previously having GBS and to go straight in.
So, it was 11:35pm when my waters broke, rang my mum and Luke rang his who came up to look after Tegs, I rang the hospital who told me to come in, sooner rather than later. Between cleaning myself up and ringing L&D I started to have a few contractions so got rather excited!
We made it to the hospital in Truro by 12:50am, contracting in my dads car again but I had my friendly giraffe heat pack with me which helped me with the pain a lot!
So I went in, the smallest room in the entire hospital, I swear! I went to the toilet which was shared with the next delivery room and to get in I had to squeeze past the Tocco monitor (the little machine that picks up babys heart beat and contractions.) The bed was also smaller than when I had Tegs (so much for me being so fat! Where was my reinforced bed?)
Met a lovely student midwife called Ruth who was on the nightshift, we had a chat and she told me that theyd be starting the anti-biotics for GBS fairly soon as I needed to have a dose at least 4 hours before I gave birth and strapped me up to the monitors to see what was going on and if baby was happy. Doctor came in not long after and tried to stick the canula in either of my hands, but couldnt and I ended up with it stuck in the crook of my left arm most uncomfortable place ever! I was hooked up to the drip by 1:30am, as soon as Ruth left the room an alarm went off the drip wasnt in properly and there was air in it, I had to keep my arm fairly straight too and trying to do that, get comfy and having contractions is HARD! I was examined just before they hooked me up and was 2cms dilated (boo! But it was only 2 hours since my waters had broken!).
Half an hour later it had finished and I got unhooked, they then kept coming and going to check on me for the next hour or so and then asked if I wanted a bath, so I got in and started having some lovely contractions but they stopped when I got out of the bath for about half an hour. My mum was in with me and when we went back to the room I opened the door and was greeted by the sounds of Luke snoring! My room was right opposite the nurses station and the midwives who were sat there started laughing because it was so loud, I was embarrassed and disgusted! He kept falling asleep while I was contracting too, was hooked up back on the monitor and at 5:30 I was examined again, had managed to progress to 3cms or a stretchy 4cms. If I hadnt been hooked up constantly to the machine I reckon I could have got further but I felt as if I couldnt move from the bed.
At 6am a senior midwife came in and said that they could induce me if I wanted as my progression wasnt overly fast so far and I had been awake since 10am and had no chance for sleep (everytime I felt myself nodding off Luke would start snoring!). I decided to go for it, Id said that I was worried that it would make it harder for me to cope, but I agreed because I would get tired which ever way it went long and natural, or short fast and artificial.
6:30am rolled round and I was hooked back up to a drip, this time it had the syntocin and I think also a second batch of the anti-biotics. Within 15 minutes the contractions became regular and I asked if I could move so that I was hanging over the top end of the bed. They upped the dosage half an hour later and I was able to text two people to say that I was on the gas and air (it was my fwend to one of them! lol) but then that was it!
There was a switch over of staff at half 7 and I lost Ruth but gained Emma, another student midwife who was really nice too! They did my obs in between contractions, I remember looking at the clock and it was 8:10, I was farting at the end of some really painful contractions and because I kept laughing the monitors would move and I kept having to move back so they could reposition them!
Tegan has a youtube video habit, she likes 4 fat sausages and family fingers (go look if you wanna see, 4 fat sauages is quite operatic in style!) Anyway, I turned to my mum and said oh look, 4 fat sausages! And then I started to do daddy finger, mummy finger, brother finger, sister finger and baby finger (OMG embarrassing!)
I remember looking at the clock again at 8:30, that was the last time I remember noticing, between 8:30 and 8:50 my mum counted 10 contractions, spaced 2 mins apart and they were really strong. At about 9ish Emma started to ask if I could feel any pressure, I said that I was but that I didnt feel the need to push yet. Felt like I needed a wee but didnt get chance to say it.
I felt like I was part of One Born Every Minute at this stage, I could hear the heart beat monitor, the click of the gas and air as I was breathing it in through the contractions, the phone was ringing (same ringtone) and I was moaning like a cow, Id started to bear down at the end of the contractions and I uttered the immortal words of many a labouring woman I cant do this!!!
