Just another FB vent thread.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2013
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Preface: I'm nearly nine months pregnant. I'm tired. I'm grumpy. I'm cherishing my sleep while I can get it.

...And my neighbors suck. We live in this apartment complex designed so that the bedrooms in one apartment share a wall with the kitchen of the next apartment. This seems like a good idea, assuming the people living therein are normal folk who spend the wee hours of the morning sleeping in their bedrooms.

Not my neighbors. Nothing is more thrilling to them, it seems, than talking loudly all night in their kitchen (which shares a wall with our bedroom). Last night, for instance, we heard one of their girlfriends talking until 3:30 AM. Then she started talking again (I guess on her cell phone, as I didn't hear anyone else) at 7:30 AM. UGH.

So, I pissed and moaned about it on Facebook. Why do I do these things? :dohh:

Basically, I opened the door to everyone telling me how I'm about to be the "bad neighbor" by virtue of having a baby. I'm sorry: these are not the same things.

1) The shared wall is between our bedroom and their kitchen. If the baby cries at night, she would really only be disrupting their late-night kitchen chatter. Their bedrooms are all the way on the other side of the building.

2) We can't help our baby crying, and obviously will do whatever we can to get her to stop crying. They, on the other hand, can help talking loudly all night.

3) Am I no longer allowed to say anything on FB without someone making some snarky comment about my pregnancy and the baby I'm about to have?!

Sorry... long... just grumpy.
Grrrr... Bloody neighbours ! Have you spoken to them ? You could say 'I'm just a bit concerned as we are going to have a baby - I would HATE for the baby to disturb you while you are sleeping ' or ' the walls are quite thin aren't they, you can hear EVERYTHING ;) ' as for FB, I just have a cull every so often, get rid of those 'friends' :D xx
I thought about it... I'm too grumpy right now to even think about apologizing on behalf of our baby to these jerk-faces. But that's probably what I'll do when I'm rested and pleasant again. :)
Haha! Not in the right frame of mind ;) I would only be sarcastically apologising of course! ;)
That sounds really lame! I'd probably say something to them, but that's just me. I hate having to put up with other people's crap. It's somewhat related, but back when I was in high school, we used to have these upstairs neighbors who had sex REALLY LOUDLY. The terrible part was that they were right over my bedroom. XD They'd go banging at each other like screaming monkeys at odd hours of the night, and it go so bad that we had to call the cops a few times because our polite requests went unheeded.

And honestly, to hell with FB. I used to have an FB account until I got sick of people being self-involved, snobby, and self-righteous attention seekers. Of course, not saying you should deactivate your account, but seriously to heck with them. No need to get stressed out over people being silly. Maybe you can even put privacy options on your status updates? I remember you could make it so that only certain people see your posts.
That would drive me crazy! My last neighbour bless her was an old lady who had dementia. Ok so some degree of leniency... BUT she used to tell anyone who would listen that her life was ruined by our new baby BEFORE he was even born!! My OH used to laugh it off but it really really annoyed me!
On the FB note! one of the most liberating days of my life was closing my account. If people are my friends they and I know how to contact each other. If they are not I don't need to know whether their guinnea pig is sick, or if they think the judges on the Voice are hot etc. Do It! It's soooo cathartic!
I had a yappy dog next door and the best day I had was at the end of putting up with it yapping all summer long was walking into their living room with my pjs raising my voice saying What the F is going on here that your dog has to keep the whole neighbour hood up every single nght? I can't do this ANYMORE! I said look at you guys hanging out and he just wants attention. Why can't he come in and hang out with you? They took the dog in and reassured me that they'd found a good new home for him and he wouldn't be bothering me anymore.

I highly recommend complaining in person, in your pj's to them with a full on bed head. Next, if that doesn't work bang on the wall to give them a heads up. Next, contact the apartment management and start complaining. You have a right to sleep. Why would you sacrifice your sanity over being overly polite when they probably don't even know their causing issues.
Good point! Nothing like a full term pregnant lady with bedhead to put the fear of God in them. Maybe, if I'm really lucky, my water will break at their doorstep.
Good point! Nothing like a full term pregnant lady with bedhead to put the fear of God in them. Maybe, if I'm really lucky, my water will break at their doorstep.

