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Katie Hopkins on This Morning *it is ok to miss your child's birthday


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Dec 28, 2009
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Here are just some of the highlights from the debate...
•Katie on births: "They're rather like trains, aren't they? There'll be another one.":growlmad::dohh:

•Katie on fellow guest Shona Sibary: "It's like being shouted at by a lemon."

•Katie on Shona's children: "Can I just say for the record, she's moved down to the Westcountry and stuck her kid in a boarding school, just while we're being all pious on this platform."
I didn't see it but this woman thrives on the attention she gets from being an arsehole.

I'm not sure in what sense they are talking about "missing" a childs birthday but surely a parent couldn't/ wouldn't take a day off work for their child's birthday, wouldn't they be at school anyway?
I don't know which of these women I detest more tbh they are as bad as each other

Vile vile people

This morning will be losing viewers faster than ever, nobody wants to watch this
The woman's a genius. All she is is a walking publicity stunt.

I don't for a second think she believes a word that comes out her mouth. She's just gagging for attention.

This is the woman who got caught having sex in a field, with someone else' husband. She's a daft troll and I really don't know why This Morning are so obsessed with her.
Is she still spouting off rubbish?
As much as she annoys me and as desperately as i want to tell her what a complete idiot she is on Facebook, shes getting exactly what she wants, shes becoming famous, shes been given huge platforms to spout krap i doubt she actually believes from and shes got her name in peoples mouths.
If we stopped reacting to her rubbish she'd probably go away! Its so tough though with the rubbish she spouts!
She said she her kids can make adult decisions 'open presents alone', or 'wait until mummy has time for a party'.
I agree not everyone can have their birthday off, but you still acknowledge them and she was vile to the woman debating her.
She's absolutely horrific, I just watched the clip with OH and we were both actually laughing AT her! I'd never ever ever dream of missing my childs birthday :nope: even if you work 9-5 and can't book a day off then you've got from 5pm onwards to spoil your LO.

I must say though, I'm glad she didn't slag us BnB ladies off.. We're defo not boring :rofl:
Haha this was so funny, I can't believe how rude she was to the other woman cringeee!

As usual I disagree, of course you can book a day off to spend with your child on their birthday! I don't know if she even agrees with herself half the time, she just seems to be saying these things to cause a stir. xx
I didn't watch it, will watch it on YouTube in a bit.

With regards to taking a day off for a child's birthday, sometimes it is not possible to put Annual Leave in at work and the child maybe at School anyway so there is no point imo. BUT if that happens, we would of course acknowledge their birthday on the morning & evening and at the weekend we would celebrate their birthday properly.
She is so irritating, i feel so sorry for her poor children. Yes people may have to work on childs bday but surely you can still acknoledge its their bday and do presents and special tea then party on nxt free day. She is a total troll and if she feels this way about children i dont know why she ever had children and she showed a total lack of class by how she called the poor woman arguing with her a lemon
I hate her, she is so vile! It's not always possible to take the day off, but they would probably be at school anyways! BUT you can still celebrate before/after school on eir actual birthday. I cannot stand to watch her xx
When we were younger we never had the day off for birthdays and so by that neither did my parents. I never felt hard done by. Our birthdays tho were ALWAYS acknowledged. We would open presents before cereal with everyone around and have special dinner choice. We would then have a party of some sort over the weekend. I haven't seen the interview so can't judge. If se is just saying I don't take te day off work then fair enough, I work ft and know that I won't be able to do that with lo. Especially when they are in school. Not to say I wouldn't try if they weren't in school for whatever reason. If what she is saying that the birthday isn't acknowledged until see fits is well another thing.
She was saying if she is away from work which she schedules then her children get the choice to open the presents on own, the gifts are left in a room which they can open them then or with family when is convenient for Katie as it is a grown up choice for her children, her children get a birthday party every other year together rather than separately. The children can see if she is working away from calendar for their birthdays. Obviously some people don't have a choice being away but if you do have choice wouldn't you try to acknowledge. We were at school for a lot of birthdays and I shared a party with my sister since our birthdays are a day a part but it was always seen as our special days and we got a special tea and all piled on parents bed in the morning for gifts.
We don't take Claire's birthday off. :shrug: With both of us being on Shift Work its hard at times. But, we always take off the day that we're having her birthday party on so we both can be there. :haha:
Yep I can't do days off... But dear god this woman is well and truly the worst role model for her children.
I wouldn't take the day off work for a childs birthday unless possibly it fell on a weekend. They would most likely be at school so I don't really see the issue with that. But I think her belief that her kids don't care is a little naive - they most likely do, but unfortunately life doesn't always cater to these things. She doesn't seem like she actively tries to be there though which I find odd - she gave the impression that she would drop her childs birthday to go on a last minute business trip, because her kids are mature enough to understand, or something.
i personally dont like any of her views ..... she annoys me on this morning >.<
I hate her but u agree with a pp, she's getting exactly what she wants, publicity.

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