Late again!! And terrified.


Mother of a beautiful boy and gorgeous girl
Jan 22, 2013
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I am currently 10 days over my due date and I have my induction booked for Thursday. I was induced with my first pregnancy at 15 days late and it was horrendous. I was really hoping to avoid being induced again but it’s looking quite likely now.

I had a 3B tear with my son which took 9 months to heal properly and stop causing me pain. I am absolutely terrified of tearing again! The obstetrician told me that the chances of tearing again in a second labour are very low but I’m still worried because she’ll be bigger than if she had arrived on time. I’ve also been told she’s facing up and I know that increases the chances of tearing too!!

Has anyone had any experience with tearing with their first labour and having a good outcome the second time around?
I tore with my first and it took a long time to heal. At least nine months but I think close to a year before the pain was bearable. The scar continued to bother me occasionally until I had my second.

I did tear with my second but it was a small one and the doctor was able to repair the previous scar so it doesn't bother me now. The healing process was so much quicker this time and since 2 weeks pp I have had no pain.

Good luck and I hope you have a positive outcome. :flower:
I am currently 10 days over my due date and I have my induction booked for Thursday. I was induced with my first pregnancy at 15 days late and it was horrendous. I was really hoping to avoid being induced again but it’s looking quite likely now.

I had a 3B tear with my son which took 9 months to heal properly and stop causing me pain. I am absolutely terrified of tearing again! The obstetrician told me that the chances of tearing again in a second labour are very low but I’m still worried because she’ll be bigger than if she had arrived on time. I’ve also been told she’s facing up and I know that increases the chances of tearing too!!

Has anyone had any experience with tearing with their first labour and having a good outcome the second time around?

I had a few stitches shy of third-degree tears with my first (he was 5 days late) and had to stay in the hospital for 24 hours with a catheter in.

My second was much better, I only needed 2-3 stitches and she was 5 days early.

I know that I found the position easier on the second birth. I was told to lay on my back for the first birth and he came out in one push, the second I was laying on my side and the head come out first and then the rest of her body on the second push which was alot easier and I didn't tear.
I’d never thought about the position I give birth in actually. I will definitely try allying on my side this time! I actually find my odd contractions easier to handle side lying at the moment so I’ll give it a go.
I had episiotomy with my 1st as needed forceps which was a cut by doctors so not a tear, 2nd time round baby was bigger so i had a 2nd degree tear.. but by 3rd time i didn't even have a graze and he was biggest out them all! Mine were all facing upwards as back to back and I'd recommend giving birth on all fours its so much easier to control your body and handle the pain as gravity is helping keep the baby off your back. Also all 3 births were inductions! I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine hun, good luck! Xx
Positioning definitely sounds like it could effect it. I had an epidural and was on my back with my first. My second came so fast that I was kinda half on my side/back as I was kinda pushed on the bed by the nurse as I couldn't help but push and she didn't want to catch the baby on the floor. :haha:
I had episiotomy with my 1st as needed forceps which was a cut by doctors so not a tear, 2nd time round baby was bigger so i had a 2nd degree tear.. but by 3rd time i didn't even have a graze and he was biggest out them all! Mine were all facing upwards as back to back and I'd recommend giving birth on all fours its so much easier to control your body and handle the pain as gravity is helping keep the baby off your back. Also all 3 births were inductions! I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine hun, good luck! Xx

Aw this makes me feel so much more confident, thank you! Having babies is a scary business 😂
I had episiotomy with my 1st as needed forceps which was a cut by doctors so not a tear, 2nd time round baby was bigger so i had a 2nd degree tear.. but by 3rd time i didn't even have a graze and he was biggest out them all! Mine were all facing upwards as back to back and I'd recommend giving birth on all fours its so much easier to control your body and handle the pain as gravity is helping keep the baby off your back. Also all 3 births were inductions! I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine hun, good luck! Xx

Aw this makes me feel so much more confident, thank you! Having babies is a scary business 😂

Yes it certainly is! I'll be giving birth in the same position this time aswel, i can't believe the difference in the births from laying on my back. It was so much easier and faster the last time i didn't even have any gas and air when pushing i didn't feel like i even needed it so definitely do that hun! Back to back labour is not nice so being upright helps loads :) x
My first was 12 days late and I tore pretty badly even though he was small (6 lb 13 oz) after 40 min pushing (on back with epi). My second was 4 days overdue. He was almost a roadside push hands and knees, one push doing a sqaut/sit and 2 on my back (thankfully in the hospital bed). He was 8 lb 12 oz and no tears at all.

I think the second time the positioning helped and also it not being the first go around helped too.Wishing you the best of luck!!
Oh gosh I feel your pain. Literally. Also had a 3B tear with my last, who was my second, so I’m opting for a section this time as I am petrified of it happening again.

I hope all goes well for you.
I had a 2nd degree tear last time that needed a few stitches. I had had an epidural. I had my second baby on Saturday, no epidural and I had one tiny tear that didn't need a stitch. I feel like I could feel what was happening this time and was able to ease the baby out rather than just trying to follow the midwives instructions when I couldn't feel what was happening.
I was on my back on the bed on both occasions, the first time because of the epidural, this time because I was attached to a mag sulf infusion due to pre-eclampsia.
Just an update ladies.

I had baby girl yesterday morning, she decided to come on her own and I didn’t need to be induced. She was still back to back and I ended up getting an epidural. She had severe heart rate deceleration and so I ended up also having another emergency forceps delivery!! However this time was given an episiotomy so didn’t tear. Bit sore and tender now but glad she’s out and doing well!
congratulations!! glad to hear mom and baby are doing well!
Ah wow congratulations to you hun! Wishing you a very speedy recovery and enjoy your lovely little bundle! X
Congrats to you, hun! At least with the episiotomy you didn't have to worry about jagged tearing and will hopefully be able to heal without complications :hugs:

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