:rofl: at least you can laugh at your good try if nothing else. For a reminder, get hubbie to take a photo with the crazy hair, pjs and 9 mnth belly, enlarge and post on door with a shhh baby & mom are sleeping.
Ugh neighbors! Our upstairs neighbors fight quite a bit, today they fought and it was the worst I had heard from them. Typically she yells at him every 2 weeks or so, but for the first time he was full on yelling, he sounded furious. I don't feel like we (people in general, but definitely pregnant women) should have to deal with other people making our home environment uncomfortable. I think I will be calling the rental agency and complaining about the noise. The owners of the property want their tenants to feels comfortable and safe. DH thinks I am overreacting, but I remember my parents fighting before their divorce and I get stressed when people yell and fight. Definitely confront those neighbors, why would you need to talk in the kitchen, why not the living room or bedroom?? Those would seem more comfy...
That sounds really lame! I'd probably say something to them, but that's just me. I hate having to put up with other people's crap. It's somewhat related, but back when I was in high school, we used to have these upstairs neighbors who had sex REALLY LOUDLY. The terrible part was that they were right over my bedroom. XD They'd go banging at each other like screaming monkeys at odd hours of the night, and it go so bad that we had to call the cops a few times because our polite requests went unheeded.

And honestly, to hell with FB. I used to have an FB account until I got sick of people being self-involved, snobby, and self-righteous attention seekers. Of course, not saying you should deactivate your account, but seriously to heck with them. No need to get stressed out over people being silly. Maybe you can even put privacy options on your status updates? I remember you could make it so that only certain people see your posts.

Sorry to hear that, but that part of your post was just hilarious. I laughed so hard, I almost choked.

I agree, FB is ridiculous, this is the reason why I don't have one. At least once a week, one of my friends is complaining about drama from it - it's terrible that you can't post something and other people need to add their unnecessary "two cents".
Good luck confronting them! I know it wouldn't work with my upstairs neighbours... The genius (!) who converted the house into apartments has put our bedroom under their kitchen, and hasn't given soundproofing a second thought. It wouldn't be so bad if our neighbours acted like civilised people, but of course it's not the case. From as early as 6am to late at night, we hear what goes on upstairs, and it's not pretty. Everytime we see him outside, the man blames his constant shouting, his swearing, and the never ending verbal fights on his step-daughter who has recently been diagnosed with Tourette. It's always her fault, apparently, even when she's not there! So I imagine confronting him only going one way: him repeating "Tourette" like a broken record...

It may be pregnancy hormones talking, but I'm looking forward to having a crying baby in the middle of the night!

I like the idea of knocking at their door in your pjs! My mother did that during her last pregnancy, absolutely terrified our neighbours who became so quiet after that that we thought they had moved out :haha:
Rested and pleasant! HA!!!
Don't you know that you're about to be a mother? You'll never be rested and pleasant again.
Luckily, neither will your neighbors with that awful thing screaming all the time.

See what I did there? LOL
Hahaha I meant like, maybe today or sometime next week... I'm sleeping pretty well now.

BUT I think showing up looking like hell (and like my baby is about to fall out at any second) would be more effective.
Hahaha I meant like, maybe today or sometime next week... I'm sleeping pretty well now.

BUT I think showing up looking like hell (and like my baby is about to fall out at any second) would be more effective.

Hahaha I fully agree. Look as deranged as possible, but wait til you're calm. I was just pulling a Facebook on you...

Shitty neighbors are basically the worst. Living in college towns means that they are a dime a dozen. I, a lot of the time, find that they don't actually know that they are super shitty. Like "Hey, (person with limited frontal lobe development and a propensity to be extremely self-absorbed) your kitchen is right next to my bedroom. Your late night chats are super fun, but they often keep me awake. Do you think you could move them into the [room that is not right next to my $*%&ing bedroom]? That'd be great" would likely work. Especially if they are not actual jerk-wads, just regular folks who don't realize they're being jerk-wads.

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