late birth story 15 months ago, traumatic


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2009
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hello this is my pregnancy and birth story, i no it was 15 months ago but i always wanted to write it all down. Long Story and not a nice one, so if your pregnant i wouldnt read.

Elizabeth aka Libby
Born -11.9.2008 37+6(long time ago lol)
Time -11.49am
Weighed -6lb 9oz
Labour -2hrs

warning long story

To start with pregnancy was fine, i was lucky never had morning sickness or sore breast but then at 25 weeks i swelled up loads, kept feeling ill and dizzy, at 26 weeks my sister checked my bp and it was very high, so i went straight to gps who told me not to expect to go home and to expect the worst, hospital kept me in and diagnoised pregnancy induced hypotension, first told me i was having a panick attack as i had no protien in urine :wacko: anyway the soon realised it has PIH and sent me home with labetol, told me to see a specialist every week and midwife twice a week for bp checks, urine samples and blood tests and told to rest. the meds made me itch all over, it felt like insects under my skin, still creeps me out thinking of it, the consulted changed me to methaldopa. 500mg 3xs a day
I sore so many different specialist they all had different ideas.
Every week when i went to specialist i was kept in over night as bp was high again and then given higher dose of meds.
By 32 weeks i had a trace of protien in my urine, only a trace but i new deep down that was the start, as the weeks went on, some days i would have ++ protien then at hospital it was trace again, they never did a 24hr sample and the midwifes made it clear i was a burden as they had to come to my house twice a week.
Then the day i was due to go see my specialist i just new that this time i would be given birth, i was 37+5wks.
once i was seen i was on the highest dose of meds they could give me and i was then told i had developed pre eclamsia and i was to be induced straight away.
I was sent to the ward where i had to wait till 9pm before a doctor came and seen me, he excamined me and told me i was already 2cm dilated, which i wasnt aware of, he gave me the cream stuff and told my DH to stay cause i would go into labour soon, which i didnt, nothing happened i felt nothing, i bounced on birthing ball, went for walks, still felt nothing and decided to get some sleep then i experienced some lower back ache, which a hot water bottle helped and i went to sleep, in the morning doctor came round and told me i was 2cm still and they would take me down to labour ward at 9.30am to break my waters.

Down in labour ward the mw said i was 3cm and she broke my water at 9.35am with a very long neddle, looked like a knitting needle, internals or breaking my water never hurt, just felt a gush and it was over.
I was excited when i got my first contaction, i was told if i wasnt progressing in 2 hours i would be given a drip.
Anyway 10 mins after first contraction i had another and then all of a sudden i was having them every minute, i didnt make noise i was very quiet, i told midwife that its not right im having to many to quick (iv read the books to me this was the last stage) she told me they where not lasting long enough, i made no noise so how she new that i dont no. I was given g&a which i had one go and it did nothing, it only didnt work bacuse i wasnt shown how to use it, so i refused it.
at 10.15am i screamed to my Dh i wanted an epidural and the midwife came in, before she could say anything i was shouting i need a poo! reapted it about 4 times :blush: and she said you might do :wacko: then i got this unbelivable urge to push and she quickly checked, told me on my next contraction to push, my god i pushed and pushed and pushed, it took me 45 mins to push her out, the contractions i coped with, but the pushing iv never felt pain like it :cry: once head was out i had to pant as the cord was around her neck but thankfully she was ok.

It then took another 45mins to deliver the placenta, my womb was not contracting, so it felt like i was trying to poo without needing to go, i was given the drip and i breast fed but nothing helped in the end the midwifes manually contracted my womb by pushing on my belly.