They asked if I was starting to push, so I told them I was and suddenly my mum was there helping them to take my knickers down, I started to panic and lost my breathing rhythm for about 30 secs. I couldnt push properly on my knees so moved round on to my back, nothing was happening and it had been 4 hours since I was last checked (so this made it 9:30) so they checked and I was only 6 cms! My body wanted to push still but I listened to what they were saying and stopped it and just concentrated on my breathing.
At this point I think they upped the drip again. I was now contracting while lying on my back, I could see it was sunny out the window (beautiful day) and I had Lukes hand and the gas and air in the other. I kept losing control of my breathing and asked my mum to do deeeeeeeeeeep breaths to help me which she did during my labour with Tegan (in on the deeeeeeep, out on the breaths) and that helped me to gain some control. They asked me at one point if I needed a wee, so I said yes and they managed to get a bedpan underneath me but I couldnt pee, kept trying but nothing! They then were going to put a catheter in, but that never happened!
I carried on contracting and occaionally getting panicked when the contractions were getting too strong, I wanted an epidural (which Ive never wanted and have always been against, but I needed the help, but I couldnt get off the gas and air to ask!) Started to squeeze Lukes hand during the contractions and my mum was coaching me with deeeeeep breaths again.
I then heard the word decelerations and I proper panicked, I couldnt breathe properly and was so scared I was going to lose Jago! I started to thrash on the bed and roll my head from left to right, I was biting on the mouthpiece of the gas and air so hard it kept coming off, my mum could see how panicked I was, she was getting upset and I had to ask her for deeeeeeep breaths because shed lost control of her voice. They tried to get me to roll over onto my left side to help with the heart beat, I guess they must have seen something going on at this point because I didnt get very far with rolling over, I think in my panic Id started pushing again.
Next thing I know Im told to go with my body and to push down into my bum and pull myself back on the handholds on the bed, I couldnt understand this so wasnt pushing properly for the first 2 contractions but then listened to their voices and started pushing properly, I could feel a hand in there at one point (and I swear I was orgasming!) and I was pushing again properly, I could feel his head coming out and it hurt like hell, then I realised that one of the midwives was holding down the lip of my cervix. I felt like I was tearing and it was horrible. I got his head out and was waiting for ages for the next contraction. It eventually came and I pushed really hard but they had to help me and tugged him out. He was flopped up on me, I said Hi little man and noticed he was grey, they then told me hed pooed as he came out of me, theyd already hit the button, Emma (student midwife) cut the cord because his head was blue and he was whisked outside.
The longest few minutes of my life. I could see and feel my legs shaking, I was starting to go into shock I think. I got jabbed to get the placenta out and then Luke went outside to see Jago, he was fine and was coming back in, they just had to give him some oxygen to start him off because he was slightly shocked at the speed he came out (6cms to here in less than an hour).
I had Jago on me as they wanted me to push to get the placenta out which I found very hard to do, but did it eventually. Luke asked them to explain the placenta to me as I was curious and didnt see it last time! It looked like a big haggis! Disgusting! But very cool as it had fed Jago for so many months! Amazing what it does really.
Then they checked me over no tears so no stitched needed! I dont know how because it hurt so much!
A bit about after the birth
I wanted to feed him because he was rooting and they helped him to latch, but then he delatched himself, he was on an off with their help for 2 hours. I was still on the bed, still hooked up to the drips which werent on anymore but I couldnt move and because of the positioning of the canula I couldnt move my arm properly in order to get comfy and help Jago to settle on the boob. I started to get really uncomfy and stressed and repeatedly had to ask for the canula out. TWO hours it was stuck in there for. I went and had a shower, which felt fab. Dried my hair, my body, my legs and then thought right, time to tackle the blood, and found loads of poo all over me! I eventually tidied myself up, but I was sat in my poo for those 2 hours, the blood I dont mind, but poo I most certainly did!
Went back into the the room and had some cuddles with a fully dressed Jago, before my shower he was weighed 7lb12oz which was what Id guessed! Yeehaw! (Although because he had pooed I expect he was actually an ounce or two heavier!). They kept telling me how big he was before he was weighed, that wasnt big in my mind!
