Hi ladies,
This is my first time ever posting, but I have no one else to turn to ��. Hubby and I are trying to conceive for over a year. In July we started iui's, currently#3, the first 2 without luck and I am completely freaking out!!! I am due on Thursday the 20th in 2 days. ��I had some symptoms this month; pinching like feeling in uterus, pressure and dizzy and nauseous.
I haven't had any spotting. At 8dpo I caved in and took a test and it came out positive. Faint, but positive. 9dpo positive again, but than at 11dpo today negative �� I also had a trigger shot (140 milligrams ) but when I took the test I was already 10 days past, so it shouldn't influence it. At least it didn't last month.
Any thoughts? I literally have no one to talk to and I am going crazy!