All was fine my Dh was holding our baby mws were cleaning around and the all of a sudden it felt like my waters had broke again, i said it felt like my waters had broke then everything went funny, i was laid down, with an oxygen mask on and i remeber thinking im going to die but for some reason it didnt matter, strange.
the mw started pushing on my belly again and one by one doctors, specialists and anistatis (cant spell) came into the room, all trying to help. blood was ordered for me and everything was a bit blurred, i didnt feel anything them proding and poking me and then everything went white and my ears where fuzzy like someone had crisp packets rustling in them, i could just about hear my husband saying, its going to be ok and then i heard him say why cant you get a blood pressure reading, i later found out my body had gone into shock and when that happens the blood stops pumping around your body, which can result in brain damage or death unless acted on quickly, i felt 2 injections in my leg and then my eyesight and hearing came back, room was full of people and then a doctor told me, he couldnt stop the bleeding and i would be taking into theator, i said no please not after pushing her out, he said ok all i sore was him have these long scissors with a pad on the end and then he said its stopped, that i would be kept in recoverer untill 6pm.

I was given a blood trasfusion straight away, not sure how much or how much blood i lost, i just no it was alot.
I also had a caffitor in. The mw so kindly told me she had never seen someone lose that much blood that quickly, yeah cheers :haha:
That night on the ward, i couldnt bend at all i was very bruised inside, my ars where bruised, i was very frightened it would happen again, i asked every mw that came near me to check my bleeding. i stuggled to lift my DD and i remember looking at her and thinking this is all your fault, the love i first felt when i held her had gone.
the next day she became ill, her blood sugars was very low and was taking into NICU (special care) i was convinced it was my milk as every time she had my milk it dropped again, i was very nieve and thought she would die, she also had to many red blood cells and needed a drip,
she was in nicu for a week and i was grateful as i couldnt look after her, i was diagnosied with post traumatic stress, i was a nervous wreck, i also had grazes inside and out and was in terrible pain when weeing and batheing, i developed diahorreah which lasted 2 days and was extremely bruised, weak and felt exhausted, i was very animic even though i had a transfusion. 3 days after my BP went sky high i was given a double dose of meds staright away and was on them for 4 months after.
when we finally went home, i suffered terrible nightmares which lasted for a long time even now i some times replay the whole thing in my head, although its not nightmares anymore. i didnt bond with my DD i was convinced someone would hurt her and i used to not let anyone get to close.
I was very depressed, which i no longer am, the day she turned one was the day it vanished, she is nearly 16months now and iv been fine since. i love her so much its a love i could never explain, she is my world.
i dont really remember the first 4 months of her life :cry: which upsets me alot.
im just glad she is healthy and a happy baby and im still alive, my DH couldnt remember anything untill about 5 months later, it affected him more than i realised.
Sorry for such a long post and my terrible puncuation and spelling and i no it was nearly 16 months ago but i just wanted to write it all down.
Im now TTC again even though i swore i wouldnt but i would happily go through all that again to have a lovely brother or sister for my baby girl.
If anyone has been through the same and needs to talk i will always listen.
Happy new year everyone xxxxx
i didn't want to read and run. Your story is amazing you went thru so much but must be a stronger person because of it, we'll done on getting thru it and good look in your ttc journey x
Oh my goodness, what a traumatic thing to go through. I am so glad that you seem to have got through it all, you really are so brave and strong, and thanks for sharing, it must have taken a lot of strength to go through it all again in your head while you were writing it. :hugs:
wow! I am pregnant and i read it :haha:
what a thing for u to go through! Remember every pregnancy is different so it may be completely different and much more calmer with your next bubz. i am so glad u are trying again it is really brave of u and just proves that anything is worth going through for your babies :hugs: xx
Crikey, that's a brith story and a half! Congrats on your baby girl!

I had a really shitty labour first time (not to the extent of yours but pretty awful in my mind) and second time was a breeze in comparison :thumbup:
wow! what a birth story, i wish you luck this time round! a belated congratulations to you :)
Thankyou everyone for your kind words, that means so much to me, bringing tears to my eyes.
it wasnt so bad writing it as i find it all helps with getting over that time, plus all the nightmares helped with that lol.
thankyou :hugs:
hopefully this time around it wont happen or at least not as bad :D xxxx

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