They wanted to keep him in for 12 hours for obs, and I agreed, and then they changed their mind to his 24 hour check, I put my foot down and said 12 hours was fine because he had to be assisted to breathe. I was told that it was not a prison by this stage and I could do what I wanted (yeah, I know, Im an adult!) but they agreed to allow me home after his obs were done. Then I was told that the paediatrician wanted to see him and check him over because I had the anti-biotics and thats why they wanted him to stay for 24 hours. I put my foot down and said that Id stay if his obs showed anything, if they were fine we were leaving tonight.
Four hours after Id delivered we were transferred to the ward. At 2:50 Jago started rooting so I pressed the call button for help, he was just latched on me and then they left. He fed for 15 mins and then unlatched himself and slept. At 4 he was rooting again, so again I pressed the button, someone came and went to get a midwife or someone to help me. No one came back so a few minutes later I pressed the button again and the same woman came back and just latched him on and left me.
When I first got to the hospital Id explained that I was taking prozac for my pre-natal depression and that I wanted to breast feed but wasnt sure if I was able to, midwife was meant to find out but never did so I asked again on the ward and they went to find the breastfeeding co-ordinator. She came round at about 5 to help me and told me I was fine to breastfeed as the dosage I was on was safe for him. Gave me a few tips but that was it as he was sleeping and I wasnt going to wake him.
At 7 he wanted feeding again, so I pressed the button after trying by myself for a few minutes, someone came, helped me a little bit but not much and he latched for a few mins, came off, and I managed to get him back on but he didnt stay there for long, no one came back to see how I was getting on, so I pressed the button and asked for a bottle. She went to get a midwife, who didnt appear again, so I pressed the button and she appeared, and then went off to get bottles for me. He had a few mls and slept again.
At half 4 his obs were done, and again at half 6, there was a shift change and lo and behold his half 8 obs were then delayed until nearly 9pm. This was when they were trying to get me to stay. At 10 I pressed the button and played dumb asking when his last lot of obs were going to be because I forgot the time they came round, she was delivering drugs but would be there to do them soon and it would be around 11, if not before.
He was born at 10:21am, 12 hour obs should end at 10:21pm not 11pm! For his last lot of obs he was jittery and his temp was slightly low, I was told to feed him and shed come back in a bit. Again I rang the call bell and was told that shed be there soon, eventually she came back and it was around 11ish and his temp was back to normal and then she went off for the forms.
She wasnt because there was a sick baby on the ward according to a midwife who was helping the stuck up bitch in the bay across from me (Ooooh, Ive had a spinal block, I cant move blah blah blah, can you help me with breast feeding? etc . and she was helped!). I started to get stressed and impatient, they knew I wanted to go. The midwife had been drafted down from delivery to help out while they saw to the sick baby fine, but I should have been gone by then!
I started to moan and winge and the woman across from me said well you should have asked for help then. I told her I did ask for help with breast feeding and all the did was latch him on, I told them that I needed help and advice in getting him to latch on. Every midwife had a different way of doing things and it confused me far too much and they couldnt give me the time of day to help me. The stuck up bitch was told by one midwife that she wasnt allowed to just latch the baby on for her (why it was fine for them to do that to me I dont know!).
Eventually she came back and I signed the discharge forms, which informed me that they wanted to keep him in for the 24 hours because Id had chickenpox.
I want to scream, shout and slap them for this. Tell me the fucking truth from the beginning, dont keep playing on my fears to make me stay in so you can hit your fucking targets! I am not impressed with my experience again, many things were done unneccessairly and things werent done, like the catheter so I could pee, and Im sure that I actually peed on Jago as his head came out!
We are going to make a formal complaint of my treatment and handling this time, we didnt do it last time but holy fucking cow I am now. I asked for help several times, I asked for the canula to be removed, they werent busy either so there was no reason why it was left in my arm for 2 hours after the birth!
Sorry for this being extremely long and my rant at the end, I really was not impressed with how I was treated and I'm still quite angry about it all I guess. Now for piccies




