Katie Ava - 17.11.10 - 7lb 6oz - Induction


Mummy of 2 girlies
Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Katie Ava
7lb 6oz
17th November 2010 11:05pm

I was booked in to be induced at 39+1 because throughout the final weeks of my pregnancy I developed itching, which I had with my last pregnancy. I was diagnosed last time with a condition called Obstetric Cholestasis which meant I was induced at 37 weeks as it can be dangerous to the baby to go full term. This time around my blood results never went over the 'normal' range, but because I was itching again they booked me in for an induction just in case.

Arrived at the ward at 8:30am as instructed. Waited until 9am when a Dr came to the waiting room and asked us to come with her 'for a chat'. This 'chat' basically consisted of 'well your latest blood results are normal so we don't need to induce you'. OH went mad! He had booked time off work, my Mum had as she was looking after Emma, I'd shed quite a few tears and got myself worked up about being induced again because I wanted to go naturally this time....and there we were, bags packed, being told that we didn't need to be induced. The Dr said we could go ahead as we were only 6 days away, and gave us half an hour to think it over. We decided to go ahead with it - mainly because it'd upset me so much leaving Emma & I was mentally prepared to be induced again! We then told the Dr when she came back and she then said 'Well to be honest we could do a blood test again today which could come back higher anyway' - I think they just had to say there was no 'medical reason' to induce me to cover their backs. Shame someone didn't think to call me 6 days previously to say this, when the results were back, but hey-ho!

I was taken to a bed and hooked up to the CTG which was registering some tightenings. The MW said I might not need the prostin gel, we got excited....but then she examined me and said she best give me one dose. It was 11am by now. So we then had to wait about for 6 hrs - but unlike last time the gel really kicked in and from about 3pm I was getting regular pains every 3 minutes. At 5.30pm I was put back on the monitor which was picking up the tightenings and she examined me, said I was 1-2cm and could go down to labour ward to have my waters broken.

Two hours later we're still waiting - by now I've getting very uncomfortable! OH goes to ask what's happening, and the MW says 'Well labour ward don't usually take inductions at night but they'll take you cos you're having niggles'. Really made me laugh.....what was I meant to do, cross my legs?! :dohh:

Got down to labour ward and we were taken to a big room - OH was very pleased cos there was a TV, lol. I paced around the room from 8pm til 8:30pm, knowing because I was being induced I'd have to stay on the bed. Our MW came in at 8:30pm, examined me, said I was still 1-2cm, but she could break my waters. She broke them and there was meconium in them, which got me all worried, but she was very good and OH was reassuring me everything would be ok.

By 9:30pm I was in a lot of pain, the MW had given me paracetamol and codeine but I knew it wouldn't do anything, it was hurting too much. I went on the gas and air at 9:30 and it did take the edge of it initially, but then it just didn't seem to work. I'm thinking I'm the biggest wimp in the world because I was in agony, each time a contraction came I'd breathe it in like a mad woman but by 10:30 I was having to shout as I was doing it to kind of say 'LOOK, I'M IN REAL PAIN!!!'. 10:30 I'd had enough and said I needed something else - there was no way on earth I could have gone hours more like that, to me I couldn't imagine any worse pain.....

.......funnily enough, this was because I was fully dilated! When the MW said that I could have actually kissed her! I remember double checking cos I couldn't believe it. Unknown to me though, the last massive contraction I'd had, had made the babies HB drop down to 50. I heard the MW ask Dave to press to buzzer, and a Dr came in - the MW said something about bradycardia, which I knew from lasttime meant a drop in the HB, so I panicked. The MW said to the Dr something about me only being 9cm cos there was a rim of cervix or something - so the Dr told me I'd be going for a C-Section. I'd been worried sick about this but at the time didn't care one bit, I just wanted the baby to me ok. The Dr then examined me and said 'no she's 10cm, we're ready to go' - because I was fully dilated they decided to use ventouse to get her out quickly, I had an episiotomy (same as last time).....the only difference was this time, I actually felt Katie being born, whereas with Emma, I felt nothing at all. I think the worst pain was the actual contraction (beause the mean Dr took my gas & air away) rather than feeling her come out, although I do remember shouting like a mad woman 'get herrrr outttt!!' - but that was more concern that she was going to die than pain :cry:

Anyway it must have only been a few minutes (if that) and she was born - I'm sure it was two pushes for the head and the next contraction she was born on. I couldn't believe it when she was born because I'd been told I was going for a section. She was put straight onto me and she was gorgeous :cloud9: The Dr then did my stitches, which hurt like hell cos I could feel the needle go in and come out each time...I'm sure that's not right?! :nope: But somehow I blocked it out...I had a cuddly newborn :cloud9: I remember looking at the clock and not believing it was only 11pm! I wanted to go and find the MW who told me labour ward didn't take inductions at night and say 'told you I was in pain' lol :haha:

After a few mins I said 'is she a girl then?' - to which the MW and Dr both said they hadn't looked :dohh: She was though, lol. OH and I cuddled her for ages, she was weighed, OH dressed her, and at about 1am I went for a bath. OH and Katie came into the room too and I remember thinking thank god I'd been with OH for ages and have no shame left at all because standing there in the nuddy, trying not to get blood everywhere and walking like John Wayne....not so glam!!

OH was then told he had to leave because he couldn't come to the ward, so at 2am off he went and Katie and I went to the ward. I honestly got no sleep the entire night because the ward was noisy, lights were on...and I was so excited from having Katie I couldn't anyway. She was checked at 2hr intervals because of the meconium, but she was fine. After a lot of asking we managed to leave at 2:30pm and finally got home with our beautiful daughter. My Mum brought Emma around at 4:30pm to meet her sister and everything has been blur since then.

I love my two girls and amazing OH so much........never want this feeling to end :cloud9:

Thanks for reading - well done if you managed to get this far and stay awake! :blush:

A few minutes old

Hours old

One day old

My two perfect girls
Congratulations and oh my god how glam do you look for having just given birth! :hugs:
Welcome to the world Katie, she is beautiful.

V xxxx
Congratulations she is gorgeous, and you look so fab! Well done lovely :flower:
congratulations :flower: shes a cutie (and your other LO is too :flow:)
well done you! And no, I'm sure they're meant to give you something so the stitches don't hurt! You've got 2 beautiful girls, and as someone else said, you look wonderful for just having given birth :)
shes beautiful hope my induction goes that well !!!
congrats she's just beautiful! Well done!
Congratulations and oh my god how glam do you look for having just given birth! :hugs:

Thats what I was going to say!
I dont look that good, two and a half years after having a baby - let alone a day!! :mrgreen:

Congratulations! :flower:

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