Hi all. A brief update and check in to see how myshelsong got on yesterday...how are you doing, feeling okay? Hope you are not in any pain and are taking it easy.
Mine was a mixed bag, it went ahead despite my period worry - and as it turned out, i had spotting on thursday and was full on day 1 by the time i got to hospital at 8am! typical, hey?!
laparoscopy went ok, ovaries ok, no pcos or drilling, and no endo outside (yay!) Couple of small fibroids which the consultant didn't think were an issue. From outside, tubes and ute look healthy, so was pleased with that.
Bad side - she couldn't perform the hysteroscopy and dye as my cervix is too tight (cervical stenosis?) but she didn't really explain what this actually means going forward. She said IUI not possible and IVF might be the only way ahead which confused me, as to do either you need to go through the cervix, right? Was told to wait for follow up appointment in 2-3 mts as they want us to keep trying in the interim with chlomid. I felt her after care and explanation a bit lacking if i'm honest, especially as i was still groggy and my hubby wasn't around to listen in. She seemed in a hurry to get away!
In reading around the net, it seems like there is conflicting advice on both the prognosis and treatment for this condition. Herbal remedies can be used to ease scar tissue if stenosis is caused by a previous op or infection (have had neither) and primrose oil is good for ripening the cervix etc so might try that. Also, found out that they can give you a drug the day before and morning of an HSG to help relax the cervix so I think i maybe should ask for one of these so can find out if a) my cervix might open and b) that my ute and tubes are okay from the inside.
Sorry for the essay, just so scared and confused about this journey and it does help to download, sometime just to get things straight in my own little head!
Baby dust to all