Really sorry you are going through this, its just really painful and hurtful isn't it? I knew my FOB for four years, so when someone you know really well just abandons you when you need them the most, you start to wonder about the human race and how some people can be so callous. I made the mistake of harrassing and pushing my partner too far and now he has completely run away and wants to go abroad to avoid it all. Best thing to do at this moment are;
1. Stay away from him, don't contact him, don't let him have an opportunity to upset you with any nasty texts etc. He is the person who needs help if he speaks to a vulnerable, pregnant woman like that.
2. Focus all your energy on your pregnancy and give yourself time and be kind to yourself, don't blame yourself for anything
3. You
will be able to do this on your own, many, many women find themselves in this position and not just because a partner has willingly left them e.g partner has passed away, the woman wants to leave the man, he might work away and not be there 6 months of the year etc, etc. Single Mothers can and have done this successfully for many years and one parent giving tons and tons of love and support to a human being is way better than a fickle, uncaring father.
My FOB is liable (as far as I am concerned) to have been totally unreliable if he stuck through the pregnancy for the sake of it. He is a very selfish individual and keeps calling our baby 'your child' 'your decision, you got what you wanted'. Doesn't see his part in it at all, he hates 'people' , what a waste of space he is really, I'm better off without him.
You will be fine