Hello all!
I find myself 2 weeks 1 day late and not sure what on earth is going on!
I have a new baby daddy so maybe that's the reason?
CD 1: Monday 1st September
CD 12: (earlier than usual, ovulation pains but - OPK, didn't continue testing)
CD 34: 5 days late and had lower left abdominal cramps in the evening, lasting for about 4 hours. I suspected implantation.
CD 44: Today. Still no clear BFP's. Beta HCG blood tests tonight at 5pm. Results hopefully in by tomorrow.
I am a 28 day cycle kinda girl, always on time NEVER late. If under stress it comes a day or two early.
1) Is it possible to ovulate later?
2) Is CD34's pains implantation?
3) If CD34's pains were implantation, would I be getting a BFP yet?
4) Despite having 2 normal cycles since having my son (I gave up breastfeeding around 7 weeks old) is it still possible they are in turmoil?
5) What's the latest you've had a BFP?
6) What levels should my beta HCG be IF I am pregnant?
7) Do I still have hope to cling onto?
8) If I did not ovulate, does that mean I do not get an AF? (I've heard that....)
Sorry for so many questions.
I am confused. I feel pregnant. I've done this too many times to know when I am etc, a few symptoms:
- Frequent urination
- Heart burn and occasional sicky feeling
- High and HARD cervix
- No bleeding what so ever, no spotting at any point in my cycle
- Clockwork AF until now
I think there was others but I've forgotten haha.
I've been testing with every test you can imagine! I've used FRER, CB digis, own brand midstream sticks, also internet cheapies!
Last week I got a few VERY FAINT BFP's (Check out my other posts) but I ran out of that brand and see nothing on the new ones!
I have a beta HCG test this evening because I am convinced that I am.
Thanks in advance. xx
I find myself 2 weeks 1 day late and not sure what on earth is going on!
I have a new baby daddy so maybe that's the reason?
CD 1: Monday 1st September
CD 12: (earlier than usual, ovulation pains but - OPK, didn't continue testing)
CD 34: 5 days late and had lower left abdominal cramps in the evening, lasting for about 4 hours. I suspected implantation.
CD 44: Today. Still no clear BFP's. Beta HCG blood tests tonight at 5pm. Results hopefully in by tomorrow.
I am a 28 day cycle kinda girl, always on time NEVER late. If under stress it comes a day or two early.
1) Is it possible to ovulate later?
2) Is CD34's pains implantation?
3) If CD34's pains were implantation, would I be getting a BFP yet?
4) Despite having 2 normal cycles since having my son (I gave up breastfeeding around 7 weeks old) is it still possible they are in turmoil?
5) What's the latest you've had a BFP?
6) What levels should my beta HCG be IF I am pregnant?
7) Do I still have hope to cling onto?
8) If I did not ovulate, does that mean I do not get an AF? (I've heard that....)
Sorry for so many questions.
I am confused. I feel pregnant. I've done this too many times to know when I am etc, a few symptoms:
- Frequent urination
- Heart burn and occasional sicky feeling
- High and HARD cervix
- No bleeding what so ever, no spotting at any point in my cycle
- Clockwork AF until now
I think there was others but I've forgotten haha.
I've been testing with every test you can imagine! I've used FRER, CB digis, own brand midstream sticks, also internet cheapies!
Last week I got a few VERY FAINT BFP's (Check out my other posts) but I ran out of that brand and see nothing on the new ones!
I have a beta HCG test this evening because I am convinced that I am.
Thanks in advance. xx