Hi ladies. I have always had a regular, fairly light period. I started af yesterday and usually by the 2nd day it is pretty light and by the third day I'm finished. Today I woke up and soaked a tampon within minutes and 2 pads within 2 hours. Everytime I wiped it was nothing but a large amount of bright red blood and every.so often large clots. No cramping. Just nausea and a bit dizzy. I was so freaked out I had my; DH take me to the ER cuz I thought I was bleeding to death or possibly having a miscarriage, which was a long shot cuz we've been ttc for 2 years with no luck. So, pregnancy test was neg and the doc said it's most likely hormonal imbalance which happens to women every so often. Before I left the ER the bleeding had slowed and now it's just like my normal af. So, I'm curious, have any of you ever had this happen to you? Would like to hear your stories and what came of it. Thanks.