I have decided to change to formula feeding, my daughter is almost 5 months old and im happy with my choice, the only issue is she spews every feed. Not the whole feed or even half but enough to soak me, is this pretty normal?
She never ever spewed when bf and she also needs to be burped about 3 times during the feed which can take upto an hour, should i be using a different bottle/teat to make her feed slightly quicker. My son used to down a bottle in 15 mins she takes about 3 times this and as mean as it sounds i dont really have the time to be sitting for that long with 2 LOs.
When i bf she had 10/15 min feeds....
She never ever spewed when bf and she also needs to be burped about 3 times during the feed which can take upto an hour, should i be using a different bottle/teat to make her feed slightly quicker. My son used to down a bottle in 15 mins she takes about 3 times this and as mean as it sounds i dont really have the time to be sitting for that long with 2 LOs.
When i bf she had 10/15 min feeds....